Thursday, February 17, 2011

Using Vaseline On La Before Urinating

Cara EU, the problem of migration is not just financial

Maroni ask of € 100 million to help out immigrazionista. Of course, when it also destabilized Libya, Jordan, Yemen, Lebanon up to Iran, will arrive and will arrive as the human flood. Many will be impossible to count them. Count landings and counting people. Maroni (that I like it less and less lately because it seems to become a pastor of Caritas) knows perfectly well that the problem is not just to receive money. That the League was elected to streamline the emergency , but to stop them . The people of the Northern League is complaining, and is confused and dazed on Radio Padania. But how? we had to be those of " foeura of the ball " as recited their election manifesto. We had to be to remind us that the Indians ended up in the "Indian reserve" and thus ended their culture the horse and the prairie, through the invasion. What we do not, we would not have done the same end ... And now? Now we do the treasurers of the EU which needs wharf-Italy to put on the front line? These are all questions that Maroni will respond politically and not just with the funding package. The problem of the problems are not 100 or 200 or 300 million, and he knows it, but does not say.

The problem of problems is as I have repeated countless times, that of social decomposition, public order, which necessarily are beyond the control of the surface of our country's already very limited for us, the social services that will go haywire, hospitals that have infirmaries where we turn into paying health contributions we will be treated by "last", where the schools teach Dante will be useless and learn Italian, public housing and concrete for use by newcomers. As well as the moscheizzazione land.
Someone will notice that I talked about terrorism . It 's a theory that does not convince me. We bet that there will be only one bombing a "terrorist" throughout quest'atroce emergency nightmare? The reason is simple: the real terror lies in the demographic tide upright, is in the pathetic propaganda made by TG that presents heart-wrenching family scenes to make us feel guilty for not really know that. As if to invite them all here.
Should also "nuke" would then be the time that Italian citizens really take up arms to defend themselves and would meet common citizens with the right of citizens to the left. Of course, I spoke to ordinary citizens and not political overseers. Who has planned all this hubbub, be very careful for now not to use the weapon of "international terrorism". Not suit him.


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