Friday, February 18, 2011

Male Female Charm Elly Jackson

Jane Burgermeister e Massimo Mazzucco prendono un grosso abbaglio sulla cosiddetta rivolta d'Egitto/A big blunder of some "Alternative Information sites" about the Egyptian rivolt


Below you can find the translation of the article Egypt Europe today tomorrow published February 11, 2011 by Jane Burgermeister on his blog.

The article shows, to say the least, a heavy simplicity of analysis, as well include those who have read the three previous articles on the issue of riots in North Africa ( first and second and third ), and at this point, given the large capacity Analysis shows until a few months ago, by a person who has revealed the background to the Polish massacre , of \u200b\u200b'swine flu and other issues related to the construction of the New World Order ago now think badly.

And I must say that the thought is less bad that the pressure she suffered during the process and on other occasions have in fact turned into yet another gatekeeper who complains about some horrible things to properly hiding others (see chemtrails which does not speak in his blog) and uninformed about others. And if it had the effect of sustained presisoni we think that we have always treated a double agent whose true purpose is shown in these times.

In any case I am convinced that radically a person who denounces the toxicity of vaccines and then push people opposed to immunization to the streets during mock "civil unrest" organized by the system, it is very dangerous, far more dangerous in some respects, a doctor who makes propaganda for vaccines . The result of such a work of disinformation in the service it is to push the system too long people who are fighting against this regime. And moreover, the project seems clear, clear, Egypt today, tomorrow Europe is the title of the article by J. Burgermeister: it seems that the program of the masters of the world is precisely to create a new social order out of chaos that they themselves have created.

Moreover, even in Italy we have the Common Place website (a site that although the complaint many horrible things, by the lies of ' September 11 to toxicity of vaccines, but little is spends on chemtrails , publishing from time to time on the issue articles little thick) which, through its manager Massimo Mazzucco, we thought of a variant of propina Burgermeister:
dint of pretending to export democracy, we risk ending up in order to succeed: it seems that the ultimate meaning of the events that are upsetting Egypt in recent days. Certainly, the events we are seeing can be taken as an example of a geopolitical transformation that goes far beyond the borders of the country concerned.

We said "transformation" and not "revolution", and this makes the whole affair Egyptian thousand times more important and significant of any armed revolt. The armed revolt normally express a general anger, instinctive and articulate, while the Egyptian people is proving to be very clear to both the causes and the purpose of its discontent. They do not want just the ouster of a dictator, to be replaced by another dictator disguised as a false progress, but want of precise and tangible changes in their daily lives: freedom of expression, civil rights, independent trade unions, and a standard of living for all that is at least decent.


Perhaps an era really is over and is starting another, made up of international balance more precarious and delicate, but also healthier and long-lasting, as based on the knowledge that the people - in a broad sense - comincia finalmente ad avere una voce in capitolo. Di certo possiamo dire che i prossimi anni, per chi si ritroverà a viverli, saranno di tutto meno che noiosi.

Egitto oggi, Europa domani  

articolo di Jane Burgermeister - traduzione a cura di non votare chi ti avvelena
I risultati ottenuti dal popolo egiziano hanno ispirato il mondo. Il regime che essi hanno rovesciato in soli diciotto giorni era crudele, corrotto e determinato. Soltanto ieri sera il presidente Hosni Mubarak è apparso in televisione e ha sfidato millions of people who had gathered in the squares and streets of Egypt, saying that it intended to continue as before and with minimal concessions.
In his arrogance and lust for power, Mubarak has used every weapon available to submission of a dictator: 1.5 million armed police, torture, curfews, state-controlled media, broadcasts of propaganda and lies all the day, and a blackout of the internet.
This afternoon, just hours after his disappointing speech, promising to stay in power, Mubarak was forced to flee by helicopter from his presidential palace, after his troops have sided with the demonstrators. The army has now taken over the government and protesters have promised a return to democracy.

There is still much to be done to establish a kind of free nation that the Egyptians want. Mubarak's resignation is only the first step of a long journey. Their revolution can still be hijacked by the same sinister forces that have oppressed them for years, now reappears with new disguises.
But the Egyptian people has proven to be very well informed and aware of the risks and dangers of the future and have a good plan, concrete and realistic to achieve their goal of freedom and democracy.
They expressed their determination, from now on, to continue to engage in politics and not to leave again on the power play with a group of parties, personalities and lobbies secret.
Young and old, rich and poor, Muslims and Christians worked together, marched together, fought together and suffered together and now celebrate together. After Tunisia and Egypt, the Arab world who knows what country will gain her freedom. Who knows when the spark of liberty will burn in Europe and to inspire a revolution here?

For how long, we, the peoples of Europe, we will be looking to allow our rights, our freedoms and our future be destroyed by a globalist oligarchy and by the European Union, under the pretext of combating terrorism?

How much longer can we stand idly by while governments propinano vaccines known to people in order to cause autism and other damage? For how long we will stay and watch while our food, the 'water and air are poisoned? How long will we turn on the other hand, banks on how to take advantage of our economy, leaving millions homeless, young people without opportunities for education or a job? How much longer we'll look at preparing for more wars and other conflicts? How can we tolerate corruption by judges? And how much longer we can listen to the lies of the media giants controlled?
If we dare to dream, as perilously dared the Egyptian people, we can quickly change the direction of our society, breathtaking days as did the people of Egypt with his courage and determination. If we organize ourselves and persevere, we can turn our dreams of freedom into reality. If we unite across Europe and are committed, from Greece to Sweden, Germany and Spain, from Finland to Ireland, we can create the future for good governance, justice and prosperity.
The Egyptian people has reminded us that our dreams can come true until we deserve them. We may also share the same atmosphere di euforia di celebrazione, con la stessa verve, la fine di anni di repressione, d'intimidazione e di menzogna, se siamo pronti disposti ad affrontare la verità della nostra situazione, la realtà che noi, popoli d'Europa come anche il popolo degli Stati Uniti, che sono governati da una oligarchia finanziaria e da governi, i governi sovranazionali dell'UE. ONU, FMI e l'OMS, i quali sono sempre più simili al regime di Mubarak.

Siamo in grado di voltare pagina. Possiamo avere un futuro, vivere il tipo di vita abbiamo sempre voluto, imparare a camminare nuovamente dritti e a tenere la testa alta. Siamo in grado di realizzare grandi cose insieme. Il popolo d'Egitto ci ha indicato la via.

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you to demonstrate for this nonsense?


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