In provincia di Pistoia sono state rilevate concentrazioni allarmanti di bario nell'acqua potabile. Come trovare scritto in questo articolo pubblicato sul quotidiano Il Tirreno
barium concentrations seven times higher than the guideline value set by the World Health had in fact been identified in the area of \u200b\u200b Grove Quarrata. The samples were been carried out by a group of scholars at the end of 2009 and published in the journal "Le Scienze" in December 2010.
A Quarrata the concentration of barium was found to be 5 milligrams per liter, seven times the threshold of 0.7 mg / l set by WHO . One problem which the Arpat learned to March 2010 and was quickly resolved by technical Publiacqua mixing water with barium water "contaminated" from another well.
Definitely a good solution that entity Arpat to "solve" the problem by mixing the poisoned water with clean water, so as to eliminate the problem but does not reduce the size!
In part, this is the nteressante also what is said in that article on the toxicity of barium:
According reported in the study published from "Le Scienze", accidental ingestion of soluble salts of barium lead, gastroenteritis, muscle paralysis, ventricular fibrillation and extrasystole.
"Barium is an alkaline earth element and also a toxic heavy metal . The toxicity of barium tends to be relatively low unless ingested in large quantities or are made of aerosol. Inhalation barium can cause temporary irritation of the lungs . The accidental or intentional ingestion of barium can cause diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Human exposure to dangerous levels barium in contaminated drinking water can cause problems to the heart, liver, stomach, kidneys and other organs. When the barium is absorbed, it can remove the potassium into cells and cause various effects in muscle tone in functions of the heart and nervous system. "
At this
point one can not help but notice how it is officially known (so that if it is confirmed even in scientific articles ) that there are military uses aerosol barium (barium sprayed by air in the atmosphere) . The barium salts to another can be used for handling conditions.
the rest is recent news of high levels of Barium found in the waters of Basilicata, see the article Basilicata: Basilicata in dams and Boron Barium published on 8 January 2010 on the site of the Italian Radicals. From this article citiamo il passaggio più significativo:
Some may think of randomness, but not who regularly and consistently observed the sky, where you see planes emit white contrails flying at low altitude, circling , making U-turn, flying in flocks sometimes literally erase the blue sky leaving horrible white blanket.
The fact is, together with barium to aluminum one of the major components found in rainwater after the passage of aircraft with "abnormal contrails" (too persistent or at an altitude too low to be normal contrails).
shown below the video (with subtitles in Italian) of a U.S. television admits that such a correlation between barium and chemtrails . The translation of the speech had published in a previous article , but now this version is also available, which you can also download formats . avi (13.7 Mbps). We thank andreaatparma to have made the subtitled version.
Now if we realize what is really the cause of contamination with barium should also ask why the Legambiente organizes public conferences to discuss the issue without raising the issue of chemtrails, and why the radicals denounce the crime without denouncing the evildoer. The answer is that the leaders of all parties, institutions, environmental groups, animal welfare organizations, the managers of the largest sites "environmentalists" on the internet have been put there on purpose to make complaints on topics of interest in reality and instead cover the worst crimes.
For example look at what kind of articles on chemtrails appear on the on-site Promiseland environmentalist, ( ) ; write chemtrails in the title and then say they are all the contrails. It is no coincidence that almost all these niche sites misinformation about chemtrails also denies the danger of non-fermented soy foods , apparently there is someone who wants to weaken our health at all costs.
point one can not help but notice how it is officially known (so that if it is confirmed even in scientific articles ) that there are military uses aerosol barium (barium sprayed by air in the atmosphere) . The barium salts to another can be used for handling conditions.
the rest is recent news of high levels of Barium found in the waters of Basilicata, see the article Basilicata: Basilicata in dams and Boron Barium published on 8 January 2010 on the site of the Italian Radicals. From this article citiamo il passaggio più significativo:
A cosa sia dovuta la presenza di Bario in quantità superiori ai limiti stabiliti dalla legge, non lo sappiamo. Sta di fatto che i composti di Bario sono usati dalle industrie di gas e petrolio per fare fango perforante e che il Bario può avere effetti tossici sulla salute umana. Piccole quantità di bario solubile in acqua possono indurre in una persona difficoltà di respirazione, aumento della pressione sanguigna, variazione del ritmo cardiaco, irritazione dello stomaco, debolezza muscolare, cambiamenti nei riflessi nervosi, gonfiamento di cervello e fegato, danni a cuore e reni. Anche il Boro può be harmful to human health. Boron can infect the stomach, liver, kidneys and brain .
Some may think of randomness, but not who regularly and consistently observed the sky, where you see planes emit white contrails flying at low altitude, circling , making U-turn, flying in flocks sometimes literally erase the blue sky leaving horrible white blanket.
The fact is, together with barium to aluminum one of the major components found in rainwater after the passage of aircraft with "abnormal contrails" (too persistent or at an altitude too low to be normal contrails).
shown below the video (with subtitles in Italian) of a U.S. television admits that such a correlation between barium and chemtrails . The translation of the speech had published in a previous article , but now this version is also available, which you can also download formats . avi (13.7 Mbps). We thank andreaatparma to have made the subtitled version.
Now if we realize what is really the cause of contamination with barium should also ask why the Legambiente organizes public conferences to discuss the issue without raising the issue of chemtrails, and why the radicals denounce the crime without denouncing the evildoer. The answer is that the leaders of all parties, institutions, environmental groups, animal welfare organizations, the managers of the largest sites "environmentalists" on the internet have been put there on purpose to make complaints on topics of interest in reality and instead cover the worst crimes.
For example look at what kind of articles on chemtrails appear on the on-site Promiseland environmentalist, ( ) ; write chemtrails in the title and then say they are all the contrails. It is no coincidence that almost all these niche sites misinformation about chemtrails also denies the danger of non-fermented soy foods , apparently there is someone who wants to weaken our health at all costs.
If you do not believe also take a look at how the former managers of a Legambiente bbiano ordinances passed saving poisoners or supported the nuclear option, such as "animal "are in favor of the microchip and unnecessary vaccines for animals, such as the famous site ecoblog also writes a popular misinformation that denies chemtrails (Mario Tozzi).
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