Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Washington Monday, Feb. 28 - Blue sky, goodbye! - A documentary on chemtrails Patrick Pasin broadcast on Swiss TV

Segnalo the next broadcast on Italian television network of the Swiss canton ( February 28 to 21 ) a documentary P. Pasin on chemtrails in which we also find an interview with the physical Corrado Penna and the independent researcher Rosario Marciano.

Clicking "Read more" under La2Doc The pleasure of the documentary appears as shown below:

blue sky, goodbye! Patrick Pasin

a hot topic and current affairs, until now confined to a narrow circle of specialists, but that its scope is transnational interest. Chemtrails or chemical trails (left in the sky by aircraft) are a phenomenon known for a decade, a phenomenon that involves the United States, Canada, several European countries and now the African continent.

All'inizio si trattava esperimenti militari, il cui scopo era il controllo del clima, con il tempo si è scoperto che hanno un forte impatto negativo sull'ambiente e sulla salute pubblica, a causa del carburante degli aerei, arricchito di metalli pesanti e poi emessi durante il volo. Oggi scienziati, attivisti, biologi, ingegneri aerospaziali, politici denunciano i risultati delle analisi. Immagini eloquenti in cui sempre più spesso nei cieli si osservano delle scie chimiche che lasciano tracce per giorni e giorni - contrariamente alle normali scie di condensazioni che spariscono dopo qualche ora.

Queste scie assumono whimsical shapes and have given rise to new cumulus formations so that the stakes U.S. have published a series of stamps dedicated to these "new" clouds that threaten human health.

also recommend the subtitled version of the documentary (in English) about chemtrails What in the World They Are spraying , focusing on evidence chemtrails and their link with the geo-engineering (although the real reasons are quite different). At the following link you can view and download the documentary, perhaps making then a DVD copy that can be deployed and to show everyone.


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