that revolutions throughout North Africa suddenly become like wildfire domino for that effect that the media make it seem "spontaneous", but are remotely operated from the United States is now clear that the ... And in fact right on the Sun Sole 24 ore , fetch the news of a famous mercenary service in a permanent revolution in Serbia in the first, and then spotted in Egypt. You can read the life, death, miracles, revolutions, and of course on behalf of this ultraottuagenario Gene Sharp (pictured above in ). According Cristian Rocca, author of the piece, "the writings of Sharp, translated into 28 languages, have been studied by the opposition in Zimbabwe, Burma and Iran. In 1997, tells the Wall Street Journal, a Polish-American activist, Marek Zelazkiewicz, photocopy the 93 pages of Sharp and brought with him in the Balkans, teaching the tactics of nonviolent resistance in Kosovo and then to Belgrade. "Now it
Libya. Libya burns and many major oil companies agreed to take over its "black gold." So who cares if Italy will have to undergo the demographic bomb of the attack on its shores? Meanwhile, the c ' Monza is the friend that the Bedouin of Sirte made a "shady dealings with him," with one stone so you can seize the two classic pigeons take over and send black gold sheer Italy. method of Sharp speaks Marcello Foa in this interesting article appeared in the Corriere del Ticino and written on the European Journalism. Because of mercenaries paid by Washington, the real destabilizzator of the profession, subject to rare exceptions, all other mainstream media are silent? Why go instead extolling the "beauty of the revolution 'and' exporting democracy ', even at the risk of bringing into play ultra-conservative forces like the army (at best) and as the theocratic Muslim Brotherhood, already on the brink of War to launch fatwas?
And here in this article on Journal , the aforementioned Foa focuses on two real possibilities:
1) if Gaddafi falls, crowds will be reversed by biblical exodus here.
2) If it resists and Qaddafi organizes the bloody repression, became for Italy, un alleato scomodo e imbarazzante presso la comunità cosiddetta "internazionale" , già pronta a trascinarlo davanti alla Corte dell'Aja.
Frattanto l'ONU ci obbliga già per decreto ingiuntivo ad accettare tutti, ma proprio tutti. Ce n'è una terza di conseguenza disastrosa: il ritiro di tutti gli affari che non solo Berlusconi, ma anche il governo Prodi e D'Alema avevano fatto con Eni, Finmeccanica, con molto azionariato congiunto, tra Italia e Libia. Lo scenario rassomiglia, a voler essere ottimisti, alla crisi petrolifera del 1973 quando di botto ci trovammo generi di prima necessità rincarati, la domenica a pedalare, con Stocks of heating rationed. With the aggravating dell'incessante go by boat from the North African coast.
worse than this one dies. And in fact ...
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