Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Get Past Fortiguard On Ipod

United States shall permit experiments with chemical and biological weapons on unsuspecting citizens and military

Below is a translation of the article U.S. admits chemical weapons tests written by Nick Childs, Pentagon correspondent for the BBC, and published in the online edition of the newsletter of the national UK 10 October 2002.

Obviously the reassurance of the pentagon appear scarcely credible view that the Pentagon is responsible for the poisoning of the military mission in Iraq vaccines with squalene , as well as a number of crimes committed in various parts of the world during a long series of wars of aggression the pretext of freedom .

Forte is rather suspect that the complaints of the veterans are just the tip of the iceberg and that they try to minimize the criminal structure used by the military to use military and citizens as unwitting human guinea pigs . Moreover it is written very clearly in the underlying issue of this information occurred " because there are concerns expressed by veterans " which means that acceptance (presumably partial) was carried out not for the sake of truth, but to try to provide a version that would serve to counteract the effect on public opinion of the complaints of the veterans' worried about their own health "who" fear of being exposed to hazardous substances .

The falsity of certain institutional admissions, moreover, is historically known ; experiments cover large areas with chemical were in fact carried out by spraying millions of people with zinc sulfide and cadmium. While governments and the army top brass insist the safety of this chemical compound, cadmium is recognized as a cause of lung cancer, and during the Second World War it was considered by the Allies as a chemical weapon. In short, these experiments are criminals a historical reality that endures to this day .

The United States admitted experimenting with chemical weapons

The Pentagon has released previously secret information revealing that you have conducted experiments using chemical and biological agents is more extensive than was previously thought.

The experiments took place in the 60's early 70's.

Some experiments were also carried out in Britain and Canada, though the Americans claim that the British and Canadian governments have already made public a few years ago, information on these events.

In all about 5,500 soldiers were involved.

The Pentagon has previously revealed information on tests of chemical and biological agents on ships of the navy of the United States while they were at sea.

Now, for the first time, reveals details of similar experiments conducted on soil U.S. - Alaska, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland and Utah - as well as in Britain, Canada.

Veterans worried

In some of these experiments were released of the real toxic agents, including sarin and VX gas, but more than half of the experiments were used for simulated agents.

The purpose of the experiments, the Pentagon insists, was to evaluate the equipment, procedures and military tactics and do not examine the effects on people.

staff wore protective uniforms .

I civili sono stati esposti ad agenti simulati, affermano i funzionari del Pentagono, ma aggiungono che questi agenti erano innocui e l'esercito degli Stati Uniti insiste che non c'è nessuna prova che all'epoca qualcuno abbia sofferto, dal punto di vista della salute, a causa degli esperimenti.

Ma in larga parte la ragione per la quale vengono rivelate queste informazioni adesso e per la quale ne viene riferito al congresso degli Stati Uniti, come sta facendo il Pentagono, è perché ci sono delle preoccupazioni espresse dai veterani.

Più di 50 di loro hanno inoltrato dei reclami a causa di preoccupazioni per il proprio stato health and because they were afraid of being exposed to hazardous substances.

(United States allow experiments with gas nerve)
(human guinea pigs for experiments in chemical warfare)

(Families who demand an investigation on experiments with infectious agents)
(Biological warfare concealed Japan)

Source 's article: Scienzamarcia


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