The wealth compromised the attack and saving are the themes of this interesting piece of apocalyptic but Giulio Sapelli appeared in the Courier on Thursday 3 February. The welfare "DIY" (ie family, still considered a strong social safety net) still works. But until when? " Unemployment starts to affect the income of families who have taken on the welfare of young people 'DIY' But it still works is burning the future prosperity ".
In amazement I tried to read some of those things she has always feared in himself, even though I could not rationalize clearly as the author, since are not an expert in economics. The question that arises is: why now the Corriere della Sera newspaper of strong powers, it was decided to publish articles like this only now? economy because the pundits continue to talk about tricks for growth, when they know perfectly well that we need to grow out of "the world wrong," we were fed? And why continue to talk stupidly of " capital" to get depressed and even more depressing economy already in a bad way?
Are there any social upheaval that `s not glimpsed, that are not apparent. Indeed, at first sight of social behavior and structural forces and hidden machine of the movement of goods and capital are dangled before us images that do not correspond to reality.
Like mirages in the desert city `s amazing rise of sparkles and then we realize that there were only sand dunes on the line of flight of the` horizon. So it was in Italy over the last fifteen anni.Intendiamoci: It is true that we grew up, in fact we are more rich but not the same as diseguali.Sarebbe social reproduction if this does not happen.
It continues, although, as we discover from the statistics, more and more slowly and with difficulty, according to local historical inequalities in our country. Are thus increasingly precarious social balance by building that can suddenly break down `as a` bank that gets rid of the pressure of continuous and `invisible wave (Tunisia and Egypt docent ...). They are therefore increasingly precarious balance and low-reproductive capacity of those resources previously described.
The crisis has contributed enormously to the construction of these social balance increasingly unstable. The effects of the crisis deployed, moreover, were not immediately known for the movement of inertia that we call `social complexity or fluidity of modernity or networks, depending on the degree of our fascination with magicians over the creation of those mirages evoked first. This is because most companies are different and are more complex and layered, these companies bring in more natural motion devices, social fact, resistance to the crisis. For example: the family as a share of income-sion and ownership housing, the extension of higher education as a time of waiting for no one knows what, the preservation of a society of equal sharing between friends goods otherwise not be reached individualisticamente.Del rest, we all talk about mobile phones, all weekend trains for high-speed executive are filled with young people and people. Growth, therefore, we think, continues: Stop with the prophets of doom, let's face! But then a strong wind rises in the desert, the mirage disappears and we find, Istat data in hand, that if the crisis had grown slightly, the national income of the Italians, now, that is, statistically, in 2009, the scenario changes . For the first time since 1995, in fact, the household income stops aumentare.Prima, in fact, was growing, albeit slowly that just described: you pass today, however, the ' slowly forward "to a big step backwards. In fact, the income decreased compared to that fateful 1995 and decreases by as much as 2.7%, and again in 2006, think a little bit, the same income grew by 3.5%. What happened? It is simple and dramatic whole.
The crisis has its accounts : The layoffs begin to become scarce country despite the efforts in this direction by the government and the unions 'non-participatory antagonists', youth unemployment begins to erode the income of families who take charge of young people living at home without contributing to the family budget. It is precisely the latter, the family budgets, to be affected and have no savings pietà.Si are consuming one or two generations on the altar of sacrifice of mass structural unemployment that now unites young people from around the world, from the Maghreb to the U.S. through the Europe.
machines devour the men of globalization as well as private plots of sheep devouring men who were nurturing and social reproduction thanks to the commons: massive suffering that opened, however, between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the way to the formation of the proletariat of the first English industrial revolution. Today, only the suffering in Asia opened a new world: that of modern capitalism `s debt, which in any case, if that land continues to devour the peasants, proletarians, however, begins to form. And the beginning of a future.
machines devour the men of globalization as well as private plots of sheep devouring men who were nurturing and social reproduction thanks to the commons: massive suffering that opened, however, between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the way to the formation of the proletariat of the first English industrial revolution. Today, only the suffering in Asia opened a new world: that of modern capitalism `s debt, which in any case, if that land continues to devour the peasants, proletarians, however, begins to form. And the beginning of a future.
The question is whether, from this modest but important indicator italic, you could say that this office is merely a temporary setback and that there will in any case, a future for all of us in the West in this new form of capitalism based on `debt and growing inequality.
It is difficult to respond positively. This is because the same people to make now a part of this new de-growth of capitalism . Think of the data (only the super surprising ideological) which reveals that a good part of the family income of many is in arrears because These years have descended to the very financial income, ie dividends and profits distributed by listed companies.
This brings to light that the device Italy, which is half of the world - last of the first and the last first - the people investing in the capital and financial risks in highly unpredictable years ago
Making in capital such a world, with families of all classes and walks of life in debt with the mute, trapped, again, with the financial risk which we know is crazy for the benefit of a handful of overpaid managers, it means even more impoverished Italian families, not affect the rich. C `s who bow their heads to terra, allora, porre l`orecchio ben fermo al suolo e umilmente. Porsi all`ascolto dei sommovimenti di una società che rischia un arretramento sociale, prima che economico, che può porre tutti noi in una situazione di sofferenza prima mai immaginata.
Giulio Sapelli - Corriere della Sera 3 febbraio 2011
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