This festival of San Remo in 2011 was really sickening, and I do not say to the songs, some of which were even interpreted by voices quite valid and supported by the music of an orchestra of highly respected (certainly was not a classical music concert, but nobody claimed this.)
The sickening thing was seeing an indoctrination to 360 degrees on issues such as pollution, the exploitation of African peoples (the illegal behavior and criminal behavior of multinationals processed in respect to local populations), the unit 's Italy (transformed in the words of Benigni annexation of Savoy a glorious epic of freedom) 's national anthem (of Benigni which would explain the real meaning, some say, that sin has left out Masonic values \u200b\u200bof the text of that hymn).
But first things first and start with the sponsorship of the festival of San Remo by Eni, which has obviously paid some nice nutshell to make sure that the festival was sandwiched by a long-media performance of the conductor of the Festival (Morandi ). In this long courtship advertising is spoken so well of what he does when Eni works in foreign countries, respect for local people ... in short, seems to listen to a fairy tale, but the reality is very different, and it is a reality of pipelines continually leaking oil and poison the environment, water, food of the indigenous population, made up of gas flaring, or practice (illegal) to burn some gas coming from the areas of oil production, a practice of fumigation and poisoning of poor people who already drink water and eat oil fish oil (since it can not afford more), thus developing a range of diseases that had never seen before beginning the extraction of oil.
short, a horrible story, and that alone might help to convince people that it is normal for governments to contribute horribly normal daily poisoning of the people they governed, an example that should make people think he does not want, he can not believe in the existence of chemtrails .
The video below tells all this in great detail (if you do not have time to watch the two videos you can watch a shorter that summarizes the issue very well). Additional insights are available on an article published on the website for explanatory quinews: Eni - ethics of state business is business (some significant excerpts of the article are listed in the appendix).
First video.
Second video
Now what can we expect when an evening of song festival is dedicated to the anniversary of the unification of Italy with the participation of Benigni ? Laugh, you say, and certainly he is good at his field, is a talented comedian, but in show business not only go ahead if you have talent, but to obey the rules, or if in your shows, your music, in your concerts (perhaps even subliminal messages through ) consent to convey messages that he wants the power is transmitted. And if you refuse and rebel you can also uccidert i.
Now if someone has not read as Saviano has reinvented the history of Italy in a program produced by a company of Silvio Berlusconi , I think it's best that you read the article just quoted, with perhaps to the so-called unification of Italy , which in reality was an annexation, sometimes bloody (see the carnage of World War I) the House of Savoy, annexed to another conducted under the auspices of Freemasonry (Cavour Mazzini, Garibaldi had "accidentally" all Masons).
See Benigni
then waving the tricolor and said to live in Italy, between a joke and the other on "Berlusconi Knight (strokes designed to contribute to a project by the sinister implications, as described in the previous article ) reminiscent of the grandeur of the past Italian, who sings the anthem for Masonic Mameli, is little more than an encore of what has been done by Saviano shortly before (during a drive, look at home, also saw Benigni as a guest).
course, Benigni's funny, is a talented comedian, but for those who are fully aware of the true meaning of certain performance are bitter laughter. And when lo sentiamo cantare (con)fratelli d'Italia ci viene anche un po' di disgusto. Gli inni nazionali sono nutrimento per il nazionalismo, ed il nazionalismo è lo strumento psicologico utilizzato da chi vuole fare propaganda alla guerra; quando lo stato si prepara a far la guerra si fa chiamare patria, diceva un famoso commediografo.
Ed ecco due righe sull'inno d'Italia tratte dal sito radiomarconi :

short, a horrible story, and that alone might help to convince people that it is normal for governments to contribute horribly normal daily poisoning of the people they governed, an example that should make people think he does not want, he can not believe in the existence of chemtrails .
The video below tells all this in great detail (if you do not have time to watch the two videos you can watch a shorter that summarizes the issue very well). Additional insights are available on an article published on the website for explanatory quinews: Eni - ethics of state business is business (some significant excerpts of the article are listed in the appendix).
First video.
Second video
Now what can we expect when an evening of song festival is dedicated to the anniversary of the unification of Italy with the participation of Benigni ? Laugh, you say, and certainly he is good at his field, is a talented comedian, but in show business not only go ahead if you have talent, but to obey the rules, or if in your shows, your music, in your concerts (perhaps even subliminal messages through ) consent to convey messages that he wants the power is transmitted. And if you refuse and rebel you can also uccidert i.
Now if someone has not read as Saviano has reinvented the history of Italy in a program produced by a company of Silvio Berlusconi , I think it's best that you read the article just quoted, with perhaps to the so-called unification of Italy , which in reality was an annexation, sometimes bloody (see the carnage of World War I) the House of Savoy, annexed to another conducted under the auspices of Freemasonry (Cavour Mazzini, Garibaldi had "accidentally" all Masons).
See Benigni
then waving the tricolor and said to live in Italy, between a joke and the other on "Berlusconi Knight (strokes designed to contribute to a project by the sinister implications, as described in the previous article ) reminiscent of the grandeur of the past Italian, who sings the anthem for Masonic Mameli, is little more than an encore of what has been done by Saviano shortly before (during a drive, look at home, also saw Benigni as a guest).
course, Benigni's funny, is a talented comedian, but for those who are fully aware of the true meaning of certain performance are bitter laughter. And when lo sentiamo cantare (con)fratelli d'Italia ci viene anche un po' di disgusto. Gli inni nazionali sono nutrimento per il nazionalismo, ed il nazionalismo è lo strumento psicologico utilizzato da chi vuole fare propaganda alla guerra; quando lo stato si prepara a far la guerra si fa chiamare patria, diceva un famoso commediografo.
Ed ecco due righe sull'inno d'Italia tratte dal sito radiomarconi :
L'inno "Fratelli d'Italia" o " INNO DI MAMELI" è diventato dopo il 1946 l' "inno nazionale", anche se nessuno (fino ad oggi) lo ha reso tale con un decreto.
L'inno essendo "repubblicano" ("Brothers" is in the name you give each other Masons) for the entire period of Savoy (including fascist) was obviously never executed.
"With the proclamation of the Republic in 1946 and 12 October of that year, in view of the swearing-in of new armed forces (IV scheduled for November), the De Gasperi government proposed by the Minister of War (!) the Mason Cipriano Facchinetti Republican, proposed to adopt as "military anthem" Brothers of Italy ".
Below the first part of Benigni's performance, judge with your mind now that you've read my words .
L'inno essendo "repubblicano" ("Brothers" is in the name you give each other Masons) for the entire period of Savoy (including fascist) was obviously never executed.
"With the proclamation of the Republic in 1946 and 12 October of that year, in view of the swearing-in of new armed forces (IV scheduled for November), the De Gasperi government proposed by the Minister of War (!) the Mason Cipriano Facchinetti Republican, proposed to adopt as "military anthem" Brothers of Italy ".
Below the first part of Benigni's performance, judge with your mind now that you've read my words .
Appendix: excerpts from the article: Eni - ethics of state business is business (from the site quinews )
Eni has been present in Nigeria since 1962. By AGIP, Eni participates in the exploitation of several oil fields in the Niger Delta region, where one of the phenomena more harmful to the environment and local populations is that gas flaring: open burning natural gas related with the extraction of crude oil. With gas flaring disperse pollutants into the air toxins such as benzene, which are accused of causing the local population between the increase of cancer and respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma. But beyond that there is also the problem of acid rain, subsequent to its gas flaring, which contributes massively to climate change.
The Niger Delta region, alone produces 70 million tonnes of C02 per year, or more than the emissions of Norway, Portugal and Sweden combined, or more than all the countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The worrying thing is that gas flaring is actually illegal. Nigeria has officially declared illegal the practice of flaring gas since way back in 1979, allowing a period of five years to companies to come into compliance. In almost thirty years have passed, and gas flaring continues to be manufactured by all companies. For April 2006, the High Court of Justice of Nigeria said that gas flaring should be against the right to life, health and dignity. " In November 2007, a Nigerian Federal High Court judge ruled that gas flaring violates the human rights of local populations and that the joint venture which is also involved in Agip, responsible for the phenomenon, it shall immediately cease to use it.
In April 2008, was submitted to the Federal Court in Abuja a complaint against six oil companies, including the Nigeria Agip Oil Company Ltd, accusing them of having used the gas flaring and to have released about fifty harmful chemicals atmosphere, in the Niger Delta region, demanding compensation of 5 trillion naira in Nigeria, representing more than 26 million €, for damages. The attention and international pressure, but also legal actions related to the phenomenon of gas flaring, increased rapidly in recent years. According to the website of the Eni "the development projects of the gas include the elimination of gas flaring by May 2012 in Congo and Nigeria in 2011."
Considering that this practice is illegal for nearly 25 years in Nigeria, Eni should take concrete steps to ensure the end of each operation of gas flaring as soon as possible on humanitarian grounds e ambientali.
Fonte: Scienzamarcia
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