La notizia che segue non è recente, ma è evidente che non è stato da primo titolo di quotidiano, pertanto vale sempre la pena passarla come informazione utile a dare un idea sugli orrendi retroscena, spesso non molto noti alle persone comuni, in seno alle case pharmaceutical companies. In this case we speak of Merk, a big pharma producing vaccines. This article is a translation of the site Italian Italian biological world, which has extrapolated the information . The video at the beginning of the article, unfortunately is not subtitled in Italian, but it is also about understanding, as well as expert testimony of a retired employee of the pharmaceutical industry above.
Here, as an appendix and subtitled, Vaccine Nation, a famous American documentary.
Here, as an appendix and subtitled, Vaccine Nation, a famous American documentary.
The vaccine division of Merck Pharmaceutical, admits the inoculation of the virus of cancer through vaccines. The shocking uncensored interview, conducted by medical historian Edward Shorter for public television by WGBH Boston and Blackwell Science was cut from the book "The Health Century" because of the content - the admission that Merck has traditionally injected with viruses (SV40 and others) in the population around the world. This video content in the documentary "In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism, produced and created by the free associations of consumer protection and public health expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, features an interview with the foremost expert in the world of vaccines, Dr. Maurice Hilleman the , who explains why Merck has spread AIDS, leukemia, and other horrific plagues worldwide: watch the video all 'beginning of' article (in English).
Production of Vaccines and not optional: s i must buy the seeds of the disease ( Editor's note: It is the germ, but not to produce the disease, the case of falsehood 'in biology ), a toxic bacterium or a virus "alive" ( Editor's note: NOT 'can have viruses "alive", as they Are NOT living beings but proteins containing lipid portion of DNA ) to be attenuated, or weakened for human use, with a series of steps by passing the virus through animal tissue cultures several times to reduce its potential 'pathogenic, eg. associated with the vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) is prepared chick embryo, the polio virus through the kidneys of African green monkey and the rubella virus through human diploid cells or dissected organs of aborted fetuses .
How to produce, says Dr. Alain Scohl in an article we present the most significant parts, appeared in Kairos No 4 / 97 where he states: "The injection of vaccines is carried out in spite of all the usual safety rules recommended for medical treatment." The techniques of preparation of vaccines are kept secret.
Normally even the great professors know them (perhaps not even to the Ministry?).
Today modern viral vaccines are prepared mainly on cultures of human fetal cells or animals, malignant artificially to make them literally immortal (they always play within the living bodies) and have a certain " stability of the product, "when non si tratti di cellule già cancerose (linfomi).
Per accrescere il rendimento della produzione, le cellule "immortali" vengono "nutrite" con siero del sangue di vacca, che possiede un fattore dì crescita particolarmente attivo. E' proprio il liquido di coltura di queste cellule cancerizzate che viene inoculato, dopo filtraggio e trattamenti per attenuare o uccidere i virus. E' assolutamente impossibile ottenere un prodotto puro. L'OMS "auspica" pudicamente una purezza del 90%.
Quali pericoli ? Con questi vaccini si inoculano nel nostro organismo:
- Sostanze cancerogene sicuramente in huge amounts
- Some tools (cellular scale) served to genetic manipulation (in the case of genetically engineered vaccines), as parts of enzymes and DNA.
This material may ignite at any time variations in the genetic message in the vaccine, as well as unknown virus.
For certain vaccines (polio, and others) are used in cell cultures of African green monkey kidney ( Editor's note: it is prepared with the polio vaccine - the kidney of the monkey contains a progenitor of HIV, AIDS will produce what they say ) calf serum and the embryo chick are foreign proteins, biological matter composed of animal cells.
viruses called improperly "killed". a virus can not 'be killed as it is not' a living being but only a toxic protein containing DNA - they become "inactive" - relata in 'only' weakened '- with heat, radiation or chemicals, but in some cases, a fever can' reactivate the virus.
virus "weakened" must then be strengthened with adjuvants (antibody buster) and stabilizers, adding drugs, antibiotics and toxic disinfectants to the base of the preparation: neomycin, streptomycin, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum hydrochloride, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin, formaldehyde (cancer product) and thimerosal (the mercury).
Comment: Ed: The virus is not 'a micro-organism, but only a protein of lipid containing DNA, and then' a toxic protein!
Since this "toxic organic material" is injected directly into the bloodstream, bypassing all the mechanisms of natural immune defense, it can also alter our genetic structure, as well as immunodeprimere il soggetto vaccinato.
Diversi ricercatori hanno notato che i vaccini "ingannano" il corpo stimolando a focalizzarsi solo su un aspetto (cioè la produzione di anticorpi) delle molte strategie complesse normalmente disponibili al sistema immunitario.
Virus (Proteine tossiche) degli animali utilizzati nelle colture di preparazione dei vaccini ed inoculati con essi, possono saltare la barriera della specie in maniera occulta e inosservabile. E' esattamente quello che è successo durante gli anni 50 e gli anni 70 in cui milioni di persone sono state infettate con i vaccini della poliomielite (sabin) e contaminati con il virus SV-40 (scimmia virus) e passato dagli organi della scimmia utilizzati per preparare i vaccini.
SV-40 - contaminante - (il quarantesimo virus di Scimmia rilevato da quando i ricercatori hanno cominciato a osservarli), è considerato un potente soppressore del sistema immunitario, un innesco potente dell'HIV, il nome dato al virus dell' AIDS.
Si dice che causa uno stato clinico simile all' AIDS ed è stato trovato anche nei tumori al cervello, nella leucemia ed in altri cancri umani. I ricercatori lo considerano un virus che genera il cancro della Pleura: mesotelioma.
Secondo il Dott. David Kessler, ex funzionario della Food and Drug Administration, "only about one percent of serious events (adverse reactions to vaccines) is reported to the FDA " . Therefore, it is entirely possible that every year millions of people have adverse reactions to vaccines mandatory.
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn who often criticized the medical establishment for his bigoted doctrine.
He argued that "doctors are the priests who dispense holy water in the form of inoculations" to give the initiation ritual of the great medical industry to our consecration.
Dr. Richard Moskowitz said: "Vaccines have become sacraments of our faith in biotechnology. The efficacy and safety are seen broadly as self-evident and need no further evidence." Each year, the FDA received thousands of reports of adverse reactions to vaccines. These data include brain damage and death.
This information is stored in a database of government secrets (USA) that American citizens can access (with some restrictions) using the Freedom of Information Act (Freedom of Information Act). It 's divided into categories that include the vaccines administered, the types of reaction, information on admissions and deaths, and more.
The data are from 1990 to August 2004.
Adapted from .
CAUTION: The same applies to the criminal program broadcasts periodic epidemics of flu!
Source 's World article Italian organic
Esistono numerosissime testimonianze su quello che possono provocare i vaccini. Molte non sono sufficientemente documentate e, come è stato scritto prima, nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi la rilevanza numerica non viene statisticata e tantomeno pubblicizzata. Di solito le famiglie vivono la tragedia nella solitudine e nell' indifferenza medica più assoluta (vedi la testimonianza negli articoli correlati), in quanto siamo ben lontani dal riconoscimento, da parte della medicina ufficiale degli effettivi danni, sebbene ci siano sempre più medici che, singolarmente, prendono distanze dal presunto beneficio delle pratiche vaccinali.
Vaccin Nation è un documentario che racconta la vicenda di Alan Yurko che, dopo la morte del suo bambino, avvenuta in seguito alla somministrazione di una dose di vaccino, viene accusato di omicidio e condannato come assassino del figlioletto. Il vaccino, nell'ambito dell'autopsia, non fu assolutamente considerato come causa del decesso del bimbo. Il video è sottotitolato in italiano.
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