As is happening increasingly often, continue to repeat dozens of cases in which are found in the food of the strange features. A repertoire of colorful polka dot mozzarella, ricotta blue phosphorescent breasole. The list is long and colorful. These cases have in common the presence of the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae. not forget even the damage to crops of this bacterium.
It 's the time of the artichokes. This post contains nothing new for those familiar with the topic, but it may be informative for those who have never read any of this. In any case, are two recent cases, the first taken from an article in the newspaper L'Adige, dated January 27, 2011.
"You should not deal with rotten food. On the envelope was printed the deadline of April 5, 2010.
Calavino -After several cases of blue cheese, dried beef phosphorescent, ricotta and zucchini, red here phosphorescent green artichokes. Curious what happened to a family of Calavino that early in the morning, preparing lunch for work, meets a lot of artichokes become part of a green fluorescent. He had purchased from a seller at home. To be fair the incident may not cause concern as it could be a simple case of food gone bad or an ordinary chemical reaction, but given the freshness of pack (due April 5, 2010), after all the talk about the Flava mozzarella, turned blue, and episodes of other foods that take a little strange colors (think of blue cheese found in Bergamo last October mozzarella or polka dot discovery in September at Salerno), inevitable pause to speak of this topic. That the cause of all this is also found in Pseudomonas mozzarella Flava? Whether one case this problem of old machines that pack the product? Or it's just a chemical reaction to a food at all? The family has decided to the product under investigation to shed light on the origin of this staining .[..]"
Further, a more recent article of February 12:
"starts with the investigation into the closing bars of blue mozzarella pm Raffaele Guariniello. On his desk came the advice from two experts, a chemist and a microbiologist at the University of Turin, which summarizes the results of 'investigation that involved the whole of Italy: they have been checked a dozen establishments (whose leaders have been entered in the register of suspects) and analyzed 1027 samples of milk products. And as much as 67 percent tested positive for contamination di batteri. Tra i vari stabilimenti di produzioni ci sono stati livelli di positività che andavano da un minimo di 27 per cento dei casi, a un massimo di 87 per cento.
Il batterio in assoluto più presente è stato proprio lo pseudomonas fluorescens, responsabile della colorazione blu che ha tanto impressionato i consumatori l’estate scorsa, (anche se non è responsabile di problemi per la salute), ed è risultato assai diffuso anche il bacillus cereus. Ma è stata riscontrata anche la presenza di enterobatteri, di escherichia coli, di stafiloccocus aureus, e di salmonella, che possono invece creare disturbi seri e intossicazioni. In alcuni campioni analizzati dal punto Chemically, they were even found residues of lead. The report was immediately sent for information to the Ministry of Health, and meanwhile continue to arrive in the prosecution always new cases of mozzarella blue . "Microbiological contamination - is the thesis advisors - can not be traced back to milk, but results from the cooling of the curd with cold water. " E 'own water because the government suspected of main pollution .[..]"
These experts, while Having identified the elements of their contaminated water, it came no doubt about the ways in which the Pseudomanas syringae could be done.
Several studies confirm that the Pseudomonas syringae is used in cloud seeding operations , or for 'artificial insemination of clouds, along with silver iodide to induce rain and snow of rain, so the purpose of handling conditions. Indeed, by its feature called Ice Minus is useful for facilitating the crystallization or ice nucleation, Ice nucleators or . The Nucleators Ice Ice, were discovered 40 years ago during the course of which it was intended to understand why some plants were damaged by frost and others not. The researchers found that those plants were covered with those fitobatteri, able to absorb the moisture in the air and turn it into ice only -2 degrees Celsius. In practice the pseudomons raises the freezing temperature and in fact is used to produce artificial snow and also to accelerate the freezing in the food industry.
In "Rain-making bacteria , J. Hardy speaks of the advantages of the bacterium for its ability to quickly create nuclei of aggregation, essential to the creation of the ice. And it is possible that the bacterium has been modified in the laboratory in order to obtain more benefits. This results in different strains able to sicken certain types of plants.
The use of silver iodide and of Pseudomonas, in cases of artificial insemination of clouds, even arguments are handled by undergraduate courses in Environmental Physics:
The use of silver iodide and of Pseudomonas, in cases of artificial insemination of clouds, even arguments are handled by undergraduate courses in Environmental Physics:
"The main application of the physics of ice cores clearly regards the artificial insemination of clouds [Mason (1971)]. This practice is to disperse within the clouds, using rockets or aircraft, aerosolized substances that facilitate the nucleation of ice. How to explain C. Knight and N. Knight (1973), in the clouds is very common to find supercooled droplets, ie liquid water at temperatures below 0 ° C, this means that, in comparison the condensation nuclei (CCN), the ice core (IN) are relatively scarce. inseminated artificially with these cloud particles are formed as efficient as IN molti cristalli di ghiaccio che crescono a spese delle goccioline d'acqua sopraffuse per effetto Bergeron-Findeinsen. Crescendo i cristalli di ghiaccio raggiungono dimensioni tali da non poter essere più sostenuti dalle correnti d'aria ascensionali, quindi cadono al suolo. Durante questa fase i cristalli attraversano zone a temperature superiori a quelle a cui si sono formati, quindi in parte sublimano e se la temperatura supera i 0°C cominciano a sciogliersi.
[..] Finora la sostanza più usata nell'inseminazione artificiale delle nubi è lo ioduro d'argento (AgI) le cui ottime proprietà come IN furono scoperte da Vonnegut nel 1946 [Mason (1971), Malkina et al.(1996)].[..] Always Szyrmer and Zawadzki (1997) report that found a bacterium called Pseudomonas syringae , efficient in ice nucleation and , as also Vali (1996), this may imply a connection between biological phenomena and atmospheric phenomena. This bacterium, thanks to its properties, is used in cannons for artificial snow production with significant economic benefits in tourism, and he is also studying the use in the food preservation in order to speed up the freezing process. The characteristic of this bacterium is not always advantageous, because when it infects the plants grow dramatically risk of frost damage, so that many scientists are trying to genetically modify it so as to inhibit its exceptional in the nucleation of ice. "
Queste irrorazioni clandestine dei cieli, utilizzate per il controllo del tempo meteorologico, hanno il nome di scie chimiche. Non ci stanchiamo mai di citare l' Accordo Italia-Usa sulla modificazione del clima.
Mentre è provato che le operazioni di aereosol non sono un fenomeno mondiale recente, anzi sono una una realtà storica, nonchè una scienza ufficiale , mentre paesi come l a Thailandia, ammettono "allegramente" un regale utilizzo di cloud seeding per provocare la pioggia , mentre nel mondo esistono "aziende" che sono in grado tecnicamente di adoperarsi, ad ordinazione, su operazioni localizzate manipolazione climatica , noi dobbiamo sorbirci l'occultamento of truth, the daily operations of spraying illegal and some more colorful ingredient in our dishes.
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