Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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La modificazione climatica è una realtà storica, ed una scienza sempre più precisa/Weather Modification is an historical fact as specific science

The video above is registered by a British BBC television documentary entitled issuer How Humans make rain - the science of superstorms , or "How do men produce the rain, the science of super-storms" (the video, if you disappear from youtube, it has been stored on mediafire, where you can download in format. flv).
After a brief introduction on the (infamous) global warming that it contributes to drought, it is said that a solution could come from the clouds .
And this is what is reported in this documentary:

Every cloud basins can contain about 8 million tons of rain, said Dr. Teon Terlanche, the World Meteorological Organization of the United Nations, and affirms that the seeding of clouds can therefore be used to solve the problem of increasing water demand.
Most techniques used today for induction of rain have originated in 1946 when scientists discovered that by dispersing particles of a chemical called silver iodide on the top of the clouds could trigger the fall of rain.
Sin da allora le nazioni in tutto il mondo hanno sperimentato differenti metodi per "spremere" la pioggia dalle nuvole. La Cina spende nell'inseminazione delle nuvole più di ogni altra nazione del mondo.
Nel video quindi appare uno scienziato impegnato in un'operazione di produzione della pioggia nel Mali, nell'Africa occidentale, ove sta testando una nuova tecnica su richiesta del Centro per le ricerche atmosferiche, basata sull'uso di una sorta di fuochi pirotecnici che disperdono dei particolari sali alla base delle nuvole. Queste le testuali parole del documentario:

Si tratta Particle hygroscopic salts that originate in the combustion and to trigger the formation of rain. When issued, each of hygroscopic salt particles become seeds around which can form the individual drops of rain. These droplets collide with each other and grow, eventually becoming heavy enough to fall out from the clouds as rain.
The climate change is now an increasingly precise science that can offer enormous benefits to nations suffering from shortage of water for domestic use.
Over the past few years we have been literally on all 5 continents, a large part of our work has been concentrated in Southeast Asia, Africa, South and North America and in Europe, in Italy and Greece.
There are currently more than 46 countries, more than 150 programs that are ongoing as we speak.
The seeding of clouds that seem to make a positive change for many people in the world. But it is a story that came from a troubled past and restless.
Certainly, the history of weather modification has a past tormented and restless, as shown in the nubrifragio artificial 1952, which wiped out a small town in Britain (Lynmouth, Devon), causing 35 deaths. The flood in question was created by a military experiment of artificial induction of rain. The weather modification it has been tested and used by the military for nearly 60 years, and was used in Vietnam, where it rains and showers are induced for military purposes.

to confirm what we have just said the article Controlling the weather , written by Paul Simons and published on September 24, 2001 British newspaper Guardian, where we read inter alia:

During the war Vietnam, the Americans have launched the Project Popeye, a secret mission to seed the clouds and trigger phenomenal monsoon showers in order to destroy the railroad in Ho Chi Minh used to transport supplies.
For five years, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos were sprayed during the monsoons, and the military intelligence services have said that the rain had aumentata di un terzo in alcuni posti. Queste cose terminarono soltanto nel marzo del 1971 quando il giornalista  Jack Anderson espose il progetto e causò una tale rabbia nell'opinione pubblica che l'assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite approvarono un trattato universale per mettere al bando le armi climatiche.
Se uniamo questi fatti con gli esperimenti militari Inglesi e Statunitensi di dispersione di agenti chimici e batteriologici su vaste aree forse abbiamo un quadro completo di quali siano non solo le correlazioni della modificazione climatica con i criminali esperimenti in ambito militare, ma anche di come la struttura militare abbia portato avanti da lungo tempo (senza che mai nessuno protest, but meekly obeying orders of superiors) programs intentional poisoning of the biosphere . If we

anyone denies the historical reality and scientific manipulation of climate in a desperate attempt to ridicule those who denounce us chemtrails we can not do anything.

As we can not help it if someone watching videos like that discussed here believe in the rhetoric of insemination of the clouds as cutting-edge technology at the service of humanity, and because the substances dispersed in the clouds and fall to the ground to mingle ' air we breathe as at events as those of ' hurricane katrina or the recent floods and hurricanes Brazil and the Australia, where all the aircraft used in these 150 programs climatic manipulations converge (perhaps behind the financing of the United Nations) on site to dispose of substances that inhibit the formation fovorirne instead of rain, do not cry all the dead and the wounded.

Do not believe us? So why have not we even try? All events were announced and a "science of handling climate that is more precise " it is not clear just like you never even try to save from disaster whole regions and their populations. A patent relating to climate change of 2001 (10 years ago!) Mentions several other previous patents specifically designed to act on storm fronts and to minimize the damage as (I quote from the page of the patent ):

Hurricanes, tropical storms, typhoons, and the like weather patterns can cause severe damage to land, buildings, and living creatures or Hurricanes, tropical storms, typhoons and other weather events can cause such severe damage to land development, construction and the living creatures .

One of the methods is another very simple, it is in fact over-seeding of the clouds, or the dispersion of products for the seeding of clouds to much higher levels than those using the shell to trigger rain.

At this point we would like to say that the sad truth is otherwise, however hard to accept: if nothing is done to avoid those terrible disaster, then someone come in handy, and openly admit . Moreover, if there are techniques to disperse or deflect hurricanes, there are also those for strengthening e per causare disastrose inondazioni , e se e qualcuno vuole che succeda un disastro perché mai dovrebbe limitarsi a lasciarlo accadere?  Ne abbiamo la triste conferma in quanto avvenuto in Sardegna pochi anni fa , quando un disastroso fonte temporalesco, evidentemente ben rilevabile, ha creato danni ingenti e vittime perché il servizio meteorologico non ha dato l'allarme o ha minimizzato .

Per altro è recentissima la notizia dell'uso di generatori di ioni per indurre piogge e tempeste ad Abu Dhabi (Emirati Arabi uniti), news that despite the skepticism of some meteorologists (who were not involved in the project) is shown by the conditional no (and in the shape vaguely doubtful Daily Mail ).

Mind you, no scientist doubts that the antennas have been put in place and not even that unusual storms and rainfall that occurred in that area, and the only doubt is about the real relationship between the two, since As even the atmospheric variability and its substantial unpredictability could theoretically make conto di quanto avvenuto.

Da notare che le antenne utilizzate in questo progetto hanno una potenza relativamente bassa ed il costo del progetto nel suo complesso risulta pure abbastanza esiguo .

Qui sotto un altro video relativo alla manipolazione climatica in Cina in occasione delle Olimpiadi.  Maggiori dettagli sulla questione si possono leggere nell'articolo controllo-del-clima-alle-olimpiadi , traduzione dell'articolo pubblicato sul Los Angeles Times, ma adesso scomparso dal link originale. Per fortuna ne è rimasta memoria in questo summary of the newspaper itself, and someone has republished in language original file.

Us for safety, we also made some screenshots and a video copy has been stored on mediafire, where you can download in format. flv).


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