Looking at what happened in Tunisia, Egypt, and now Libya is a large and fast growing realization that this is part a design already planned. There is no evidence to confirm what is already set up a stage through which the common royal progress through the creation of a new world order.
This "new" collective consciousness rampant in the world, has been fully created, and has, by sheer inertia, power over anyone who is not fully awake and conscious. This demonstrates the complete pathology of a company controlled and manipulated by a media neurolinguistic programming, which is to lick the perceptions, the so-called self-determination and awareness of reality about the true dimension of the events, their meaning.
In this contribution also offer a so-called sites "alternative information", which defined the events Egyptians as the beginning of a chain reaction that will a new wave of "democracy" , hope for other oppressed nations. A real blunder. A striking example is Prison Planet reported that as the words of Zbigniew Brzezinski, on the Globe Awakeining , which is the global awakening, have been confirmed by the winds revolutionaries in North Africa. Naive? It seems unlikely for the "researchers" conspiracy of that type. However they have also contributed to a "target", and we are even more likely to consider these as demonstrations aimed at channeling the part of readers who follow the so-called counter.
In this contribution also offer a so-called sites "alternative information", which defined the events Egyptians as the beginning of a chain reaction that will a new wave of "democracy" , hope for other oppressed nations. A real blunder. A striking example is Prison Planet reported that as the words of Zbigniew Brzezinski, on the Globe Awakeining , which is the global awakening, have been confirmed by the winds revolutionaries in North Africa. Naive? It seems unlikely for the "researchers" conspiracy of that type. However they have also contributed to a "target", and we are even more likely to consider these as demonstrations aimed at channeling the part of readers who follow the so-called counter.
If the entire world has succumbed to ' deception of 9 / 11 , and the newly Wikileaks , probably a sort of "preparedness" to what is happening today, anything is possible. After 2001 the media has largely contributed to produce the "product democracy."
Now we talk about how to produce revolutions, the "revolution factory" in the background and into the cauldron of virtual social networking.
In Italy we have been blessed by a 'outlet conscience "following the case Ruby. As voiced Corrado Penna on an article the blog Scienzamarcia, it's really ironic that in Italy you can take to the streets for such a silly , on which was duly constructed a "moral case". Do not do this instead of mafia crimes or Andreotti a Berlusconi.
Nor can understand (it's obviously ironic), as around the case of a tissue consenting to spend time with our Chairman of the Board , has created such a stir, and the horrible habits of the first pedophile Minister Gordon Brown and Tony Blair , involved in a network pedophiles high-level earthquakes have not caused similar. Italy, too, it seems, has its "colored movement."
return to the Middle East and the recent events, those who planned the rebellion first in Tunis and later in Cairo? As has been well illustrated by Tony Cartalucci of Land Destroyed , the answer can be summarized as:
The motion on April 6 of Egypt began in 2008 as a Facebook group of "blogging" and "Twitter", and was put on line on behalf of 'The American CG International Crisis Group .
Movement on April 6, having received the support from ElBaradei, got it from Movements.org , partner of the U.S. Department of State, of which ElBaradei is a trustee alongside George Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Richard Armitage, and Kenneth Aldelman.
The April 6 Movement was invited to a 2008 event in Washington , which are networked together many of the groups that now support them. As reported Tim Ross of The Telegraph , this was the occasion of a meeting of activists, who have overthrown the government of Egypt, with U.S. diplomats.
In 2008, the Alliance of youth movements, Alliance of Youth Movements, held its inauguration meeting in New York City where was attended by representatives of the Department of State, members of Council on Foreign Relations, former members of the national security advisers were also of Homeland Security and a host of representatives of American companies, organizations and mass media, including AT & T, Google, Facebook, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and MTV.
The co-founder of movements.org is Jared Cohen, a member of the CFR , Google Director of Ideas and a former staff member of the U.S. State Department planning under the guidance Condoleezza Rice and Hilary Clinton.
Zbigniew Brzezinski is MSNBC Mika Brzezinski's father, which is in itself is a "Corporate Sponsor" of Movements.org.
" Movements.org founder, along with Cohen, is Jason Liebman Howcast Media of working with corporate mega-conglomerates like Procter & Gamble, Kodak, Staples, Ford, and government agencies like the U.S. State Department and the Department of Defense of the United States, to create "widespread phenomenon, a mark 's entertainment an innovative social media, and a target "on average rich." He has' been with Google for four years, where he worked in collaboration with Time Warner (CFR), News Corporation (FOXNews, CFR), Viacom, Warner Music, Sony Pictures, Reuters, The New York Times and The Washington Post Company .
Roman Sunder is also credited as co-founder of Movements.org. He founded Access Media 360, a society of mass advertising, and has also organized the PTTOW! a summit that brought together 35 senior executives from companies such as AT & T (CFR), Quicksilver, Activison, Facebook, HP, YouTube, Pepsi (CFR), and the Government of the United States, to discuss the future of the 'youth industry. " He is also a board member of Generation Next, another non-profit organization focused on "the matter of the change in the next generation."
E 'difficult, considering the character of these men to believe that the change we want to see is something better than a generation who drink more Pepsi, which becomes even more junk consumerist , and has faith in the government of the United States, whenever it offers us the lies through their own media structures.
While the activists attending the summit Movements.org adhere to the philosophy of liberalism "left" behind them combine the very people at the top, which fund and urging 's agenda of these activists, and these are the mega American companies. These are the largest companies that have violated human rights around the world, destroying the environment, such as that sold poorly, processed goods abroad by workers living in slave-like conditions [..] we understand that their nefarious, agenda could be carried out only under the guise of genuine concern for humanity, being buried under mountains of rhetoric, and aided by an army of exploited young naive.
Movements.org not appear on any documents or feedback on 9 / 11 |
What we see is not a platform on which all the activists could work, but a foundation that has a very selective group of activists committed to "trouble spots" that the State Department would like to see "change." Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt , Eastern Europe, Venezuela, Thailand and even in - everywhere there are protesters and movements that are working to undermine the governments of non-favorable to 'Agenda for American corporations will find that Movements.org support their efforts.
The April 6 Movement of Egypt is one of them [..] And the 'color revolution 2.0, directly managed by the U.S. State Department, with the support American firms. [...]
Now for Egypt would be the worst. We still refers Tony Cartalucci, in another article :
[..] The fact that George Soros , as a member trustee ICG around the protest leader Mohamed ElBaradei , is funding organizations which have submitted plans for the new constitution of Egypt 'adds insult to injury on the creation of the national sovereignty of Egypt.
It turns out that the new Egyptian Constitution has already been processed, not the Egyptian people, ma da molti dei manifestanti appoggiati dagli Stati Uniti, che hanno portato, in primo luogo, ad un cambio di regime. Un rapporto dei Reuters ha citato un giudice dell'opposizione, che si era nascosto in Kuwait fino cacciata di Mubarak, e come è stato detto, i gruppi collettivi di civili, avevano già prodotto varie bozze e una nuova costituzione che potrebbe essere pronta in un mese.
Questi gruppi di "collettivi civili" comprendono The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information apertamente finanziata dall' Open Society Institute di George Soros e dall' Neo-Con foderato NED , a sua volta funded by The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights . It seems that while the 'International Crisis Group (ICG) is preparing a strategy, and their fiduciary ElBaradei that brings the crowds in the streets, and the financing of the large range of non-governmental organizations and their membership, including Soros, who are working on the elaboration and implementation details on the ground .[...]"
at this time however, are coming to news and news on horrible massacres in Libya.
Here considerations of an article by Marcello Foa, journalist :
We are not addressed in the face of spontaneous, but induced aiming to replicate what happened in North Africa in the late eighties in 'former Soviet Union. [..] Tunisia is the smallest of the countries of the region and served as a catalyst for the other times. A wheel fell on the Mubarak regime, Libya is in turmoil, Iran and maybe tomorrow, maybe on the wave, Algeria, Morocco, Syria. What had in common schemes Tunisian, Libyan and Egyptian? Being ruled by authoritarian leaders, now old, discredited, they thought of spending power in young or incompetent loyalists .[..] It is no secret: the riots were widely encouraged - and in many ways prepared - by the U.S. government. For some time, Washington believed the inevitable explosion of popular discontent and fearing it will lead the revolt could be extremists or Islamic extremist groups, has made what looks like a controlled explosion, at least in Egypt and Tunisia. [..] Washington won twice, has secured for many years to come, the loyalty of these two countries and has scored an extraordinary operation of the image, showing the world that America is with the people and democracy in regimes until yesterday friends .[..]
Foa goes on to say that you know, Libya is an important crossroads for Italy, especially when they pass pipeline since arriving in Sicily, which seems to be an attack on 'Italian Eni and trade policy.
Returning to the role of the media and their work / construction of the instrument is actually sent to the tam tam Web into the homes of all of us. Up to date on the mass media, we read that in Libya there were up to 10 000 deaths and there was the creation of mass graves. But
alternative voices and testimonies diminish the scope of the events. From Quotidiano.net :
"[..] for Al Arabiya, quoting Libyan member of the International Criminal Court to Shanuka Sayed, the total death toll would exceed 10,000 dead. The International Federation of rights' man (FIDH), speaks of at least 640 victims .[..]
The word creepy grave, and was attributed to Libya following the publication of a notorious appeared in news video with the "numbers" of victims
But how quickly it has been reported by Debora Billi Blog Oil is a hoax:
"As suspected, not this is an expanse of graves in a cemetery but existing in Tripoli. It's called Sidi Hamed * Cemetery and is located near the sea (here Test at Google Maps satellite ). In the video, you see two rows add for victims of recent days, but all you see around the graves are graves that were already in existence. In short, no mass graves of emergency. Remember this stasera, quando le vedrete al telegiornale."
Un ulteriore conferma dal sito Blogghete di Gianluca Freda:
[..]Le immagini provengono dal sito OneDayOnEarth.org, aperto nell’ottobre 2010 da due studenti di Los Angeles di nome Kyle Ruddick e Brandon Litman. E' una sorta di “social network” delle immagini video, finanziato da una sessantina di ONG, nonché dal Programma per lo Sviluppo delle Nazioni Unite. Una provenienza a dir poco sospetta, come sospetto è il tempismo con cui il sito è stato messo online poco prima dell’inizio delle rivolte nordafricane.
addition, the newspapers and TV have accepted at face value that it was footage shot in recent days, without citing any evidence in support.
In the absence of sources and reliable information, it is even permissible to suspect that there is no question of images taken recently, but the documentation of one of many "collective burials" of African migrants whose boats capsize frequently near the Libyan coast and whose bodies were then driven on the beach by the tide. In particular, even the cemetery of Sidi Hamed has often had to deal with these unfortunate tasks, given the frequency of such incidents. The fact that the movie appears relaxed atmosphere, you do not see protesters furious or frantic, neither women nor relatives crying or screaming, suggests that this is precisely the work of burial of these victims is unknown .[..]
Apparently none of the organs and officers of state, nor journalists, nor other people have tried to verify or discuss its sources. Why? A so-called failure to act that speaks volumes not only about the credibility of the media and certain journalists asked, especially because the severe distortion of the facts produces a perception pultroppo this event and we can not simply be considered an act of "awkward" but a contribution to the deception and propaganda, which is functional in obtaining certain results.
And why the "true "informants are encouraged to come forward? The so-called truth is at the mercy of deceivers. You have to be so careful and lucid, is a very delicate moment, the beginning of a storm, whose true destructive force passes through the conscience.
The people of Libya have been murdered for demanding freedom, health, education and a decent wage - basic needs we all share. Today, as a global community, we raise our voices from all over the world to condemn the shocking massacres, and work together to end the bloodshed and to support the right of the Libyans call for change.
Nienteecomesembra Thanks for the valuable records of the articles.
Translation by Nonvotarechitiavvelena.
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