Who would have thought that? Was not the left that of free love, the common Reichian inspired by the theory of the "sexual revolution" Wilhelm Reich, the "sex without hinge," as he called the left-wing feminist Erica Jong, the post-Freudian and pansexualism post-Marxist, the death of the family, the "open relationship", the ninth month of pregnancy, abortion, homosexual marriages and adoptions of children Bellure many others like that? After
Palasharp in Milan called "civil society" the usual suspects Gad Lerner and Dario For, Umberto Eco, the Flores d'Arcais, of Labor, the Zagrebelsky and Saviano has received the blessing of a fantastic sponsors: Madonnaro the coup and reversal Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, the only one who signed the death sentence of our political history. The unfortunate, needless to say, died executed. One who, between a devotee and another knee strike on the steps of the high altar, in an outpouring of bigotry began to slap a woman, guilty of wearing a dress too low-cut at the restaurant. Well done comrades! Yes, it is progress. PalaManette , pardon Palasharp was all. But not enough.
Palasharp in Milan called "civil society" the usual suspects Gad Lerner and Dario For, Umberto Eco, the Flores d'Arcais, of Labor, the Zagrebelsky and Saviano has received the blessing of a fantastic sponsors: Madonnaro the coup and reversal Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, the only one who signed the death sentence of our political history. The unfortunate, needless to say, died executed. One who, between a devotee and another knee strike on the steps of the high altar, in an outpouring of bigotry began to slap a woman, guilty of wearing a dress too low-cut at the restaurant. Well done comrades! Yes, it is progress. PalaManette , pardon Palasharp was all. But not enough.
It is preparing a new gathering of the so-called "female masses" the march for women's dignity of 13 February, an anticipation of the end of winter, the fateful March 8, where of course, be replicated. There are around too many "tissue", "meteorinas", "letters" and "arcorine" wild and unprincipled, and now with the concave head neofemministe jag bold, along with the Lante della Rovere, a Cristina Comencini, Susanna Camusso the CGIL, the old lady Vegetti Silvia Finzi, fine psychologist from gravure, to the usual Dacia Maraini sciarpettina the ever-present around the neck, Aspesi, the Buy, Carmen Llera Moravia (the latter inspired by the author of questionable pornoromanzetti his erotic encounters with the nomenklatura of the left - and nomenklatura, as there is even talk of "Soviet underwear") and other willing, we tried: the march towards the rehabilitation of young people "Squinzi" dell'Olgiattina. But as Compagnucci
care?! were not you the one with "the uterus is mine and I manage it?
So where the hell is the shame? Like it or not, these "olgiattine" if you manage it and how. Do not you feel a bit 'you are also responsible for this illicit trade to which it leveled much? A wish to historicize with a certain rigor, bad teachers forerunner of this sbracamento you're just you. Expect you to do "self-criticism" and "self" were saying maybe not so in your "collective"? But now after "self-management of one's body" defense at all costs are passed to the "collective body". And in a moralistic rage, you are also looking for the "corpus delicti". The
care?! were not you the one with "the uterus is mine and I manage it?
So where the hell is the shame? Like it or not, these "olgiattine" if you manage it and how. Do not you feel a bit 'you are also responsible for this illicit trade to which it leveled much? A wish to historicize with a certain rigor, bad teachers forerunner of this sbracamento you're just you. Expect you to do "self-criticism" and "self" were saying maybe not so in your "collective"? But now after "self-management of one's body" defense at all costs are passed to the "collective body". And in a moralistic rage, you are also looking for the "corpus delicti". The
left after trying the Dionysian thrill of the sexual revolution, now finds the rigors of the ascetic habit of Piagnoni Savonarola.
Handcuffs, and sackcloth tunic ... I must say, a really nice back to the future.
Handcuffs, and sackcloth tunic ... I must say, a really nice back to the future.
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