Monday, February 7, 2011

Sonicare With Quadpacer Battery Replacement


I wonder what prompted the case
me to be born in a civilized country. With civil
not mean that Italy is a paradise,
but compared to many reality might look like this.
I think of those who was born in a country really shit.
countries that do not even know what it is the right word.

Right to life.
right to safe,
right to freedom,
right to habeas corpus.

I met today the term "habeas corpus"
and means that no man can receive judicial abuses,
or trial in secret, or corporal punishment or out of rationality.

Law equality.
I am neither more nor less than you.

welfare law.
can not exist on the same planet who live in luxury
and those who can not be sure of one meal a day.

collective rights that ensure protection against genocide and the pillage of natural resources.

I think there are relatively distant places where these rights are not respected by the authorities, I think that in reality in my country are not always respected.

there still who knows the real meaning of these words:

Poverty, disease, deportation, exile, hunger, thirst, slavery.

I realize I do not know any of these situations.
And I'm ashamed.

Then I do not think I should be ashamed. Soon after I
rivergogno for having shaken off a sense of guilt, a guilt that in reality lies on each of our heads filthy.

For example, if we look at things around us we have the feeling of not knowing the origin of any of the things we see. And
qual'ora have printed on the MADE IN PAESEACASO then we should realize that we have no idea of \u200b\u200bwhere the material was produced instead.
And if a material to be produced in need of fuel then we should find out where that fuel has been taken.
So inevitably you end at the end to make sure that this little object is born of the exploitation and pollution.
We are all in a hell of gear, all held responsible, knowingly or not.
aware of the fact that we could not solve this crap during a human life.

There are men e gli schiavi sulla terra.
Si assomigliano fisicamente, ma svolgono attività diverse, hanno possibilità contrapposte.

Le loro esistenze sono direttamente connesse, la condizione dell'uno peggiora quando la condizione dell'altro migliora, e viceversa.

Esistono esseri ai quali non riusciresti a far capire cosa significa abitare in una casa, oppure bere quando si ha sete o anche solo per abitudine.
Esiste la desolazione e l'assenza di speranze negli occhi di alcune persone.
“L’unica speranza è la fuga, una fuga costosa in termini di denaro, energie e dignità.
C’è chi fugge, ad esempio, da Sudan ed Eritrea, Paesi to which man and history have never won even a small moment of peace and prosperity. Objective: Libya and Egypt, stepping stones to reach Italy, or Israel, a contradictory but with ample opportunity for input, due to its thriving economy substantially. "

The flight may be the only solution.
Solution to what?
the present condition. Search

which means an improvement, however, be abused, exploited and abused.
If these people lived one day as we believe that we would send to feel regret in the fuck.
Today we fear the immigrant, the other, those who have different habits and existential visions.
But we should view it as a modern hero. A brave, a fact that has not been overwhelmed by despair, but has faced huge obstacles to the pursuit of happiness.
We should admire those who lived through horrible things just to see a light in his life.
Instead we treat it as a threat to us and that's it.

Furthermore, the immigrant is really different from us: We
yet know what the pursuit of happiness?

No, we know much better what the google search. So let


I am very afraid that these rights are in black and white only on the paper.
Unfortunately we can not overturn the world and make it a perfect place, but we can behave differently in front of others. Understand that always hides behind a different person.
A human being like us have emotions, love, fear, pain, joy, ...
In any case the world is going to unravel, economic systems implode.
will not delay the day when we will be in a bad situation and we will be seen as different in other countries.

GOOD NIGHT BETWEEN warm blankets after a hearty dinner.


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