Washington Monday, Feb. 28 - Blue sky, goodbye! - A documentary on chemtrails Patrick Pasin broadcast on Swiss TV
Segnalo the next broadcast on Italian television network of the Swiss canton ( February 28 to 21 ) a documentary P. Pasin on chemtrails in which we also find an interview with the physical Corrado Penna and the independent researcher Rosario Marciano.
Clicking "Read more" under La2Doc The pleasure of the documentary appears as shown below:
blue sky, goodbye! Patrick Pasin
a hot topic and current affairs, until now confined to a narrow circle of specialists, but that its scope is transnational interest. Chemtrails or chemical trails (left in the sky by aircraft) are a phenomenon known for a decade, a phenomenon that involves the United States, Canada, several European countries and now the African continent.
All'inizio si trattava esperimenti militari, il cui scopo era il controllo del clima, con il tempo si è scoperto che hanno un forte impatto negativo sull'ambiente e sulla salute pubblica, a causa del carburante degli aerei, arricchito di metalli pesanti e poi emessi durante il volo. Oggi scienziati, attivisti, biologi, ingegneri aerospaziali, politici denunciano i risultati delle analisi. Immagini eloquenti in cui sempre più spesso nei cieli si osservano delle scie chimiche che lasciano tracce per giorni e giorni - contrariamente alle normali scie di condensazioni che spariscono dopo qualche ora.
Queste scie assumono whimsical shapes and have given rise to new cumulus formations so that the stakes U.S. have published a series of stamps dedicated to these "new" clouds that threaten human health.
also recommend the subtitled version of the documentary (in English) about chemtrails What in the World They Are spraying , focusing on evidence chemtrails and their link with the geo-engineering (although the real reasons are quite different). At the following link you can view and download the documentary, perhaps making then a DVD copy that can be deployed and to show everyone.
Yes I know, Santoro gives me a stomach ache just looking at him, but the intervention of Luttwak satellite during last Thursday's episode of Annozero 24 is illuminating to realize that the Berlusconi government, "something has changed" and it ended up that Luttwak had initially focused his papers was brutally downloaded. Fini is now relegated to the role of the evil Iago slimy friend of the left and Espresso which grants interviews disgraced. No past, no future .
A further hearing stinks, though, is the famous letter from the former Republican Ambassador Ronald Spogli in which he reiterates that the U.S. is not Italy's best ally with notes of praise (all false) to Silvio Berlusconi,
letter titled "Grateful Italy "Hosted by 25 cm in Corriere Why decide now that we are cablegrams of wilikeaks to lavish praise in later, when we were fine earlier interviews (which has occupied this blog) where Spogli expressed all its discontent and disappointment since the times of the end of his term? Are we back all . Let us ask ourselves why.
To make the scenario clearly pro Yankees are the appearances of Ferrara and Guzzanti on the political scene, the two arrieccoli ", which everyone knows to be of proven faith-Atlanticist neocons. Ferrara will appear in early March with a strap on RAI TG 1 after the symbolic title of "Radio London".
Now Berlusconi is standing in the U.S. and its defects can even be a godsend for Uncle Sam, ready to use them to their advantage. For this reason they have "frozen" with all its scandals, its processes, with its waltz turns pro Putin, and apparently, they have already forgiven the Treaty of friendship between Italy and Libya in August 2008. Meanwhile, now that the Treaty has already become waste paper. The base of Sigonella is already available to Our hosts, and we do not only say "obey", whatever their demands for armed intervention, logistical bases, "to welcome refugees," of its economic advantages and advantageous position with the Maghreb and the MO (particularly Libya) that before we lose and that of national sovereignty further reduced to crumbs. Obama wants the black gold of Libya is no longer a mystery, and in a hurry, hurry. And after evacuating American citizens from Libya's Gaddafi to notice her "Go away now." As for the Cav
is good to remember the cryptic motto of Henry Kissinger "to be an enemy of America can be dangerous , but a friend can be fatal .. docet Mubarak. He was a friend of theirs, no? As well so was Ben Ali.
We fell for it! The revolution factory color and movement are part of the overall plan of the NWO. And now it's up to Libya. And then?
Looking at what happened in Tunisia, Egypt, and now Libya is a large and fast growing realization that this is part a design already planned. There is no evidence to confirm what is already set up a stage through which the common royal progress through the creation of a new world order.
This "new" collective consciousness rampant in the world, has been fully created, and has, by sheer inertia, power over anyone who is not fully awake and conscious. This demonstrates the complete pathology of a company controlled and manipulated by a media neurolinguistic programming, which is to lick the perceptions, the so-called self-determination and awareness of reality about the true dimension of the events, their meaning.
If the entire world has succumbed to ' deception of 9 / 11 , and the newly Wikileaks , probably a sort of "preparedness" to what is happening today, anything is possible. After 2001 the media has largely contributed to produce the "product democracy." Now we talk about how to produce revolutions, the "revolution factory" in the background and into the cauldron of virtual social networking.
Nor can understand (it's obviously ironic), as around the case of a tissue consenting to spend time with our Chairman of the Board , has created such a stir, and the horrible habits of the first pedophile Minister Gordon Brown and Tony Blair , involved in a network pedophiles high-level earthquakes have not caused similar. Italy, too, it seems, has its "colored movement."
return to the Middle East and the recent events, those who planned the rebellion first in Tunis and later in Cairo? As has been well illustrated by Tony Cartalucci of Land Destroyed , the answer can be summarized as:
Movement on April 6, having received the support from ElBaradei, got it from Movements.org , partner of the U.S. Department of State, of which ElBaradei is a trustee alongside George Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Richard Armitage, and Kenneth Aldelman.
The April 6 Movement was invited to a 2008 event in Washington , which are networked together many of the groups that now support them. As reported Tim Ross of The Telegraph , this was the occasion of a meeting of activists, who have overthrown the government of Egypt, with U.S. diplomats.
In 2008, the Alliance of youth movements, Alliance of Youth Movements, held its inauguration meeting in New York City where was attended by representatives of the Department of State, members of Council on Foreign Relations, former members of the national security advisers were also of Homeland Security and a host of representatives of American companies, organizations and mass media, including AT & T, Google, Facebook, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and MTV.
The co-founder of movements.org is Jared Cohen, a member of the CFR , Google Director of Ideas and a former staff member of the U.S. State Department planning under the guidance Condoleezza Rice and Hilary Clinton.
Zbigniew Brzezinski is MSNBC Mika Brzezinski's father, which is in itself is a "Corporate Sponsor" of Movements.org.
begin to compose a picture? Again writes Tony Cartalucci :
" Movements.org founder, along with Cohen, is Jason Liebman Howcast Media of working with corporate mega-conglomerates like Procter & Gamble, Kodak, Staples, Ford, and government agencies like the U.S. State Department and the Department of Defense of the United States, to create "widespread phenomenon, a mark 's entertainment an innovative social media, and a target "on average rich." He has' been with Google for four years, where he worked in collaboration with Time Warner (CFR), News Corporation (FOXNews, CFR), Viacom, Warner Music, Sony Pictures, Reuters, The New York Times and The Washington Post Company .
Roman Sunder is also credited as co-founder of Movements.org. He founded Access Media 360, a society of mass advertising, and has also organized the PTTOW! a summit that brought together 35 senior executives from companies such as AT & T (CFR), Quicksilver, Activison, Facebook, HP, YouTube, Pepsi (CFR), and the Government of the United States, to discuss the future of the 'youth industry. " He is also a board member of Generation Next, another non-profit organization focused on "the matter of the change in the next generation."
E 'difficult, considering the character of these men to believe that the change we want to see is something better than a generation who drink more Pepsi, which becomes even more junk consumerist , and has faith in the government of the United States, whenever it offers us the lies through their own media structures.
While the activists attending the summit Movements.org adhere to the philosophy of liberalism "left" behind them combine the very people at the top, which fund and urging 's agenda of these activists, and these are the mega American companies. These are the largest companies that have violated human rights around the world, destroying the environment, such as that sold poorly, processed goods abroad by workers living in slave-like conditions [..] we understand that their nefarious, agenda could be carried out only under the guise of genuine concern for humanity, being buried under mountains of rhetoric, and aided by an army of exploited young naive.
Movements.org not appear on any documents or feedback on 9 / 11
What we see is not a platform on which all the activists could work, but a foundation that has a very selective group of activists committed to "trouble spots" that the State Department would like to see "change." Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt , Eastern Europe, Venezuela, Thailand and even in - everywhere there are protesters and movements that are working to undermine the governments of non-favorable to 'Agenda for American corporations will find that Movements.org support their efforts.
The April 6 Movement of Egypt is one of them [..] And the 'color revolution 2.0, directly managed by the U.S. State Department, with the support American firms. [...]
[..] The fact that George Soros , as a member trustee ICG around the protest leader Mohamed ElBaradei , is funding organizations which have submitted plans for the new constitution of Egypt 'adds insult to injury on the creation of the national sovereignty of Egypt.
It turns out that the new Egyptian Constitution has already been processed, not the Egyptian people, ma da molti dei manifestanti appoggiati dagli Stati Uniti, che hanno portato, in primo luogo, ad un cambio di regime. Un rapporto dei Reuters ha citato un giudice dell'opposizione, che si era nascosto in Kuwait fino cacciata di Mubarak, e come è stato detto, i gruppi collettivi di civili, avevano già prodotto varie bozze e una nuova costituzione che potrebbe essere pronta in un mese.
Questi gruppi di "collettivi civili" comprendono The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information apertamente finanziata dall' Open Society Institute di George Soros e dall' Neo-Con foderato NED , a sua volta funded by The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights . It seems that while the 'International Crisis Group (ICG) is preparing a strategy, and their fiduciary ElBaradei that brings the crowds in the streets, and the financing of the large range of non-governmental organizations and their membership, including Soros, who are working on the elaboration and implementation details on the ground .[...]"
at this time however, are coming to news and news on horrible massacres in Libya.
We are not addressed in the face of spontaneous, but induced aiming to replicate what happened in North Africa in the late eighties in 'former Soviet Union. [..] Tunisia is the smallest of the countries of the region and served as a catalyst for the other times. A wheel fell on the Mubarak regime, Libya is in turmoil, Iran and maybe tomorrow, maybe on the wave, Algeria, Morocco, Syria. What had in common schemes Tunisian, Libyan and Egyptian? Being ruled by authoritarian leaders, now old, discredited, they thought of spending power in young or incompetent loyalists .[..] It is no secret: the riots were widely encouraged - and in many ways prepared - by the U.S. government. For some time, Washington believed the inevitable explosion of popular discontent and fearing it will lead the revolt could be extremists or Islamic extremist groups, has made what looks like a controlled explosion, at least in Egypt and Tunisia. [..] Washington won twice, has secured for many years to come, the loyalty of these two countries and has scored an extraordinary operation of the image, showing the world that America is with the people and democracy in regimes until yesterday friends .[..]
Foa goes on to say that you know, Libya is an important crossroads for Italy, especially when they pass pipeline since arriving in Sicily, which seems to be an attack on 'Italian Eni and trade policy.
Returning to the role of the media and their work / construction of the instrument is actually sent to the tam tam Web into the homes of all of us. Up to date on the mass media, we read that in Libya there were up to 10 000 deaths and there was the creation of mass graves. But alternative voices and testimonies diminish the scope of the events. From Quotidiano.net : "[..] for Al Arabiya, quoting Libyan member of the International Criminal Court to Shanuka Sayed, the total death toll would exceed 10,000 dead. The International Federation of rights' man (FIDH), speaks of at least 640 victims .[..]
The word creepy grave, and was attributed to Libya following the publication of a notorious appeared in news video with the "numbers" of victims
But how quickly it has been reported by Debora Billi Blog Oil is a hoax:
"As suspected, not this is an expanse of graves in a cemetery but existing in Tripoli. It's called Sidi Hamed * Cemetery and is located near the sea (here Test at Google Maps satellite ). In the video, you see two rows add for victims of recent days, but all you see around the graves are graves that were already in existence. In short, no mass graves of emergency. Remember this stasera, quando le vedrete al telegiornale."
Un ulteriore conferma dal sito Blogghete di Gianluca Freda: [..]Le immagini provengono dal sito OneDayOnEarth.org, aperto nell’ottobre 2010 da due studenti di Los Angeles di nome Kyle Ruddick e Brandon Litman. E' una sorta di “social network” delle immagini video, finanziato da una sessantina di ONG, nonché dal Programma per lo Sviluppo delle Nazioni Unite. Una provenienza a dir poco sospetta, come sospetto è il tempismo con cui il sito è stato messo online poco prima dell’inizio delle rivolte nordafricane. addition, the newspapers and TV have accepted at face value that it was footage shot in recent days, without citing any evidence in support. In the absence of sources and reliable information, it is even permissible to suspect that there is no question of images taken recently, but the documentation of one of many "collective burials" of African migrants whose boats capsize frequently near the Libyan coast and whose bodies were then driven on the beach by the tide. In particular, even the cemetery of Sidi Hamed has often had to deal with these unfortunate tasks, given the frequency of such incidents. The fact that the movie appears relaxed atmosphere, you do not see protesters furious or frantic, neither women nor relatives crying or screaming, suggests that this is precisely the work of burial of these victims is unknown .[..]
Apparently none of the organs and officers of state, nor journalists, nor other people have tried to verify or discuss its sources. Why? A so-called failure to act that speaks volumes not only about the credibility of the media and certain journalists asked, especially because the severe distortion of the facts produces a perception pultroppo this event and we can not simply be considered an act of "awkward" but a contribution to the deception and propaganda, which is functional in obtaining certain results. And why the "true "informants are encouraged to come forward? The so-called truth is at the mercy of deceivers. You have to be so careful and lucid, is a very delicate moment, the beginning of a storm, whose true destructive force passes through the conscience.
The people of Libya have been murdered for demanding freedom, health, education and a decent wage - basic needs we all share. Today, as a global community, we raise our voices from all over the world to condemn the shocking massacres, and work together to end the bloodshed and to support the right of the Libyans call for change.
So the continuation of propaganda domino effect, instigator of virtual communities. And the colorful movement of Movements, Avaaz, Free Citizens of the World, Anonymouse (always part of the Soros-United) and Facebook, of course, continue to recruit members of the revolutions guided.
Nienteecomesembra Thanks for the valuable records of the articles.
Our dear friend Marc, alias Sarcastycon , blogger known author of many memorable vignettes, and jeers caricatures on the political class, and we all abbreviated Sarc, has left us. Learns the sad news that he cared about the Stealth by my blog. Your link will remain open on this blog. Now with his cartoons sting from there. I propose that anyone who has met and appreciated here on the web to publish his cartoon. He would be happy. Dear Marcello, an emotional and heartfelt thanks for having fun, and also for your participation in this blog and the Garden of the Hesperides.
San Remo 2011, indoctrination, the media unit of Italy e non solo
This festival of San Remo in 2011 was really sickening, and I do not say to the songs, some of which were even interpreted by voices quite valid and supported by the music of an orchestra of highly respected (certainly was not a classical music concert, but nobody claimed this.)
The sickening thing was seeing an indoctrination to 360 degrees on issues such as pollution, the exploitation of African peoples (the illegal behavior and criminal behavior of multinationals processed in respect to local populations), the unit 's Italy (transformed in the words of Benigni annexation of Savoy a glorious epic of freedom) 's national anthem (of Benigni which would explain the real meaning, some say, that sin has left out Masonic values \u200b\u200bof the text of that hymn).
But first things first and start with the sponsorship of the festival of San Remo by Eni, which has obviously paid some nice nutshell to make sure that the festival was sandwiched by a long-media performance of the conductor of the Festival (Morandi ). In this long courtship advertising is spoken so well of what he does when Eni works in foreign countries, respect for local people ... in short, seems to listen to a fairy tale, but the reality is very different, and it is a reality of pipelines continually leaking oil and poison the environment, water, food of the indigenous population, made up of gas flaring, or practice (illegal) to burn some gas coming from the areas of oil production, a practice of fumigation and poisoning of poor people who already drink water and eat oil fish oil (since it can not afford more), thus developing a range of diseases that had never seen before beginning the extraction of oil.
short, a horrible story, and that alone might help to convince people that it is normal for governments to contribute horribly normal daily poisoning of the people they governed, an example that should make people think he does not want, he can not believe in the existence of chemtrails .
The video below tells all this in great detail (if you do not have time to watch the two videos you can watch a shorter that summarizes the issue very well). Additional insights are available on an article published on the website for explanatory quinews: Eni - ethics of state business is business (some significant excerpts of the article are listed in the appendix).
Now what can we expect when an evening of song festival is dedicated to the anniversary of the unification of Italy with the participation of Benigni ? Laugh, you say, and certainly he is good at his field, is a talented comedian, but in show business not only go ahead if you have talent, but to obey the rules, or if in your shows, your music, in your concerts (perhaps even subliminal messages through ) consent to convey messages that he wants the power is transmitted. And if you refuse and rebel you can also uccidert i.
Now if someone has not read as Saviano has reinvented the history of Italy in a program produced by a company of Silvio Berlusconi , I think it's best that you read the article just quoted, with perhaps to the so-called unification of Italy , which in reality was an annexation, sometimes bloody (see the carnage of World War I) the House of Savoy, annexed to another conducted under the auspices of Freemasonry (Cavour Mazzini, Garibaldi had "accidentally" all Masons). See Benigni then waving the tricolor and said to live in Italy, between a joke and the other on "Berlusconi Knight (strokes designed to contribute to a project by the sinister implications, as described in the previous article ) reminiscent of the grandeur of the past Italian, who sings the anthem for Masonic Mameli, is little more than an encore of what has been done by Saviano shortly before (during a drive, look at home, also saw Benigni as a guest).
course, Benigni's funny, is a talented comedian, but for those who are fully aware of the true meaning of certain performance are bitter laughter. And when lo sentiamo cantare (con)fratelli d'Italia ci viene anche un po' di disgusto. Gli inni nazionali sono nutrimento per il nazionalismo, ed il nazionalismo è lo strumento psicologico utilizzato da chi vuole fare propaganda alla guerra; quando lo stato si prepara a far la guerra si fa chiamare patria, diceva un famoso commediografo.
Ed ecco due righe sull'inno d'Italia tratte dal sito radiomarconi :
L'inno "Fratelli d'Italia" o " INNO DI MAMELI" è diventato dopo il 1946 l' "inno nazionale", anche se nessuno (fino ad oggi) lo ha reso tale con un decreto.
L'inno essendo "repubblicano" ("Brothers" is in the name you give each other Masons) for the entire period of Savoy (including fascist) was obviously never executed.
"With the proclamation of the Republic in 1946 and 12 October of that year, in view of the swearing-in of new armed forces (IV scheduled for November), the De Gasperi government proposed by the Minister of War (!) the Mason Cipriano Facchinetti Republican, proposed to adopt as "military anthem" Brothers of Italy ".
Below the first part of Benigni's performance, judge with your mind now that you've read my words .
Eni has been present in Nigeria since 1962. By AGIP, Eni participates in the exploitation of several oil fields in the Niger Delta region, where one of the phenomena more harmful to the environment and local populations is that gas flaring: open burning natural gas related with the extraction of crude oil. With gas flaring disperse pollutants into the air toxins such as benzene, which are accused of causing the local population between the increase of cancer and respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma. But beyond that there is also the problem of acid rain, subsequent to its gas flaring, which contributes massively to climate change.
The Niger Delta region, alone produces 70 million tonnes of C02 per year, or more than the emissions of Norway, Portugal and Sweden combined, or more than all the countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The worrying thing is that gas flaring is actually illegal. Nigeria has officially declared illegal the practice of flaring gas since way back in 1979, allowing a period of five years to companies to come into compliance. In almost thirty years have passed, and gas flaring continues to be manufactured by all companies. For April 2006, the High Court of Justice of Nigeria said that gas flaring should be against the right to life, health and dignity. " In November 2007, a Nigerian Federal High Court judge ruled that gas flaring violates the human rights of local populations and that the joint venture which is also involved in Agip, responsible for the phenomenon, it shall immediately cease to use it.
In April 2008, was submitted to the Federal Court in Abuja a complaint against six oil companies, including the Nigeria Agip Oil Company Ltd, accusing them of having used the gas flaring and to have released about fifty harmful chemicals atmosphere, in the Niger Delta region, demanding compensation of 5 trillion naira in Nigeria, representing more than 26 million €, for damages. The attention and international pressure, but also legal actions related to the phenomenon of gas flaring, increased rapidly in recent years. According to the website of the Eni "the development projects of the gas include the elimination of gas flaring by May 2012 in Congo and Nigeria in 2011."
Considering that this practice is illegal for nearly 25 years in Nigeria, Eni should take concrete steps to ensure the end of each operation of gas flaring as soon as possible on humanitarian grounds e ambientali.
that revolutions throughout North Africa suddenly become like wildfire domino for that effect that the media make it seem "spontaneous", but are remotely operated from the United States is now clear that the ... And in fact right on the Sun Sole 24 ore , fetch the news of a famous mercenary service in a permanent revolution in Serbia in the first, and then spotted in Egypt. You can read the life, death, miracles, revolutions, and of course on behalf of this ultraottuagenario Gene Sharp (pictured above in ). According Cristian Rocca, author of the piece, "the writings of Sharp, translated into 28 languages, have been studied by the opposition in Zimbabwe, Burma and Iran. In 1997, tells the Wall Street Journal, a Polish-American activist, Marek Zelazkiewicz, photocopy the 93 pages of Sharp and brought with him in the Balkans, teaching the tactics of nonviolent resistance in Kosovo and then to Belgrade. "Now it
Libya. Libya burns and many major oil companies agreed to take over its "black gold." So who cares if Italy will have to undergo the demographic bomb of the attack on its shores? Meanwhile, the c ' Monza is the friend that the Bedouin of Sirte made a "shady dealings with him," with one stone so you can seize the two classic pigeons take over and send black gold sheer Italy. method of Sharp speaks Marcello Foa in this interesting article appeared in the Corriere del Ticino and written on the European Journalism. Because of mercenaries paid by Washington, the real destabilizzator of the profession, subject to rare exceptions, all other mainstream media are silent? Why go instead extolling the "beauty of the revolution 'and' exporting democracy ', even at the risk of bringing into play ultra-conservative forces like the army (at best) and as the theocratic Muslim Brotherhood, already on the brink of War to launch fatwas?
And here in this article on Journal , the aforementioned Foa focuses on two real possibilities:
1) if Gaddafi falls, crowds will be reversed by biblical exodus here.
2) If it resists and Qaddafi organizes the bloody repression, became for Italy, un alleato scomodo e imbarazzante presso la comunità cosiddetta "internazionale" , già pronta a trascinarlo davanti alla Corte dell'Aja.
Frattanto l'ONU ci obbliga già per decreto ingiuntivo ad accettare tutti, ma proprio tutti. Ce n'è una terza di conseguenza disastrosa: il ritiro di tutti gli affari che non solo Berlusconi, ma anche il governo Prodi e D'Alema avevano fatto con Eni, Finmeccanica, con molto azionariato congiunto, tra Italia e Libia. Lo scenario rassomiglia, a voler essere ottimisti, alla crisi petrolifera del 1973 quando di botto ci trovammo generi di prima necessità rincarati, la domenica a pedalare, con Stocks of heating rationed. With the aggravating dell'incessante go by boat from the North African coast.
Per i cristiani il Natale è la festa per eccellenza. Jesus emette i suoi primi vagiti dando così prova della veridicità di una religione. Un piccolo pupetto sporco di sangue come tutti i pupetti appena nati, gonfio come tutti i pupetti appena nati. Gracchiante come tutti i pupetti appena nati, bisognoso di latte, coccole, e calore come tutti i pupetti appena nati.
Insomma non è che sia nato sotto a cabbage as told recently to explain the miracle of birth If I had been told that Jesus was born under a cabbage hats. sprouts would be a symbol of holiness, the vegetable gardens, our churches, clergy and peasants our order. So if Jesus must be born and to demonstrate the existence of a god of heaven do chiccesia big. In celebrations eat chips blessed cabbage, a cabbage-flower is the symbol of peace, not without irony that olive pathetic.
Or as I know, Jesus, just to make you dirtene another could lead to a stork in his bundle, you he slid into the chimney of the house of the holy mother you.
First thing if I had one of those things I will regard this as a great, and the children would feel less idiots when they tell him the absurd mysteries of birth.
Then what the heck ... would have spared the suffering of the birth mother that you could not curse you for obvious reasons, but certainly would appreciate your generosity that also characterize the event.
Then miracles of miracles here and there in the end you got killed and so on.
boh are your short you made a terrible figure. Everybody loves you, both Christians and atheists. Even those of other religions respect you.
So explain to me how it happened that you stole the scene of a father and fat bastard with a red nose alcohol?
on guard against Satan? What nonsense. Satan gave you ever stolen birthday, gave you bothered again and again, but from there to steal your birthday wishes there.
wanted a cruel dictator and immortal? Such is evil to be able to steal the birthday Jeeeesus in person? A native idolatry
this mascot CocaCola. Bela stuff ...
And our favorite reindeer Rudolph .. ... was born at the end of '900 invented by a company (montgomery something) for an advertisement. What infinite sadness A CHRISTMAS GIFT MUST BE MUUUUUTI! MENGHI!
And now a tribute to my friend Jiiiiisus to the esteem and affection I feel for him. friend, happy birthday ... heart ... even if it is December 25, but what day is it?
L'Egitto "esulta per la libertà" ... pieno potere alle forze armate! Ci prendono tutti per fessi?
Imagine a high school class in which they say "do not lecture tomorrow morning, because instead of 5 hours of lessons you will make as many hard labor in a mine."
And now imagine that the students rejoice because they are so stupid and immature to have leaped to the first part of the news ("you will do tomorrow lesson" before we implement the full range of chores to be assigned to a forced labor in the mine.
Well, this seems an apt comparison, very fitting for the situation that has arisen in Egypt. cheers people for freedom, I think I won with a revolution of people, but distracted as those hypothetical students should not have been very attentive to the entire contents of the statements from the institutions: Mubarak is gone, but the army to take over the full power ... officially, but certainly, to ensure a democratic transition to democracy, the democracy of which the army, loyal to Mubarak for 30 years, has never give a damn about anything. Moreover, that democracy can come from the army? Or perhaps you imagine that a structure where by definition and role choice are obeyed (and fighting) is inherently conducive to freedom?
I'll be full of prejudices, but the army that takes me back to empower the mind with images that have little freedom to do as the streets of Santiago, Chile occupied by tanks and soldiers in the army bloody coup of 1973, I ricoda many less bloody coups occurred in the third and fourth in the world and supported by the former colonialist countries: United States, Britain, France.
With this I can not deny that a little while in Egypt there might be some sort of pseudo-democracy, or at least apparent that you can perform the so-called free elections (which are also taking place in Italy and the Italians can choose to vote the right to dismantle the welfare state, launches liberticidal laws and send the soldiers in the Middle East, or to the left that raises taxes, it makes the games of the big banks and pretends to withdraw troops from the Middle East), but certainly the premises are not the best, and seeing what we have already seen in two previous articles ( first and second ) we can expect that the global elites are able, through the power of the army that manages the "transition" to handle things as they see fit by placing their pawns at the helm.
gattopardescamente Thus it might seem that everything must change not to change anything, but I am afraid that something will change in the long run, as we get closer to finishing moves now to the construction of the New World Order , and a change could be to a new government closer to Islamic fundamentalism or at least as far away from Israel. For many items collected so far it seems that the global elites want to trigger a new Arab-Israeli conflict could widen dramatically.
Obviously for the content of the last four lines may well be wrong since we are not aware of the secret plans of those who govern, and certainly we hope fervently wrong.
It 's the time of the artichokes. This post contains nothing new for those familiar with the topic, but it may be informative for those who have never read any of this. In any case, are two recent cases, the first taken from an article in the newspaper L'Adige, dated January 27, 2011.
"You should not deal with rotten food. On the envelope was printed the deadline of April 5, 2010.
Calavino -After several cases of blue cheese, dried beef phosphorescent, ricotta and zucchini, red here phosphorescent green artichokes. Curious what happened to a family of Calavino that early in the morning, preparing lunch for work, meets a lot of artichokes become part of a green fluorescent. He had purchased from a seller at home. To be fair the incident may not cause concern as it could be a simple case of food gone bad or an ordinary chemical reaction, but given the freshness of pack (due April 5, 2010), after all the talk about the Flava mozzarella, turned blue, and episodes of other foods that take a little strange colors (think of blue cheese found in Bergamo last October mozzarella or polka dot discovery in September at Salerno), inevitable pause to speak of this topic. That the cause of all this is also found in Pseudomonas mozzarella Flava? Whether one case this problem of old machines that pack the product? Or it's just a chemical reaction to a food at all? The family has decided to the product under investigation to shed light on the origin of this staining .[..]"
"starts with the investigation into the closing bars of blue mozzarella pm Raffaele Guariniello. On his desk came the advice from two experts, a chemist and a microbiologist at the University of Turin, which summarizes the results of 'investigation that involved the whole of Italy: they have been checked a dozen establishments (whose leaders have been entered in the register of suspects) and analyzed 1027 samples of milk products. And as much as 67 percent tested positive for contamination di batteri. Tra i vari stabilimenti di produzioni ci sono stati livelli di positività che andavano da un minimo di 27 per cento dei casi, a un massimo di 87 per cento.
Il batterio in assoluto più presente è stato proprio lo pseudomonas fluorescens, responsabile della colorazione blu che ha tanto impressionato i consumatori l’estate scorsa, (anche se non è responsabile di problemi per la salute), ed è risultato assai diffuso anche il bacillus cereus. Ma è stata riscontrata anche la presenza di enterobatteri, di escherichia coli, di stafiloccocus aureus, e di salmonella, che possono invece creare disturbi seri e intossicazioni. In alcuni campioni analizzati dal punto Chemically, they were even found residues of lead. The report was immediately sent for information to the Ministry of Health, and meanwhile continue to arrive in the prosecution always new cases of mozzarella blue . "Microbiological contamination - is the thesis advisors - can not be traced back to milk, but results from the cooling of the curd with cold water. " E 'own water because the government suspected of main pollution .[..]"
These experts, while Having identified the elements of their contaminated water, it came no doubt about the ways in which the Pseudomanas syringae could be done.
In "Rain-making bacteria , J. Hardy speaks of the advantages of the bacterium for its ability to quickly create nuclei of aggregation, essential to the creation of the ice. And it is possible that the bacterium has been modified in the laboratory in order to obtain more benefits. This results in different strains able to sicken certain types of plants.
"The main application of the physics of ice cores clearly regards the artificial insemination of clouds [Mason (1971)]. This practice is to disperse within the clouds, using rockets or aircraft, aerosolized substances that facilitate the nucleation of ice. How to explain C. Knight and N. Knight (1973), in the clouds is very common to find supercooled droplets, ie liquid water at temperatures below 0 ° C, this means that, in comparison the condensation nuclei (CCN), the ice core (IN) are relatively scarce. inseminated artificially with these cloud particles are formed as efficient as IN molti cristalli di ghiaccio che crescono a spese delle goccioline d'acqua sopraffuse per effetto Bergeron-Findeinsen. Crescendo i cristalli di ghiaccio raggiungono dimensioni tali da non poter essere più sostenuti dalle correnti d'aria ascensionali, quindi cadono al suolo. Durante questa fase i cristalli attraversano zone a temperature superiori a quelle a cui si sono formati, quindi in parte sublimano e se la temperatura supera i 0°C cominciano a sciogliersi.
[..] Finora la sostanza più usata nell'inseminazione artificiale delle nubi è lo ioduro d'argento (AgI) le cui ottime proprietà come IN furono scoperte da Vonnegut nel 1946 [Mason (1971), Malkina et al.(1996)].[..] Always Szyrmer and Zawadzki (1997) report that found a bacterium called Pseudomonas syringae , efficient in ice nucleation and , as also Vali (1996), this may imply a connection between biological phenomena and atmospheric phenomena. This bacterium, thanks to its properties, is used in cannons for artificial snow production with significant economic benefits in tourism, and he is also studying the use in the food preservation in order to speed up the freezing process. The characteristic of this bacterium is not always advantageous, because when it infects the plants grow dramatically risk of frost damage, so that many scientists are trying to genetically modify it so as to inhibit its exceptional in the nucleation of ice. "
As mentioned before , the results reached by the prosecutor Guariniello, namely that the occurrence of Pseudomonas in milk products would be derived from water, would require a push to understand why this bacterium comes to color our food. Besides, why are paying the consequences for the crops. But the investigations in this direction, as in the worst casi si fermano a queste sole risposte, presenti sì sui giornali, in modo da "contentare" la popolazione, assuefatta ad informazioni parziali, la quale non chiede di più. Ovviamente ci si guarda bene dal fare collegamenti tra la diffusione nell'ambiente del batterio con le operazioni di manipolazione climatica e d'induzione artificiale di nubifragi. Queste irrorazioni clandestine dei cieli, utilizzate per il controllo del tempo meteorologico, hanno il nome di scie chimiche. Non ci stanchiamo mai di citare l' Accordo Italia-Usa sulla modificazione del clima.
I Benigni a freak expired. I never liked it, because you give so much to do for pleasure. Do not look at him, not because of the feeling of revulsion that inspires me, with the Tuscan dialect in itself shocking, and he emphasized in a growing and vulgar counterfeit, but the total disregard for his art, or so defined by itinerant actor, to be clear that is always ready to adapt according to the place. Hugely overrated icon and now the people that cheer anti-Berlusconi with his silly jokes, he certainly unemployed half the day on which the Knights will be no more. But yes, of course, is not immortal, do not worry .
then will be tough with Rosy Bindi! Of course the Tuscan one is a delirium. Screams, noises, confusion. But Benigni expects to move to IP. Is attributed to a reading of Dante unsurpassable. But ascoltatevi Dale, that means that Dante knows and does not make it a tool for hundreds of thousands of dollars a night!
( by Free ) This time you will pay. And, as is clear from the rumors, not little. Roberto Benigni to climb onto the stage tomorrow night could collect Ariston € two hundred thousand, maybe even more. To think that the last appearance in RAI had done at no charge by participating in the program by Roberto Saviano and Fabio Fazio Come away with me. On that occasion, however, the comic had to defend a good cause: there was to speak ill of Berlusconi live. Some things are priceless. For the rest, however, there are cases in Viale Mazzini. Maybe this time the reason for the appearance is not enough to justify the travel expenses without reimbursement. Benigni fact we talk about 150 years of Italian unity, to which the episode is dedicated. "It will exegesis of the hymn di Mameli ', Gianni Morandi explained yesterday," it will be a sober and solemn singing of the Italian. " Let us understand: for Saviano against Silvio also at no cost, for the homeland and make the Tricolore € two hundred thousand?
I reported these two opinions, and I add mine too about the hyperglycemic Benigneide that is spreading all over the papers, after hosted in San Remo the comedian Tuscan ovations of the press left, center and right, on various online newspapers such as the West which has passively queued, and even on blogs left and right. That can not be Giullarone acrobat houses of the people to join the Italians for the birthday of the country. But the fact that we want him to smuggle with this salvific role is still worrying because it means that currently in Italy there is no real "analysis" of the historical phenomenon of the Renaissance and its heritage. And so we should settle for a fake. Benigni comes from a party that hid the flag under a red blood Socialist Appeal, symbol of class struggle and the "dictatorship of the proletariat", that is something that divides, to incite 'hatred and does not unite. In his Tosche houses of the people s' sang the Internationale, anthem unpatriotic by definition, since called the proletarians of the world to unite, to fight and destroy their states ( has veni mustache, he said, in reference to Stalin). Benigni is profit, but also the futile idiot (which is astute in making money) of a political grouping that once elected (I speak of the Prodi government spending) made him say: "We are so busy when Berlusconi was in power, now that we have to worry because the government is in opposition." An invitation explicitly "democratic" to make the opposition disappear. During his keynote Pallosa and pleased Innbrücke Sanremo di Mameli and the Risorgimento has spoken against "nationalism" which he regarded as "absolute evil" and "racism" considered aberrant. Then do not resist the little lesson on syntactical Bossi "on victory slave of Rome. "Unfortunately, however, that in accordance with its puppeteers, has neglected to emphasize the bond of blood- soil which is a main concept of the Renaissance, and well on that " ius sanguinis" (blood right) that neoesegeti of the Risorgimento as he and Napolitano, fail to remember, because it is convenient to the New World Order. That is, being Italian means be due to hereditary legacy: why are your parents, your grandparents are, and so on, in an area independent free and sovereign. No, sir, but today you can land the boarding of our country at any time of day or night, you can open a kebab shop or other junk, which according to the "Risorgimento neoesegeti" Think of Italian within 5 years. Then they will be 3. Then right away. Until the loss of our beloved land of dead social decomposition, because it will no longer ours, but a huge favela multiethnic explosive residue whose beauty will be defaced and sold off at auction in no time at all. In other words, no more roof, no law, no monetary sovereignty. Might as well then, keep the Austrians. Massa ... Long live Italy! That's not syrupy (but poisoned) cupcakes Benigni.