Thursday, January 13, 2011

What Is A Good Name For A Bath Bomb Business

The mantra on jobs that Italians do not want to do

What immigrants need to take? Simple, send walking on the street and beat the Italians. "Why do employers prefer immigrants so as to replace the Italian building, maybe competent and qualified? The reasons are all in agreement: trade unions, employers and workers. The foreign worker is more conditions, "says Camillo Ranza, president of the Bank building in Milan, Lodi and Monza," while the Italian is more culturally prepared to assert their rights. "Read more on the topic continue reading and this article taken from the blog Euroholocaust .
A repetitive refrain nauseum: i-work-that-the Italians-not - want to do-more-. It 's a chorus of left but like so too the right. But who has masterminded globalization has thought of everything: even the clichés and platitudes to put in your mouth. It 'strange to note that besides having promoted daily havoc for over 20 years, has also prepared a mentality commonly spread to passively accept as "necessary" and "inevitable." We are the famous "global reserve army" already predicted by Marx, perfectly executed on a global scale. Meanwhile, the Italians are "lazy", "fancazzisti" and "big babies", all people to replace quickly. Then, apparently, are all "communists" and even "cigiellini. If so, Berlusconi would not have won the elections three times in a row, because it is not true that a votarlo sono solo i nababbi, gli imprenditori e le classi sociali più abbienti.
E siccome gli extracomunitari danno fastidio  solo se ad assumerli è il vicino di officina, reo di  fare concorrenza "sleale", ecco comparire la sindrome NIMBY (Not in my backyard) anche nella piccola e media impresa. Della serie, io posso farlo,  tu no. Può quindi capitare di conoscere il padroncino o il piccolo imprenditore o l'artigianello del Nord Italia che sconsolato allarga le braccia e dice. "Per forza, ho trovato solo questo". Nel 85% dei casi non è vero. Ha voluto assumere di proposito solo il manovale extracomunitario because it pays less. For now. It is required to add the "for now", given that trade unions are already on patrol with their membership cards and indoctrination. Then maybe you do not care if he turns his factory into a mosque praying towards Mecca and interrupting the work several times a day, as I've seen at the gates of the old Cagiva (motorcycle factory) of Varese . It hurts. Meanwhile, however, are beginning to highlight the first failure and the first cracks in the Vicenza and Padua: non-Africans to walk to nod in the meantime because the employer has relocated elsewhere. And how can they make do: either make the "black" or illegally impersonating fall to the station and its surroundings. But at home we do not add up.
the wonderful opportunities offered to young Italians the New Economy has provided us with his passionate testimony of commmenti Josh in the post below . It follows from these interventions and the liveliness of this debate some relevant data:
  • To find a job (even humble) must provide an Italian currucula, supporting documents, bureaucratic and professional courses which are not however richiesti agli allogeni, inviati direttamente per il tramite dei consolati in accordo con le associazioni industriali.
  • La scuola è diventata per i giovani Italiani un'area di parcheggio lungo a dismisura per ritardare ad hoc l'inserimento nel mercato del lavoro e creare una psicologia poco adatta alla praticità quotidiana.
  • La precarizzazione del lavoratore autoctono è inversamente proporzionale alle progressive sicurezze e diritti per il lavoratore allogeno.
  • Incentivazione del controllo demografico presso gli autoctoni (pillola, aborto ecc.), politiche familiari carenti  per poi lanciare surrettiziamente l'allarme "invecchiamento of the population "and thus justify recovery alien .
  • Population increase at the aliens, encouraged by family reunion with many clan kinship.
  • empty rhetoric on the supposed" integration "and total disregard for any struggles and among the indigenous poor and the aliens. Carelessness and insensitivity to the devastating effects of migration flows.
Here are just a few important points to ponder before you sing the chorus of "work -than-the- Italian-not want-more- f are . "Then, however, not you will understand why or how come, when we go abroad we are golden bridges, praised our initiative and creativity and fully implements the usual discounted nemo propheta at home. "

I have an idea I would: they want to turn us back in the emigrants with patched seats that we were over half a century ago, and sever the emotional bond we have with our country. And all while this is bea Napolitano of empty and dull ceremonial on 150 years of the Unification of Italy, complete with a cloth flag in the wind.


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