What was the color of the Georgian revolution? Rosa. And that smell was? That of roses. What color was the Ukrainian revolution? Orange . What perfume did the Lebanese? The fragrant cedars of . And what fragrance, one of Tunisia? of jasmine. Iranian? Green . That Burma? Amaranth and gold, the color of the robes bonze. Belgium now evident to patitine fries, while in Italy took to the streets several times purple people. This has not been very lucky (they say it is a color that brings bad luck) so you will know that changes color.
S 'fire to Egypt, with Mubarak to suggest that Hillary Clinton, his old "ally" of all time, to clear the field, making him understand without too many turns of phrase that has struck her now. Series, by the enemies I look and I by "friends" (Egypt) look at me God. In the case of the old "Pharaoh," Allah.
Shake also Albania, where for years that the pole and the center-socialist Berisha (both former communists of the old regime of Enver Hoxha) if the damage of holy right. In 1990 began the transition from communist to democracy with a beginning of a revolution. In 1992, the Communist Party was organized in the Socialist Party who won but was accused of fraud. In 1992 elections saw Democrats win center-right, with President Sali Berisha, but in January 1997, Albania experienced a civil war broke out three months due to the failure of a particular financial system in which Albanians had invested part of their savings. Both camps, the socialist and the democratic, pro-American and proclaim themselves loyal to NATO, but this does not prevent them suonarsele of thrashing. This time, however, there are no colors because s' invokes the term post-Soviet transparency "(remember the Gorbachev Glasnost?). Now even the "moderate" Jordan with his monarchy ashemita arises to shake King Abdullah and his beautiful Queen Rania. And the fire to protest even Yemen.
Shake also Albania, where for years that the pole and the center-socialist Berisha (both former communists of the old regime of Enver Hoxha) if the damage of holy right. In 1990 began the transition from communist to democracy with a beginning of a revolution. In 1992, the Communist Party was organized in the Socialist Party who won but was accused of fraud. In 1992 elections saw Democrats win center-right, with President Sali Berisha, but in January 1997, Albania experienced a civil war broke out three months due to the failure of a particular financial system in which Albanians had invested part of their savings. Both camps, the socialist and the democratic, pro-American and proclaim themselves loyal to NATO, but this does not prevent them suonarsele of thrashing. This time, however, there are no colors because s' invokes the term post-Soviet transparency "(remember the Gorbachev Glasnost?). Now even the "moderate" Jordan with his monarchy ashemita arises to shake King Abdullah and his beautiful Queen Rania. And the fire to protest even Yemen.
short, it seems to play a Witch color controls on a global scale.
Some time ago (back in 2007) to Milena Gabanelli Report did an excellent report on how you export a revolution: an actual product that you can see T-shirts, balloons, pins, badge, CD, ribbons, cloth and other gadgets. There is a color, logo, music, slogans. And there is an association bipartisan U.S., Freedom House (House of Freedoms) associated with the various NGOs of the financier "philanthropist" Soros, the most important of which is called Open Society Institute responsible in promoting the revolution in outsourcing.
Ma si dirà: - la Gabanelli è di sinistra. La sottoscritta non va troppo per il sottile in quanto a colori, quando si tratta di accertare i fatti: rosso, bianco o nero, purché il gatto acchiappi i topi e faccia buon reportage. Se un comunista mi dovesse dire che fuori piove e io dopo essermene accertata noto che è vero, allora prendo l'ombrello. Idem se fosse fascista. Veniamo dunque agli ombrelli.
Ecco cosa dice in studio la Gabanelli all'inizio della trasmissione Report:
Nei paesi dell'est europeo da qualche anno sono spuntati dal nulla movimenti studenteschi che overturn governments with a velvet glove. But revolutions do even if you only use the computer does a lot of money. It 'possible that a group of students from Europe, penniless and then imagine how all students are able to make as many as 4, Ukraine, Serbia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan? I am alone or there is someone who handles them? The investigation turned half the world is Manon Loizeau .
And here's what ends at the end of the episode:
We can define the evolution of the cold war, because behind these movements, there is always a foundation, an American association, often former military and the results are few and not all countries in the satellites of Moscow. Movements are so feared that the Kremlin, by contrast, was deliberately set up a ministry: the ministry of counter . That something was done because all foreign funding from various non-governmental organizations. We'll see if and how these movements have had an end of the year when there will be elections.
whole episode here: http://it.narkive.com/2007/6/4/1304622-chi-ce-dietro-le-equot-rivoluzioni-colorateequot-da-report-rai.html
La morale di questa favola "colorata" è che con i soli Internet, un pc e una tastiera, qualche blog, qualche social forum (facebook, twitter) non si fanno le rivoluzioni per il mondo. Ci vogliono ben altre spinte, coordinamenti e ben altri cervelli organizzativi dietro a chi si agita. Tutto questo, anche se poi i regimi dittatoriali agonizzanti e ridotti agli ultimi giorni della loro sopravvivenza, disattivano i server e i cellulari, quale loro ultima suicida mossa da harakiri. Ma c'è chi disattiva the media, some off states. As the slogan advertising I believe in One World.
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