By Clare Swinney , on NORTHLAND NEW ZEALAND Chemtrails WATCH
Among the assortment of recent reports declassified material published by the New Zealand sighting of unidentified flying objects (UFO) , dating from the period 1952-2009, there are documents, written in 1999 and 2000, a concerned citizen, who predicted that an outbreak of disease will occur as a result of "aircraft condensation trails, otherwise known as" chemtrails "', which appear in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe peoples concerned.
Chemtrails, which are also commonly referred to as aerosols, contrails differ from air in that they often persist in the sky for hours and can be viewed arranged in a grid of parallel lines or form 'X' in the sky (see picture satellite article at the beginning and the other below) .
While see a chemtrail is not evidence that the disease was caused by them, is necessary to analyze very seriously, since all the evidence shows that chemtrails make people sick, in light of what is known about their composition.
Evidence for more than a decade, reveals that the chemtrails are used for "at least" seven functions [a judging by the amount of Patents or patents, the reasons for their use are many more - translator's note]. Also how to delete chemical sprays in the release phase of contrails from the tanker ], including control the weather, and military applications, and consist of a variety of harmful ingredients .
They usually include aluminum and barium , that are toxic to humans and the environment. They may include the radioactive thorium, dried red blood cells, dangerous pathogens, including Mycoplasma Fermentens incognitus , mold spores, ethylene dibromide, and self-replicating strands of nanotubes that cause disease Morgellons , which according to the results of the researcher Clifford Carnicom now have contaminated virtually all the [all this we must add the Pseudomonas , storms used in artificial - NdT].
They usually include aluminum and barium , that are toxic to humans and the environment. They may include the radioactive thorium, dried red blood cells, dangerous pathogens, including Mycoplasma Fermentens incognitus , mold spores, ethylene dibromide, and self-replicating strands of nanotubes that cause disease Morgellons , which according to the results of the researcher Clifford Carnicom now have contaminated virtually all the [all this we must add the Pseudomonas , storms used in artificial - NdT].
declassified reports, which are on-line under the heading: Original Files: NZ's UFO Sightings were sent to a major news site in New Zealand December 22, 2010, and were released to the public by the New Zealand Defence Force as Official Information Act.
Buried among the total number of documents declassified 2101, there are letters, newspaper clippings and pages of magazine articles, which reveal that an individual, whose name was removed from the match for reasons privacy, has repeatedly tried to raise the alarm about the dangers of chemtrails in 1999 and early 2000. It seems that initially the same, which will be referred to as Mr. Gibson, 'he wrote to Warren Kyd , Member of Parliament for Hunua Party of New Zealand.
In his letter, dated May 25, 1999, he wrote that he had seen the trail had been sprayed, over the skies of Auckland, , in the shape of a huge arc, and while the agency had reported that only a military aircraft may engage in this type of activity, the air traffic control, he said had been created by a passenger plane en route to Fiji. This is not unlikely, since the passenger jets were seen spraying chemtrails in New Zealand and other parts of the world [m is also a probable that it was not an airliner, considering both the absence of chemical tanker on radar for air traffic , that denial, by Entities dealing with air traffic civil the presence of chemical spraying operations over populated areas - NdT ].
Mr. Gibson report 'also, the Member, an article in the April , in the 1999 edition Nexus magazine. This article, the Canadian journalist William Thomas , entitled Contrails: Poison from the sky (and later renamed Chemtrails: Poison from the sky on the site of Nexus), mentioned that in areas where these trails were seen persistent, its emergency room was "flooded with cases similar to influenza, and doctors and nurses were complaining of" being very busy with respiratory diagnoses. "Thomas also wrote:" In England after the occurrence of persistent contrails and dropouts cobwebs from the sky - as they were shown on BBC London and Birmingham from January 14, 1999, in which more than 8,000 people - mostly elderly, died of pneumonia and other respiratory complications in 'last week of December and the first two weeks of January 1999.
In light of these reports, Mr. Gibson advised in his letter: "If this plane released something in our atmosphere causing the allegation made by magazines such as this [sic], a large number of Auckland's people would suffer from flu-like illnesses. "
A newspaper article, which is in Book 1 on page 37 of the files, published ten days after that wake chemicals were views of Auckland, has revealed that a sudden wave disturbances occurred. "The hospital emergency department has been busy in recent days with patients who suffer from respiratory illnesses, including pneumonia and asthma" roll-over 'the NZ Herald June 3, 1999. (See below).
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Moreover, a subsequent article in the NZ Herald , dated July 6, 1999 by title: "Sharp increase in the mortality rate in a new influenza plague," noted that about 100 people have died all'Auckland Middlemore Hospital in June, "mainly for respiratory diseases."
Despite the forecast of Mr. Gibson, who seems to have been correct and supported by similar reports abroad, the government has put aside the question. "I have been made and investigations were made to Mr Kyd was assured that there is no reason for you to be alarmed," said the executive secretary of Kyd, Faith Sarten, in a letter dated June 21, 1999.
dissatisfied with the response, Mr. Gibson went to find Mr. Kyd and his counsel subsequently wrote to the New Zealand Minister of Defence, Hon Mark Burton February 9, 2000. A response from the Hon. Burton of which can not be found in the file, but only a confirmation of receipt of correspondence from Mr Gibson.
Over a decade later, a new New Zealand government, which has now received a multitude of letters and phone calls from concerned citizens, continued to be unresponsive to their concerns, for what it is now classified as " Geo-Ingegneria Stratosferica con Aerosol” e che si verifica in scala molto, molto piu massiccia.
ESPERIMENTI DI GEOINGEGNERIA, da New Scientist clicca per ingrandire |
Per esempio, quando ho inviato per posta elettronica a 112 dei 122 membri del Parlamento il 10 settembre 2010 per un azione di massa contro le scie chimiche , e chiesto loro di contribuire a fermare che questo avvelenamento della nostra atmosfera continui, hanno replicato per lo piu’ una manciata di essi, e l’Assistente Esecutivo di Catherine Delahunty, portavoce dei Verdi Neozelandesi sulle sostanze tossiche. Ha dichiarato: “ Posso vedere la tua grande preoccupazione sulle “scie chimiche”. Tuttavia, i Verdi hanno deciso di dare priorità alle sostanze tossiche sul lavoro a alle sostanze chimiche conosciute (e comunque anche in questi casi limitarci a cio’ che possiamo mettere a fuoco). “
Sotto: La lettera che Mr Gibson ha scritto al ministro per Hunua, il signor Warren Kyd, che è nel libro 1 dei documenti declassificati , a pagina 35, seguito dalla risposta a pagina 36.
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Sotto, in 2 parti, un articolo dal Libro 1 a pagina 38 , datato Luglio 1999.
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Sotto: Libro 1 pagina 39 , si trova una copia di una lettera mandata a Paul Holmes , conduttore del popolare programma Evening business, "Holmes", which aired from 1989 to 2004.
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Fonte dell' articolo tradotto in italiano: RaggioIndaco WorldPress
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a cura di Nonvotarechitiavvelena
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