There is a patent (U.S. Patent 20100043443 - Method and apparatus for suppressing aeroengine contrails ) che spiega la presenza di velivoli a bassa o a bassissima quota che rilasciano prodotti chimico-biologici senza, però, mostrare apparentemente traccia del loro sporco lavoro. Quante volte abbiamo scorto questi aeromobili, mentre sorvolavano pericolosamente le città! Senza dubbio, visto che, a tali quote, il consumo di carburante aumenta, a causa della maggiore resistenza esercitata dall’aria meno rarefatta rispetto ad altitudini superiori, tali aerei sono impegnati nella diffusione di veleni che, però, non sono visibili sotto forma di scie durevoli o evanescenti che siano.
Ecco la descrizione patent mentioned above, namely U.S. Patent 20100043443 Nopper et al :
"An airplane has an ultrasonic generator and a waveguide for directing ultrasonic waves into the exhaust nozzle to to avoid the formation of contrails. "
To confirm that there is a clear anomaly in the transition to a low rate of large aircraft (eg, A-330, KC-10, Tupolev, 747) on the fly or off-limits areas where there are no low-altitude airways to fly over the landing beacons (1,200 meters), it can be seen in various circumstances it is impossible to put focus certain targets with the use of cameras that use the ultrasonic autofocus system. This incident [ VIDEO] occurs with many different brands and models is therefore not to be attributed to a manufacturing defect. You can, however, assume that any shading of the substances, in turn, cause malfunction of the scattered electronic means for automatic focusing ultrasound. He could not explain otherwise why, then moving on to other persons in the shot motion, stop the problem arise.
The autofocus emitter of ultrasound dates back to an invention of 1987, known by the abbreviation "USM ultrasonic motor."
In 1987, Canon adopted for the first time an ultrasonic motor (USM) in autofocus lenses. The main features were a high speed and low noise, that conquered the sports photographers and naturalists from around the world. It was for this unmatched innovation that soon the manual lenses were abandoned.
In 1992, Canon developed a micro motor USM that could be produced industrially: micromotor USM currently fitted to almost all the objectives of the Canon range.
The operation of the USM is based on the transmission of a vibration generated by ultrasonic wave. For this reason, the ring gear of the motor does not require or electromagnetic field sources and provides a rapid response with no noise and low power consumption. The range of use of the system ranges from -30 ° C to +60 ° C.
Autofocus active ultrasonic
Ultrasounds are emitted by the camera, measuring the return time of sound by reflection (towards the target), calculated the distance of the subject. Cameras that use the active autofocus emit something (for example, infrared light or sound waves) to the subject and then measuring the intensity of the reflected signal or the time it takes for the signal to bounce on the subject and return to the camera.
An AF is defined as active when the machine emits something (sound waves, infrared or other) to be able to determine the distance the subject classified and thus adjust the position of the lenses.
In 1986, Polaroid introduced on the market one of the first models in which the active autofocus camera produced high-frequency sound waves. The waves, once you hit the subject, reflected, returning to the car. By measuring the time elapsed between the sending and the return of the waves, it was possible to accurately determine the distance of the subject. The principle was the same as that used in submarine sonar.
Whenever you are having trouble focusing (of course with ultrasonic autofocus system), taking helicopters or aircraft, unmarked on your city, think U.S. patent 20100043443.
Source: Tankerenemy
Cancellare le contrails - Il brevetto
Ultrasound waves autofocus and patent to eliminate
"contrails" and ultrasound autofocus problems
Brevetti sulla modificazione climatica
Geoingeneering Patent history
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