L'emittente KSLA 12, in un suo servizio televisivo del novembre 2007, ammette la presenza di bario nelle scie chimiche riferendo degli alti valori di bario riscontrati nell'acqua piovana raccolta da un cittadino (nella foto). Sul sito web dell'emittente è possibile trovare pure l' articolo relativo which corresponds almost entirely to the transcript.
Here we again follow the video and we publish the translation, the video can be downloaded in both format. Flv (9 Mbps) in format. Avi (Mega).
Here we again follow the video and we publish the translation, the video can be downloaded in both format. Flv (9 Mbps) in format. Avi (Mega).
The strange substance found by a man from Arkansas of the Southwest could result from a government experiment? This is a central question concerning the phenomenon of chemtrails now is receiving widespread attention. This sera in una indagine di KSLA News 12, il reporter Jeff Ferrell ci mostra i risultati di un controllo che abbiamo fatto su ciò che si trova nei nostri cieli.
"Qualche mattino sembrava che le scie formassero incroci che riempivano tutto il cielo, come le linee di una scacchiera gigante".
Bill Nichols ha scattato diverse fotografie delle strane nuvole che vede dalla sua casa a Stamps, nell’Arkansas. Esse iniziano come normali scie di condensa degli aerei ma non si dileguano come le normali scie di condensa.
Subito dopo un recente episodio [ di avvistamento di numerose scie anomale ] egli ha visto delle particelle nell’aria “esse cadono down to earth like a mist forming. " Nichols then noticed the material was deposited on the ground.
"This is the water [rain ] along with other things [ who came down from heaven ] I gathered in some containers. I sat in the pick-up truck [ a 4-wheel vehicle useful for transporting heavy objects and / or bulky - translator] of my father in my backyard.
KSLA News 12 has been made to analyze the samples in a laboratory. The results: high levels of barium, 6.8 shares per million (ppm), more than three times the limit values \u200b\u200bare recognized as toxic by the EPA (United State Environmental Protection Agency, http://www.epa.gov/ ).
Armed with the results of these high levels of barium found in our samples, we decided to contact the Department of Environmental Quality (Department of Environmental Quality ) of Louisiana [ a state bordering Arkansas - NdT ] there and they replied that yes, these results are indeed unusual, but try as they the origin is another matter
Barium is a hallmark of other tests on chemtrails that have even received attention from a television station in Los Angeles [ in a report entitled Toxic Skies or toxic skies - NdT ].
no shortage of declassified government weather modification programs, but those who fear chemtrails could be a secret experiment to test chemical or biological weapons on the population, including in particular the hearing in the Senate of 1977 who confirmed that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969.
Following the Rockefeller report of 1994 concluded that hundreds of thousands of soldiers were also subjected to biological experiments over the past 60 years. Could it be that secret experiments are under way again?
"I would prefer it to be something inert, something that does not hurt, but I would like to know what"
KSLA News 12 has discovered that chemtrails are even mentioned in this correct name in the first draft of the bill HR 2977 presented to the House in 2001 and named Space Preservation Act [Act la salvaguardia dello spazio ], ma i militari negano l’esistenza di simili programmi.
Jeff Ferrell, reporter della KSLA 12
E sapete, si è scoperto adesso che fino a 9 anni fa il governo aveva il diritto, sotto le leggi vigenti negli Stati uniti, di condurre esperimenti segreti sulla popolazione americana sotto specifiche condizioni. Solo una pubblica protesta ha portato all'abrogazione di parte della legge, con qualche eccezione [ vedi l'articolo normativa sulla guerra bio-chimica - N.d.T. ].
We have seen high levels of barium related to so-called chemtrails, and now we find that the barium has effects on the body. We talked to Mark Ryan of the Poison Control Center, who told us that the short-term exposure to barium can cause anything ranging from stomach pain to pain in the chest, and long-term exposure causes problems blood pressure.
Ryan responded to the concerns of the researchers that barium chemtrails could wear out the immune system of a person. "Anything that causes long-term adverse effects on our body in a chronic, inhibit our capacity, as we are always on the body. So from that, yes, it could happen. "
Ryan told us that he has conducted research on behalf of his government's secret experiments carried out on citizens. But it is still a bit 'skeptical about chemtrails at the moment, especially considering that the Poison Control Center has not received any calls for exposure to barium.
Coming soon will be collected and translated various materials which mention this service KSLA News 12 (or otherwise related to it) , and as will be added at the bottom of the article.
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