Millions of Britons involved as involuntary guinea pigs and exposed to the contagion of infectious agents and chemicals admits the British Ministry of Defense |
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Chemtrails are a historical reality - part 1
When it comes to chemtrails means the intentional spreading of poisons on ignorant people, with aircraft airborne poisons.
Someone (like the editors of the wikipedia site) says that in the case of buffaloes, of absurd conspiracy theories, Yet in reality, history shows that chemtrails have always existed in our modern age.
Chemtrails are a historical reality - part 1
When it comes to chemtrails means the intentional spreading of poisons on ignorant people, with aircraft airborne poisons.
Someone (like the editors of the wikipedia site) says that in the case of buffaloes, of absurd conspiracy theories, Yet in reality, history shows that chemtrails have always existed in our modern age.
Wikipedia denies the existence of chemtrails |
The mnistero of Defence admitted in 2002 have been experimenting since far 1940 to 1979, experiments in which chemical carcinogens such as cadmium and zinc sulfide. In an article in the British newspaper Guardian are given these admissions officers from the Ministry of Defence: Millions of people involved in weapons testing biological. A large part of Britain was exposed to the infection of bacteria sprayed in secret experiments
The article reads, among other things:
Abbiamo quindi qui aerei che diffondo sostanze velenose sulla popolazione in un cosiddetto esperimento durato ben 8 anni .
E poi ancora leggiamo che:
We have here a million people exposed within 7 years to infection from bacteria, and if you read the article to the end we learn of bacteria spread along the underground or attached to cobwebs on the mailbox.
Some families who live in areas more involved in testing these secrets are convinced that the experiments have caused their children's birth defects, physical handicaps and learning difficulties. The ministry and the government of course deny it, with great chutzpah, as is customary.
The current head of the establishment in Porton Down, who directed and carried out these horrendous crimes in the past, considering them "experiments", says:
The article reads, among other things:
A chapter of the report, "Experiments with fluorescent particles "reveals how between 1955 and 1963 planes flew from north-east of England to the tip of Cornwall along the south and west coasts, dropping huge amounts of people on the zinc sulfide and cadmium . The chemical drifted for miles inland, and their fluorescence allowed him to monitor the spread.
Mentre il Governo ha insistito nell’affermare l’innocuità di tale composto chimico, il cadmio è riconosciuto come una causa di cancro al polmone e durante la Seconda Guerra mondiale esso fu considerato dagli Alleati come un’arma chimica.
Abbiamo quindi qui aerei che diffondo sostanze velenose sulla popolazione in un cosiddetto esperimento durato ben 8 anni .
E poi ancora leggiamo che:
In un altro capitolo “ Esperimenti di copertura di grandi aree ”, il Ministero della Difesa descrive come tra il 1961 ed il 1968 più di un milione di persone lungo la costa meridionale dell’Inghilterra, from Torquay to the New Forest, were exposed to bacteria including e.coli and bacillus globigii , which simulates the agent of anthrax. These releases came from a military ship, the Icewhale, anchored off the coast of Dorset which sprayed the micro-organisms in a radius of 5-10 miles.
bacteria attached to webs on the mailbox |
Some families who live in areas more involved in testing these secrets are convinced that the experiments have caused their children's birth defects, physical handicaps and learning difficulties. The ministry and the government of course deny it, with great chutzpah, as is customary.
The current head of the establishment in Porton Down, who directed and carried out these horrendous crimes in the past, considering them "experiments", says:
It is not our practice to discuss of research in progress |
That statement could translate freely: "Yes, we are still doing what you want, that you will go out and tell?" Because the satellite images show England skies obscured by trails scattered far and wide in every direction.The results of these tests will save lives, if the country or our armed forces might be confronted with an attack of chemical and biological weapons. " Asked whether such tests are still ongoing on the population responded: " is not our practice to discuss research in progress .
Satellite image of the sky obscured by trails of England |
cover large areas, already, maybe it would be appropriate to look at the sky above us to see what they're research with those of which they do not want to discuss . About
deny chemtrails said that it would be absurd for a government so its poison popolazione, che sarebbe assurdo che si verificassero certe cose su una scala così grande, e che di certo la popolazione se ne sarebbe accorta e lo avrebbe denunciato.
Scie chimiche coprono il cielo dell'Essex, in Inghilterra, oscurando il sole |
1) i piloti dell'aviazione militare hanno avvelenato i propri concittadini obbedendo agli ordini
2) la popolazione (tranne forse un'esigua minoranza che non è stata però ascoltata dalle istituzioni) non se n'è accorta (altrimenti ci sarebbe stata una ribellione)
3) some of the leaders and perhaps even the managers have been so well indoctrinated that might really believe you have done these horrendous crimes for the good of the nation, to test the ability of a hypothetical enemy to attack the population with chemical-biological and then prepare defense plans
4) such persons, despite the nerve shown in defending these so-called "experiments" on millions of human guinea pigs against their will, have the courage to deny that this one is doing something Similarly, in Britain and in fact the spread of chemtrails, as reported by local activists, has been remarkable since the beginning of this century (Admission of responsibility for Porton Down from 2002)
Moreover it is not an isolated case. In fact, now we will see what are the historical antecedents in the U.S., a country where activists reported the beginning of the massive expansion of chemtrails at the end of the second half of the 90s last century.
Wikipedia admits' Operation cover large areas with aerosol |
There is evidence that similar experiments were made to the 'Operation LAC "The army has admitted to widespread chemical in some areas of Minnesota from 1953 until the mid-60s of the twentieth century .
The 'Operation LAC "was executed in 1957 and 1958 by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps. "Mainly, the operation involved spraying large areas with zinc cadmium sulfide. The" U.S. Air Force used a C-119 "Flying Boxcar" to disperse zinc cadmium sulfide in the atmosphere by the ton in the U.S. . The first test was done December 2, 1957 along a route that connects South Dakota to International Falls, Minnesota.
The experiment was a great success, in fact particles diffuse until they arrived in Canada on the one hand, and the other in Mexico, a sign that these operations have not simply local in scope.
On December 2, 1957, the chemical fog spread to Canada. The pollutants were also detected 1,200 miles away in a station in New York .[...] Another Canadian air mass brought the toxic cloud in the Gulf of Mexico. Two other tests , one along a path from Toledo, Ohio, to Abilene, Texas, and another from Detroit, in Springfield, Illinois, to Goodland, Kansas, showed that the officers dispersed through the air method could obtain cover a widespread, since the particles were found on both sides of the flight path.
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