Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog Spot Nice Women Hot Body


There are fundamental laws that persist without exception every single concert in fact, present and to come. The laws are the best known 3 which I'll explain below.
  1. The law of inverse group picture: As usual in a group photo behind tall people and those low in front. For the concerts, the laws of physics change mysteriously. And that is why at every show I find myself in front of a marble statue of three meters high. The When she decides is best to join the lovely pogo.

  2. The law of the toes: too, is a law which is observed mainly from garden gnomes like me. You find yourself standing on the tips for a long time to see every facet of both the Cantagallo kind of turn, and when their poorly trained muscoletti begin to yield to the pangs of labor we are unable to lay his heel on the ground. Inevitably, we find the toes of another dwarf garden. Probably this is Grumpy and if the weights heavily on the feet begin to insult you kindly. (Although this below looks more like a train).
  3. The law of the choirs cool even if off topic: Often these events are mixed outburst of all kinds, starting from the liberators shouting slogans idiotic. In my last experience there was the smash FREE MIKE! FREE MIKE! referring to our dear presentatorissimo. We urge the kidnappers to return the Mike.
Well the last gig I saw (Saturday, 29 January) was that of the Ministers Vinile45 of Bres. Strophic! Dear Davidozzo Autelitano we liked you! Especially your recovery techniques alcohol posing over the heads for the entire area.

What Causes Dogs Lips To Get Brown


Hey! And I say Hey!
This is my new blog and I wanted to welcome begins with a little 'different.
If someone comes to your house when you tell him this is implicitly welcome to imply that there is someone who is in a bad way. And this is your chance! AH!

After this blow me out of sympathy, I leave you with little thought of the day.

It 's a bit of time I have relationship problems with my brain.
So to be clear, flying around in my skull Cavella
irreducible to words in sentences.

I have trouble to look around and not feel guilty.
Any small object that we have has cost around someone's suffering.

This disgusts me from being a human being as undeveloped.

I feel a bit 'in fishes.

DIGUSTO to humanity '.

I'm trying to bring together this mega mega anger into something concrete.
I'm hating comics, I actually hate everything is entertainment.

entertainment there is stealing time as work. We need to feel entertained. We need to detach from our lives so miserable.

We need to always focus only on ourselves.

We need or we need someone else to this?

We are able to use the Internet for personal purposes only, and crap physically.

And we always forget how much news we realize. It might be sad to discover such violence and injustice occur outside of our microworld.

We feel sad and dejected, but in what proportion our degradation in comparison to the suffering of those who are outraged. We will be eternally

accomplices of these abominations the weak, we shall be consciously or unconsciously. But I think it is right to feel at least a little 'sorry for all this.

Each of us is wearing a debt, but also a debt to other living beings (humans, animals and plants).

We're all cursed parasites.

And with regard to this beautiful rompicazzo anarchist conspiracy bean I wish you a wonderful 2011 from lions and that the Holy Grottole Ottiminia you to send us a good and not send them to you to say it's bad manners.

GoodBye Ruby Tuesday!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Peanut Butter And Jelly Gallbladder

Chemtrails and the outbreak of respiratory disease: a report declassified in New Zealand reveals connections

Among the assortment of recent reports declassified material published by the New Zealand sighting of unidentified flying objects (UFO) , dating from the period 1952-2009, there are documents, written in 1999 and 2000, a concerned citizen, who predicted that an outbreak of disease will occur as a result of "aircraft condensation trails, otherwise known as" chemtrails "', which appear in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe peoples concerned.
Chemtrails, which are also commonly referred to as aerosols, contrails differ from air in that they often persist in the sky for hours and can be viewed arranged in a grid of parallel lines or form 'X' in the sky (see picture satellite article at the beginning and the other below) .
While see a chemtrail is not evidence that the disease was caused by them, is necessary to analyze very seriously, since all the evidence shows that chemtrails make people sick, in light of what is known about their composition.

Evidence for more than a decade, reveals that the chemtrails are used for "at least" seven functions [a judging by the amount of Patents or patents, the reasons for their use are many more - translator's note]. Also how to delete chemical sprays in the release phase of contrails from the tanker ], including control the weather, and military applications, and consist of a variety of harmful ingredients .

They usually include aluminum and barium , that are toxic to humans and the environment. They may include the radioactive thorium, dried red blood cells, dangerous pathogens, including Mycoplasma Fermentens incognitus , mold spores, ethylene dibromide, and self-replicating strands of nanotubes that cause disease Morgellons , which according to the results of the researcher Clifford Carnicom now have contaminated virtually all the [all this we must add the Pseudomonas , storms used in artificial - NdT].

declassified reports, which are on-line under the heading: Original Files: NZ's UFO Sightings were sent to a major news site in New Zealand December 22, 2010, and were released to the public by the New Zealand Defence Force as Official Information Act.

Buried among the total number of documents declassified 2101, there are letters, newspaper clippings and pages of magazine articles, which reveal that an individual, whose name was removed from the match for reasons privacy, has repeatedly tried to raise the alarm about the dangers of chemtrails in 1999 and early 2000. It seems that initially the same, which will be referred to as Mr. Gibson, 'he wrote to Warren Kyd , Member of Parliament for Hunua Party of New Zealand.

In his letter, dated May 25, 1999, he wrote that he had seen the trail had been sprayed, over the skies of Auckland, , in the shape of a huge arc, and while the agency had reported that only a military aircraft may engage in this type of activity, the air traffic control, he said had been created by a passenger plane en route to Fiji. This is not unlikely, since the passenger jets were seen spraying chemtrails in New Zealand and other parts of the world [m is also a probable that it was not an airliner, considering both the absence of chemical tanker on radar for air traffic , that denial, by Entities dealing with air traffic civil the presence of chemical spraying operations over populated areas - NdT ].

Mr. Gibson report 'also, the Member, an article in the April , in the 1999 edition Nexus magazine. This article, the Canadian journalist William Thomas , entitled Contrails: Poison from the sky (and later renamed Chemtrails: Poison from the sky on the site of Nexus), mentioned that in areas where these trails were seen persistent, its emergency room was "flooded with cases similar to influenza, and doctors and nurses were complaining of" being very busy with respiratory diagnoses. "Thomas also wrote:" In England after the occurrence of persistent contrails and dropouts cobwebs from the sky - as they were shown on BBC London and Birmingham from January 14, 1999, in which more than 8,000 people - mostly elderly, died of pneumonia and other respiratory complications in 'last week of December and the first two weeks of January 1999.

In light of these reports, Mr. Gibson advised in his letter: "If this plane released something in our atmosphere causing the allegation made by magazines such as this [sic], a large number of Auckland's people would suffer from flu-like illnesses. "

A newspaper article, which is in Book 1 on page 37 of the files, published ten days after that wake chemicals were views of Auckland, has revealed that a sudden wave disturbances occurred. "The hospital emergency department has been busy in recent days with patients who suffer from respiratory illnesses, including pneumonia and asthma" roll-over 'the NZ Herald June 3, 1999. (See below).

Click to enlarge
Moreover, a subsequent article in the NZ Herald , dated July 6, 1999 by title: "Sharp increase in the mortality rate in a new influenza plague," noted that about 100 people have died all'Auckland Middlemore Hospital in June, "mainly for respiratory diseases."

Despite the forecast of Mr. Gibson, who seems to have been correct and supported by similar reports abroad, the government has put aside the question. "I have been made and investigations were made to Mr Kyd was assured that there is no reason for you to be alarmed," said the executive secretary of Kyd, Faith Sarten, in a letter dated June 21, 1999.

dissatisfied with the response, Mr. Gibson went to find Mr. Kyd and his counsel subsequently wrote to the New Zealand Minister of Defence, Hon Mark Burton February 9, 2000. A response from the Hon. Burton of which can not be found in the file, but only a confirmation of receipt of correspondence from Mr Gibson.

Over a decade later, a new New Zealand government, which has now received a multitude of letters and phone calls from concerned citizens, continued to be unresponsive to their concerns, for what it is now classified as " Geo-Ingegneria Stratosferica con Aerosol” e che si verifica in scala molto, molto piu massiccia.

clicca per ingrandire
Per esempio, quando ho inviato per posta elettronica a 112 dei 122 membri del Parlamento il 10 settembre 2010 per un azione di massa contro le scie chimiche , e chiesto loro di contribuire a fermare che questo avvelenamento della nostra atmosfera continui, hanno replicato per lo piu’ una manciata di essi, e l’Assistente Esecutivo di Catherine Delahunty, portavoce dei Verdi Neozelandesi sulle sostanze tossiche. Ha dichiarato: “ Posso vedere la tua grande preoccupazione sulle “scie chimiche”. Tuttavia, i Verdi hanno deciso di dare priorità alle sostanze tossiche sul lavoro a alle sostanze chimiche conosciute (e comunque anche in questi casi limitarci a cio’ che possiamo mettere a fuoco). “

Sotto: La lettera che Mr Gibson ha scritto al ministro per Hunua, il signor Warren Kyd, che è nel libro 1 dei documenti declassificati , a pagina 35, seguito dalla risposta a pagina 36.

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Clicca per ingrandire

Sotto, in 2 parti, un articolo dal Libro 1 a pagina 38 , datato Luglio 1999.

Clicca per ingrandire

Clicca per ingrandire

Sotto: Libro 1 pagina 39 , si trova una copia di una lettera mandata a Paul Holmes , conduttore del popolare programma Evening business, "Holmes", which aired from 1989 to 2004.

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Below: An article from the NZ Herald, dated December 6, 1999, found in the book to a page 44 and numbered as 10. What seems to be the last document related to the issue.

Click to enlarge

Fonte dell' articolo tradotto in italiano: RaggioIndaco WorldPress

Revisione ed elaborazione ulteriore  dell' articolo
a cura di Nonvotarechitiavvelena

Link correlati all'argomento:

Friday, January 28, 2011

Late Period And Tummy P

The color and the scent of revolution

What was the color of the Georgian revolution? Rosa. And that smell was? That of roses. What color was the Ukrainian revolution? Orange . What perfume did the Lebanese? The fragrant cedars of . And what fragrance, one of Tunisia? of jasmine. Iranian? Green . That Burma? Amaranth and gold, the color of the robes bonze. Belgium now evident to patitine fries, while in Italy took to the streets several times purple people. This has not been very lucky (they say it is a color that brings bad luck) so you will know that changes color.
S 'fire to Egypt, with Mubarak to suggest that Hillary Clinton, his old "ally" of all time, to clear the field, making him understand without too many turns of phrase that has struck her now. Series, by the enemies I look and I by "friends" (Egypt) look at me God. In the case of the old "Pharaoh," Allah.
Shake also Albania, where for years that the pole and the center-socialist Berisha (both former communists of the old regime of Enver Hoxha) if the damage of holy right. In 1990 began the transition from communist to democracy with a beginning of a revolution. In 1992, the Communist Party was organized in the Socialist Party who won but was accused of fraud. In 1992 elections saw Democrats win center-right, with President Sali Berisha, but in January 1997, Albania experienced a civil war broke out three months due to the failure of a particular financial system in which Albanians had invested part of their savings. Both camps, the socialist and the democratic, pro-American and proclaim themselves loyal to NATO, but this does not prevent them suonarsele of thrashing. This time, however, there are no colors because s' invokes the term post-Soviet transparency "(remember the Gorbachev Glasnost?). Now even the "moderate" Jordan with his monarchy ashemita arises to shake King Abdullah and his beautiful Queen Rania. And the fire to protest even Yemen.
short, it seems to play a Witch color controls on a global scale.
Some time ago (back in 2007) to Milena Gabanelli Report did an excellent report on how you export a revolution: an actual product that you can see T-shirts, balloons, pins, badge, CD, ribbons, cloth and other gadgets. There is a color, logo, music, slogans. And there is an association bipartisan U.S., Freedom House (House of Freedoms) associated with the various NGOs of the financier "philanthropist" Soros, the most important of which is called Open Society Institute responsible in promoting the revolution in outsourcing.
Ma si dirà: - la Gabanelli è di sinistra. La sottoscritta non va troppo per il sottile in quanto a colori, quando si tratta di accertare i fatti: rosso, bianco o nero, purché il gatto acchiappi i topi e faccia buon reportage. Se un comunista mi dovesse dire che fuori piove e io dopo essermene accertata noto che è vero, allora prendo l'ombrello. Idem se fosse fascista. Veniamo dunque agli ombrelli.
Ecco cosa dice in studio la Gabanelli  all'inizio della trasmissione Report:  
Nei paesi dell'est europeo da qualche anno sono spuntati dal nulla movimenti studenteschi che overturn governments with a velvet glove. But revolutions do even if you only use the computer does a lot of money. It 'possible that a group of students from Europe, penniless and then imagine how all students are able to make as many as 4, Ukraine, Serbia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan? I am alone or there is someone who handles them? The investigation turned half the world is Manon Loizeau .

And here's what ends at the end of the episode:
We can define the evolution of the cold war, because behind these movements, there is always a foundation, an American association, often former military and the results are few and not all countries in the satellites of Moscow. Movements are so feared that the Kremlin, by contrast, was deliberately set up a ministry: the ministry of counter . That something was done because all foreign funding from various non-governmental organizations. We'll see if and how these movements have had an end of the year when there will be elections.
Areas di conflitto nel mondo

La morale di questa favola "colorata" è che con i soli  Internet,  un pc e una tastiera, qualche blog, qualche social forum (facebook, twitter) non si fanno le rivoluzioni per il mondo. Ci vogliono ben altre spinte, coordinamenti e ben altri cervelli  organizzativi dietro a chi si agita. Tutto questo, anche se poi i regimi dittatoriali agonizzanti e ridotti  agli ultimi giorni della loro sopravvivenza, disattivano i server e i cellulari, quale loro ultima suicida  mossa da harakiri. Ma c'è chi disattiva the media, some off states. As the slogan advertising I believe in One World.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Semi-truck Dimensions

The U.S. issuer KSLA 12 does allow for barium in the wake chemical / An American investigation Confirms NEWS barium from falling chemtrails chemtrails

L'emittente KSLA 12, in un suo servizio televisivo del novembre 2007, ammette la presenza di bario nelle scie chimiche riferendo degli alti valori di bario riscontrati nell'acqua piovana raccolta da un cittadino  (nella foto). Sul sito web dell'emittente è possibile trovare pure l' articolo relativo which corresponds almost entirely to the transcript.

Here we again follow the video and we publish the translation, the video can be downloaded in both format. Flv (9 Mbps) in format. Avi (Mega).

The strange substance found by a man from Arkansas of the Southwest could result from a government experiment? This is a central question concerning the phenomenon of chemtrails now is receiving widespread attention. This sera in una indagine di KSLA News 12, il reporter Jeff Ferrell ci mostra i risultati di un controllo che abbiamo fatto su ciò che si trova nei nostri cieli.

"Qualche mattino sembrava che le scie formassero incroci che riempivano tutto il cielo, come le linee di una scacchiera gigante".

Bill Nichols ha scattato diverse fotografie delle strane nuvole che vede dalla sua casa a Stamps, nell’Arkansas. Esse iniziano come normali scie di condensa degli aerei ma non si dileguano come le normali scie di condensa.

Subito dopo un recente episodio [ di avvistamento di numerose scie anomale ] egli ha visto delle particelle nell’aria “esse cadono down to earth like a mist forming. " Nichols then noticed the material was deposited on the ground.

"This is the water [rain ] along with other things [ who came down from heaven ] I gathered in some containers. I sat in the pick-up truck [ a 4-wheel vehicle useful for transporting heavy objects and / or bulky - translator] of my father in my backyard.

KSLA News 12 has been made to analyze the samples in a laboratory. The results: high levels of barium, 6.8 shares per million (ppm), more than three times the limit values \u200b\u200bare recognized as toxic by the EPA (United State Environmental Protection Agency, ).
Armed with the results of these high levels of barium found in our samples, we decided to contact the Department of Environmental Quality (Department of Environmental Quality ) of Louisiana [ a state bordering Arkansas - NdT ] there and they replied that yes, these results are indeed unusual, but try as they the origin is another matter

Barium is a hallmark of other tests on chemtrails that have even received attention from a television station in Los Angeles [ in a report entitled Toxic Skies or toxic skies - NdT ].

no shortage of declassified government weather modification programs, but those who fear chemtrails could be a secret experiment to test chemical or biological weapons on the population, including in particular the hearing in the Senate of 1977 who confirmed that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969.

Following the Rockefeller report of 1994 concluded that hundreds of thousands of soldiers were also subjected to biological experiments over the past 60 years. Could it be that secret experiments are under way again?
"I would prefer it to be something inert, something that does not hurt, but I would like to know what"

KSLA News 12 has discovered that chemtrails are even mentioned in this correct name in the first draft of the bill HR 2977 presented to the House in 2001 and named Space Preservation Act [Act la salvaguardia dello spazio ], ma i militari negano l’esistenza di simili programmi. 

   Jeff Ferrell, reporter della KSLA 12 

E sapete, si è scoperto adesso che fino a 9 anni fa il governo aveva il diritto, sotto le leggi vigenti negli Stati uniti, di condurre esperimenti segreti sulla popolazione americana sotto specifiche condizioni. Solo una pubblica protesta ha portato all'abrogazione di parte della legge, con qualche eccezione [ vedi l'articolo normativa sulla guerra bio-chimica - N.d.T. ].

We have seen high levels of barium related to so-called chemtrails, and now we find that the barium has effects on the body. We talked to Mark Ryan of the Poison Control Center, who told us that the short-term exposure to barium can cause anything ranging from stomach pain to pain in the chest, and long-term exposure causes problems blood pressure.

Ryan responded to the concerns of the researchers that barium chemtrails could wear out the immune system of a person. "Anything that causes long-term adverse effects on our body in a chronic, inhibit our capacity, as we are always on the body. So from that, yes, it could happen. "

Ryan told us that he has conducted research on behalf of his government's secret experiments carried out on citizens. But it is still a bit 'skeptical about chemtrails at the moment, especially considering that the Poison Control Center has not received any calls for exposure to barium.

Coming soon will be collected and translated various materials which mention this service KSLA News 12 (or otherwise related to it) , and as will be added at the bottom of the article.

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Scientific publication linking the onset of Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Chronic barium intoxication and encephalopathy, naming sources as well as aerosols sprayed from military aircraft


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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Cancel / Suppressing chemtrails clouds

There is a patent (U.S. Patent 20100043443 - Method and apparatus for suppressing aeroengine contrails ) che spiega la presenza di velivoli a bassa o a bassissima quota che rilasciano prodotti chimico-biologici senza, però, mostrare apparentemente traccia del loro sporco lavoro. Quante volte abbiamo scorto questi aeromobili, mentre sorvolavano pericolosamente le città! Senza dubbio, visto che, a tali quote, il consumo di carburante aumenta, a causa della maggiore resistenza esercitata dall’aria meno rarefatta rispetto ad altitudini superiori, tali aerei sono impegnati nella diffusione di veleni che, però, non sono visibili sotto forma di scie durevoli o evanescenti che siano.

Ecco la descrizione patent mentioned above, namely U.S. Patent 20100043443 Nopper et al :
"An airplane has an ultrasonic generator and a waveguide for directing ultrasonic waves into the exhaust nozzle to to avoid the formation of contrails. "

To confirm that there is a clear anomaly in the transition to a low rate of large aircraft (eg, A-330, KC-10, Tupolev, 747) on the fly or off-limits areas where there are no low-altitude airways to fly over the landing beacons (1,200 meters), it can be seen in various circumstances it is impossible to put focus certain targets with the use of cameras that use the ultrasonic autofocus system. This incident [ VIDEO] occurs with many different brands and models is therefore not to be attributed to a manufacturing defect. You can, however, assume that any shading of the substances, in turn, cause malfunction of the scattered electronic means for automatic focusing ultrasound. He could not explain otherwise why, then moving on to other persons in the shot motion, stop the problem arise.

The autofocus emitter of ultrasound dates back to an invention of 1987, known by the abbreviation "USM ultrasonic motor."

In 1987, Canon adopted for the first time an ultrasonic motor (USM) in autofocus lenses. The main features were a high speed and low noise, that conquered the sports photographers and naturalists from around the world. It was for this unmatched innovation that soon the manual lenses were abandoned.

In 1992, Canon developed a micro motor USM that could be produced industrially: micromotor USM currently fitted to almost all the objectives of the Canon range.

The operation of the USM is based on the transmission of a vibration generated by ultrasonic wave. For this reason, the ring gear of the motor does not require or electromagnetic field sources and provides a rapid response with no noise and low power consumption. The range of use of the system ranges from -30 ° C to +60 ° C.

Autofocus active ultrasonic

Ultrasounds are emitted by the camera, measuring the return time of sound by reflection (towards the target), calculated the distance of the subject. Cameras that use the active autofocus emit something (for example, infrared light or sound waves) to the subject and then measuring the intensity of the reflected signal or the time it takes for the signal to bounce on the subject and return to the camera.

An AF is defined as active when the machine emits something (sound waves, infrared or other) to be able to determine the distance the subject classified and thus adjust the position of the lenses.

In 1986, Polaroid introduced on the market one of the first models in which the active autofocus camera produced high-frequency sound waves. The waves, once you hit the subject, reflected, returning to the car. By measuring the time elapsed between the sending and the return of the waves, it was possible to accurately determine the distance of the subject. The principle was the same as that used in submarine sonar.

Whenever you are having trouble focusing (of course with ultrasonic autofocus system), taking helicopters or aircraft, unmarked on your city, think U.S. patent 20100043443.

Source: Tankerenemy


Cancellare le contrails - Il brevetto

Ultrasound waves autofocus and patent to eliminate
 "contrails"  and ultrasound autofocus problems

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Geoingeneering Patent history

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Venetians views behind bars

THE JOURNAL - article Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Act denial, do not stop the thoughts of Marcello Veneziani
Alfano being considered by the Minister of the crime of Holocaust denial. Venetians but warned: "It would damage the freedom, truth and dignity of all those who suffered massacres, the Jews in the head." Minister Alfano, Never mind the crime of Holocaust denial.
'd harm to freedom, truth and dignity of all those who suffered massacres, the Jews in the head.
I heard he set up a group to study a bill.
Stop, the law would be unfair, would have the worst effects of the evil that wants to strike and ask to extend it to other Holocaust deniers.
A tunnel without end.
The views that deny the historical reality are different, sometimes damaged and otherwise despicable, but not reviews are punished with prison .
First Because the words condemning the words, acts with the acts.
According , why penalize the opinions means to intimidate the historical research which by its nature is brought to review the facts and judgments.
Third, because it would create a cordon sanitaire around the Jews of untouchability which is dangerous because it threatens to topple over in his backhand.
The aura of immunity could trigger you want to break the taboo, to violate the inviolable and create fanaticism of return and dislikes.
Fourth, because crea il principio dell'ereditarietà delle colpe e delle tra­gedie, con dolorose contabilità, e il rea­to di complicità ideologica, due mostri giuridici dagli effetti devastanti ed esten­sibili.
Quinto , perché sarebbe ingiusto punire chi nega la Shoah e non punire chi nega altri massacri, precedenti o più recenti, di armeni e di kulaki, di russi e di cinesi, di vandeani e di indios, di giap­ponesi e di istriani, di colonizzati e di cri­stiani, e potrei a lungo continuare.
Non propongo di punire anche gli altri nega­zionismi, per carità, perché se affidia­mo pure il giudizio storico ai tribunali e se mettiamo storici e docenti under supervision of the magistrate, in addition to killing the historical research, poisoned civic life and education .
and devitalized righteous indignation, the impulse to respond with arguments to truth lies.
No discussion, just the complaint, in our place we think the judge.
I understand the reasons for this proposal and even the conveniences, but he left.
The story is too many victims in its course to make it again, babbomorto, 66 years later.

Marcello Veneziani

Poetry parody of Huxley

First they came for the racists, and I said nothing because I hated racists.

Then they came for the Holocaust deniers, and I
I said nothing because I annoyed the deniers

Then they came for the revisionists,

and I stayed silent because I annoyed the revisionists.
Then they came for the sexist,
and I said nothing because I do not tolerate sexist.

Then they came for the homophobes, and I
I said nothing because I sucked homophobes.

One day they came for me,
and there was no one left to protest ...

- Just to paraphrase Bertolt Brecht, pointing out that already now in place Mancino law on racism.