Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Libya, the rest of the story: Opposition protests Libyan manages literally

Please note the signatures EnoughGaddafi.com. The webmaster of
EnoughGaddafi.com is listed in the Movements.org
U.S. Department of State as the "Twitter" to follow.

When the son of Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam, has accused foreign groups and opposition of fomenting unrest in Libya, it seems that these words have never been more true. Not surprisingly, the BBC and the rest of the media company owned have taken significant measures to discredit his discorso.Sono been discovered amazing revelations about the riots in Libya. The leader of the Libyan opposition group that organized the protests both inside and outside Libya, is currently in Washington DC while he and his organization conduct the riots and mayhem that destroy the nations of North Africa.

A ' interview with Ibrahim Sahadeva of the National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL) on ABC Australia, outlines each stage of the debate in the business covered by the mainstream media over the past week, all with the White House and the Washington Monument looming in the background on him.

Sahadeva repeated calls of ' International Crisis Group of
Soros / Brzezinski to the Board UN Security
to convene and discuss intervention in
Qaddafi's provocations.

Sahadeva Ibrahim and his NFSL formed the Libyan opposition National Conference (CNOL) in London in 2005 . This group came specifically from its path does not appear to be influenced or supported by the United States. Perhaps, to cement this concept, the ' Huffington Post has revealed the documents issued by CNOL in a move to pin style Wikileaks U.S. support to Gaddafi. Of course, like all unrest in the Middle East, while the facts come out we find that these do not prevent confusion, but avoid the truth. The
CNOL of Sahadeva began by organizing the "Day of Wrath" February 17 at the right time when Egypt fell so that the apparatus of the mainstream media could swing around and put the focus on Libya. For convenience, the media only needed to travel from Cairo to the western border of Egypt and wait for the men of Sahade would guarantee them a base of operations on that land, presumably in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi. Gaddafi apparently understands the role of NGOs and media foreigners, which is why not find them on the streets of the cities of Libya, and the coverage was certainly daunting . We find that both the news that the company-owned Movements.org funded by corporations and the U.S. State Department, always get their reports for the whole of CNOL Sahadeva in Washington, which claims to be in contact with reports of "first hand" out of Libya.

Other members dell'NFSL including one in Dubai, they're also feeding the media with this information "first hand". These reports became the basis for charges of genocide , the summons UN Security Council for economic sanctions, for direct threats to Libyan security forces trying to suppress the demonstrators, and the reinforcement of NATO the no-fly-zone .
The National Endowment for Democracy infested with Neo-Con and his army of NGOs financed by the United States have recently issued an official statement urging the United States and the European Union to address the massacres in the Libyan Council UN Security Council and Human Rights. This is still the relationship between the BBC admitted that they " impossible to verify, based on information from by Movements.org and a leader of the protesters based in Washington.
You should also point out that a blogger Libyan style Ghonim has been reported as a "Twitter users to follow" from Movements.org funded by USA / companies.

He goes by the name of "EnoughGaddafi" and is the webmaster of LibyaFeb17.com .
EnoughGaddafi's work can also be stored on site NFSL Ibrahim Sahadeva based in Washington (EnoughGaddafi.com, second Movements.org , has been cut).
Once again we are told that the protests are spontaneous, inspired by targeting Tunisian and Egyptian. Once again we are told of the desire of young people for freedom and democracy. But when we look behind the scenes, we see yet another old Washington man who pulls the levers, blowing smoke and dazzling.
If you are religious, pray for the people in the streets of Libya, many of whom may simply be swept away in this cruel joke. The U.S. and their stooges will not be discouraged if their plot did not succeed. The rivers of blood flowing ensure that they will never in their calculations.
When your "liberation" sponsored by the U.S. Department of State will come from you, we hope that others, other parts, remain united to the truth, not to the emotions of a deception machine. I hope that others take the job of tell the truth, between the noise dell'assordante corporate media propaganda.
So spread the word, wake up the neighbors, and, above all, boycott the corporations whose greed driving this agenda and whose members are planning its implementation.
Do it for the Libyans, Egyptians, Tunisians, and do it for yourself. The fire that is now destroying the Middle East and North Africa, could soon destroy you.

set of corporate members and supporters of the Anglo-American global agenda:

Original version of article published in Tony Cartalucci Land Destroyer


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