in Iceland have put the silencer in a revolution or not colored or scented remote. A revolution that does not make use of mercenaries hired to Gene Sharp. Do not even get me started revolutions of tarot cards and phony export in Maghreb. Above all, I do not want the communion of the berm pueblo unido Jamas evening be defeated when we know that there are elite professional mercenaries to foment a "change of guard" in those parts, including Libya. Meanwhile, the refugees are dying like flies between Tunisia and Libya, and we had to send humanitarian assistance to industry to avoid being overwhelmed by a flood of refugees that will still the same. As usual, however, the news coming from the North. And that revolution in Iceland is not only silent, but silenced . That silenced the media. Why? Simple because there may be a beneficial domino effect. A domino effect that is good for savers and bad banks. But this says a lot about the owners of the mainstreams media and their constant misinformation. The "good news" in Icelandic runs only on the web blog of right and left. But let us proceed with order.
At the end of 2008, gli effetti della crisi nell'economia islandese sono devastanti. In ottobre· si nazionalizza Landsbanki, principale banca del Paese. Il governo britannico congela tutti gli attivi della sua sussidiaria IceSave, con 300.000 clienti britannici e 910 milioni di euro investiti da amministrazioni locali ed enti pubblici del Regno Unito. A Landsbanki seguiranno le altri due principali banche, la Kaupthing e la Glitnir. I loro principali clienti sono in questo Paese e in Olanda, clienti a cui gli Stati devono rimborsare i loro risparmi con 3 miliardi e 700 milioni di euro di denaro pubblico. Di conseguenza il totale dei debiti bancari dell'Islanda equivale a diverse volte il suo PIL. Inoltre la moneta crolla e la Borsa sospende le sue attività dopo un crollo del 76%. The country is bankrupt.
The government officially asked to help the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approving a loan of 2 billion and $ 100 million, supplemented by another 2 billion by some Nordic countries.
citizens' protests outside the parliament in Reykjavik increase. On January 23, 2009 are called early elections three days after the demonstrations and the pans are already mass and cause the resignation of Prime Minister, Geir H. Conservative Haarden, and all his government as a whole. It is the first government (and the only one I know) falls victim to this global crisis.
The April 25 general elections are held, from which emerges a coalition government formed Social-Democratic Alliance and the Left Green Movement, led by new Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir.
In 2009 continues the bad economic situation of the country and the year closed with a fall in GDP of 7%.
Through a law was widely discussed in the parliament is proposed on debt repayments to Britain and the Netherlands by the payment of € 3 billion and a half, a sum that will pay all the Icelandic families each month for the next 15 years at 5.5% interest . The people are returning to fill the streets and demand that the law to referendum. In January 2010 President, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, refuses to ratify it and announces that there will be a public referendum.
In March, the referendum is held and upon payment of the debt wins hands down with 93% of the vote. The Icelandic revolution gets a new victory in a peaceful manner.
The IMF's economic aid to Iceland frozen pending the payment of its debt.
At this point, the government has begun a search to find the legal responsibility for the crisis. Beginning of the arrests several bankers and senior . (Read more here ).
The government officially asked to help the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approving a loan of 2 billion and $ 100 million, supplemented by another 2 billion by some Nordic countries.
citizens' protests outside the parliament in Reykjavik increase. On January 23, 2009 are called early elections three days after the demonstrations and the pans are already mass and cause the resignation of Prime Minister, Geir H. Conservative Haarden, and all his government as a whole. It is the first government (and the only one I know) falls victim to this global crisis.
The April 25 general elections are held, from which emerges a coalition government formed Social-Democratic Alliance and the Left Green Movement, led by new Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir.
In 2009 continues the bad economic situation of the country and the year closed with a fall in GDP of 7%.
Through a law was widely discussed in the parliament is proposed on debt repayments to Britain and the Netherlands by the payment of € 3 billion and a half, a sum that will pay all the Icelandic families each month for the next 15 years at 5.5% interest . The people are returning to fill the streets and demand that the law to referendum. In January 2010 President, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, refuses to ratify it and announces that there will be a public referendum.
In March, the referendum is held and upon payment of the debt wins hands down with 93% of the vote. The Icelandic revolution gets a new victory in a peaceful manner.
The IMF's economic aid to Iceland frozen pending the payment of its debt.
At this point, the government has begun a search to find the legal responsibility for the crisis. Beginning of the arrests several bankers and senior . (Read more here ).
Moral of the story: someone is trying to get out of debt loan shark, to exercise control over national banks and to liquidate the principal international liquidity: the IMF. that the aurora Boreal Icelandic spread throughout Europe.
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