In the video posted to the link http://www / watch? v = yRscVchL7uk , we can see one of the many New Age guru or guru (this Kiesha) pontificating on the advent of 2012. His speeches are unfortunately typical of almost all New Age and are indicators of how the whole movement is constructed and manipulated in order to ensnare the consciences of those people who are open to the possibility that there is something important beyond the physical plane.
Below I put screenshots of the most salient passages of his speech, clearly manipulated and heard a speech full of misleading messages to hook up the confidence of the people frightened by the rapid changes we are seeing in these years (devastation, riots , disasters (in) natural , economic crisis, poisoning of the planet) and that rather than set in motion to fully understand the true nature of the changes made prefers to be anesthetized by persuasive words and be seduced by false hopes.
But if we explore in detail Kiesha this speech, the words to read well are not so persuasive, and hide a message to say the least cruel, that seems to veil projects demonic occult elites that govern our planet, those criminals who are triggering the rapid changes (negative) that we have seen in recent years.
Below I put screenshots of the most salient passages of his speech, clearly manipulated and heard a speech full of misleading messages to hook up the confidence of the people frightened by the rapid changes we are seeing in these years (devastation, riots , disasters (in) natural , economic crisis, poisoning of the planet) and that rather than set in motion to fully understand the true nature of the changes made prefers to be anesthetized by persuasive words and be seduced by false hopes.
But if we explore in detail Kiesha this speech, the words to read well are not so persuasive, and hide a message to say the least cruel, that seems to veil projects demonic occult elites that govern our planet, those criminals who are triggering the rapid changes (negative) that we have seen in recent years.
Kiesha This speech starts about 2012 with a real lies: We live in a magical time, the most extraordinary time to be on this earth . And to make such a statement Obviously the Kiesha video shows a false sky as his words, as false now as clear skies and beautiful - with the gentle care of once clouds - are increasingly rare due to the phenomenon of horror chemtrails that scar the sky and we steal the sun. What a beautiful "magic moment" that we are experiencing floods between , earthquakes, floods, financial crises, riots, poisoning of the biosphere ...
The changes have already begun and we have the opportunity to enlighten us all you [the land] Kiesha said then. In short, the earth is changing already showing the first signs of "awakening" by earthquakes and other disasters, and this holy woman happily announces that this process is only beginning in 2012 and will culminate in an even more extensive upheaval of the crust: Hallelujah!
But this is an opportunity for you to progress to become enlightened (mmm ... the word always, a little 'suspicious, given the alleged role of the Masonic sect liluminati in the construction of the NWO), an opportunity that we enjoy coming because a strong charge of energy that will invest all our planet and will allow us to raise our vibrations allowing us to experience a "quantum leap".
Although I am certain that the vibration, noise that is particularly electromagnetic , are the basis of many vital phenomena (our DNA transmits and receives electromagnetic signals and may also be implicated in the transmission of other signals related to our "extended mind "), this concept is very creed. On the other here it is alleged that by focusing our attention and intention on vibration of love could be part of this evolution of the planet earth and to avoid being killed by the disaster should happen at the end of 2012 (and that would trigger the transition).
is coming paradise on earth and we live in a paradise . Heaven cartoon?
And the proof that this is going to happen, gives me pleasure? Or is it just a hunch, and then there is nothing to prove? Not that it is opposed to the use of intuition, for heaven's sake, sono persino certo che l'intuizione possa permettere a volte di comprenderei certe importanti verità meglio dell'intelletto, ma il guaio è che il mio intuito mi segnala che avverrà qualcosa di molto diverso da questa lieto fine degno di una favola di altri tempi.
Kiesha afferma espressamente che a fine del 2012 il nucleo della terra resterà fermo mentre la crosta, scivolando sul mantello, si dislocherà. In questo frangente il sole si fermerà per due giorni (molte tradizioni tramandate oralmente dai popoli indigeni delle americhe narrano di un simile fenomeno avvenuto ai tempi della grande catastrofe nota biblicamente come diluvio univerale) e chi resterà centered on the vibration of love will be saved. This is what Kiesha says to his followers, and this seems even to me that I believe all ' influence of mind on the physical reality , an enormous stupidity.
One slip of the crust cause earthquakes and tsunamis unimaginable, resulting in triggering of volcanic phenomena on a global scale: a disaster in the face of apocalyptic as meditation and the vibration frequencies of love could do little.
Moreover such a monstrous tragedy is most probably occurred about 11,600 years ago, when the so-called flood, or the end of civilization antediluvian (known as Atlantis). Those who have studied extensively the issue of slippage of the crust is Professor C. Hapgood, who wrote the book of the same name, as well as spouses Rand Flem-Ath, who wrote the book The End of Atlantis , also based on comparative analysis of many myths handed down orally from indigenous peoples around the world . So this sad
bearer of lies (if it is a simple way as to take advantage of the various wizards and charlatans in the world is full) is paid as an agent presumbilmente disinformation to fool people sensitive to issues such as nature, spirit , consciousness, paranormal , make them blind to what is most horrible is happening in the world, give them a false solution which corresponds to a helpless acceptance of reality, and even disguise some possible future disgraces (maybe artificial ) by warning signs of the advent of a new heaven on earth.
And here comes the really Paradise. But bad ...
Ed i nostri corpi stanno vibrando di un'energia come mai prima .
Il mondo sta cambiando, i nostri corpi di stanno trasformando, la struttura del nostro DNA sta cambiando, E' realtà . Può anche essere, la questione genetica è di importanza fondamentale nei progetti di chi vuole costruire in Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, e non si può esclude che le scie chimiche abbiano come obiettivo anche quello di impedire un'evoluzione gentica positiva della razza umana, ma se così fosse come mai Keisha non avverte nessuno della tragica realtà del fenomeno delle scie chimiche ? What is the focus only on positive events if nothing is done to prevent the negatives that occur?
If we do not change and will continue to live with the ego mind and we will be removed. But that exquisite gentleness, brotherly love which emanates from this Mother Earth that we remove (kill) if we have not had the opportunity (perhaps because nobody had reported on time) to address spiritual growth.
Why are we killing Mother Earth . Agree more, but with chemtrails, say it plainly, we are killing with chemtrails .
All we do is being Love is all there, it's so simple !
But how is this good at making fun of Keisha, who wants us to believe (as D. Icke), which focus our intention on generic thoughts of love can change in a positive reality, but who has studied close Science intention, which may occur to change the reality by the conscious use of our mind should not only focus on the intention of many contemporary people, but focus on a specific objective, and non-generic, or intention does not have any appreciable effect. This means that in order to contribute to a better world, we need to concentrate our intention to ensure that there is, for example, a future with skies clear of chemtrails, and not to make the general intention of living in a future paradise on earth .
Not to mention the fact that the exercise co-creator of the intention should be absolutely matched the social commitment, action for complaints and to raise awareness of the people around us.
Not to mention the fact that the exercise co-creator of the intention should be absolutely matched the social commitment, action for complaints and to raise awareness of the people around us.
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