Monday, March 7, 2011

What Causes A Fain Line In A Drug Test

Uprisings in Croatia and 'Fejsbukovci'. A young leader and Facebook to bring down the government. And 'the fuse for Europe?

The source of this post is primarily journalistic, handle or comfort, but a friend who has had opportunity to speak with a Croatian citizen. Then I tried to do a Web search. And you, (to date March 7), have you read in the newspapers? On the Internet? Try typing "protests or riots in Croatia." No newspaper quotes the report, the sources are the only two of the bloggers Incapervinc @ , and TMnews . The only "signs" journalism, from agencies date back to March 24, for the first demonstrations against Government Kosor.
publishing the first article that I feel more complete and detailed. We thank the blogger for their work Icapervinc @:

"And the media does not talk about it! Croatia clashes between police and anti-government protesters.
A young leader and Facebook to bring down the government
Perna been arrested and released by police on the night of Thursday, February 24, the only one in which there have been clashes between police and 'Fejsbukovci', those on Facebook, as has already been dubbed by the people of Croatian media Perna. From Not to be confused with the veterans of the 1991-95 war, which took to the streets Saturday Always ask for the resignation of the incumbent government, however, accused of too filoeuropeismo and opening to the normalization of relations with Serbia: the death toll from clashes with the police was about fifty wounded.

This second type of protest "is very dangerous for Croatia" currency Vesna PUSIC, leader of the Croatian People's Party (HNS) and the opposition leader of the National Committee for monitoring negotiations with the EU. The Fejsbukovci instead "be based in part on what happens in the rest of the world and have every right to demonstrate, they do not exceed the limit of non-violence, and although their richieste siano condivisibili soi nei termini in cui chiedono un nuovo governo", valuta la liberal democratica, Pusic.
"Il vostro tempo è passato. Vi invito a dimettervi e indire le elezioni" ha chiesto durante le proteste di ieri Pernar, al quale è stato interdetto l'accesso a Piazza San Marko, nel centro di Zagabria. Ma il popolo di Facebook non si è fatto fermare e, secondo uno schema che va consolidandosi, si è radunato, come sempre sul far della sera, in piccoli gruppi in diversi angoli della città. Riunitisi poi, nell'arco di brevissimo tempo in un'unica massa critica, rigorosamente spontanea e non autorizzata. Puntando sull'effetto sorpresa, insomma, i Fejsbukovci riescono a muoversi e spargersi rapidamente the streets of the capital, usually at the cry of "Thieves, thieves".
As their leader, are mainly young, not so much critical of the foreign policy of the center-right government, what with the economic fielded in the face of severe economic crisis that devastated the country in Zagreb has lost 5, 8% of GDP in 2009 and 1, 4% in 2010. From the nationalization of banks, the return to working the land, the twenty-five Croatian promises a vision of the extreme left, after debuittato in 2009 in Zagreb as a city councilor, elected from among the Greens list. "I love you all and I know we'll win because justice and truth are on our side," said Ivan recently Perna, presented in a virtual forum with the appearance of the avatar of Che Guevara. A perfect combination of old slogans and new publishing tools. That no one in Croatia and its seems at present able to understand if and how much will be explosive. Belgrade, March 1 (TMNews).

We will be able before long to understand why this sort of censorship. Certainly it is still in place, the Libyan representatives, and the reflectors are in full swing and illuminate the main stage, where all actors are playing their part to perfection.

It seems that the inspiration of the protests Croatia's character antieuropeistico. Croatia should join the EEC in less than a year. But there are so started with the "causes" from "people" also addressed in north africa? Therefore, it is an aspect to which we totally distrust.

The severity of the matter is once again that we are not able to really know the facts that happen. It is the observation that for this reason there is voluntary.

And so the answers come soon and the horizons are understandable. The site spends its lines to specify what follows, but in truth there were few doubts:

[...] target of the protests is primarily the government, considered the main cause of the precarious economic situation of the country. Since 1991, the country is ruled by a conservative government led by the Croatian Democratic (HDZ, the party's first president, the ultra-nationalist Tudjman), except for an interlude between 1999 and 2003 in which he ruled the SPD, the main expression of opposition. But people want to express a general distrust of the entire political class, perceived as distant, perched in their ivory tower, while the protests are growing.

"I can not stay at home and watch the daily injustice and poverty due to the inability of politicians, "" This situation is unbearable, people may not feel comfortable at home in front of social injustice that affects the Croatian people, "" I think it's evident to any national politicians do not work for the good of the people "," The dissatisfaction can be seen in every Croat who just wants to ensure a decent existence for his family. " These are just some of the items collected by the Croatian daily during the demonstrations.

angry voices now that the Croatian dream seems to be over.

Croatia is going through a difficult period. The economic crisis strongly affected the country and the measures taken by the government Kosor have not proved adequate to the real difficulty of the task. The fuse of the protests was the increasing price of diesel, which has prompted the fishermen to take to the streets earlier this year, but there is some discontent 'at all levels.
In a country of 4.4 million people, the unemployed have reached 335,000, increasing in number in recent years. But even those who work is not doing well: 70,000 of them do not receive regular salary, and for many of those who receive it is not enough to make ends meet.
retirees are more than 750,000, a figure per se disproportionate to the population, and almost 80% of them located in conditions of poverty. weighs on all public debt of 44 billion euro. 4 On the other hand, the rich (including politicians) are getting richer through corruption and privatization dummy 5. A year ago a survey conducted by Eurobarometer expressed a general dissatisfaction in the face of such conditions. 42% of respondents believed that young people would have a better future only expatriate.

[...] A fan the flames of protest is led by the opposition Social Democrats (SPD) , who have not yet asked for early elections continued to criticize the government failures of recent years. But people no longer not trust them. On the one hand, the SPD clamored for the resignation of the government, other voters will not consider it a credible alternative. Do not forget the mistakes, in part because of the current crisis, the Social Democrats when they were committed to the government in the early twenty-first century. In practice there has been a tightening of the political struggle at all similar to ours, where the ruling parties do not know how to govern and the opposition have not the faintest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to propose an alternative.

3. to amplify the scope of the protests is the simultaneous rallies youth made in Facebook and those represented by the right-wing nationalist war veterans. Entrambi accomunati dal risentimento verso il governo ma divisi su tutto il resto. Soprattutto sul tema dei rapporti con la Serbia.

Parallelamente alla manifestazione dei giovani, a Zagabria diecimila veterani sono scesi in piazza per ribadire “la dignità della guerra patriottica”, secondo loro intaccata dalla politica della Kosor troppo aperta nei confronti di Belgrado. La quale non ha fatto molto per ricucire lo strappo, se pensiamo all'infelice dichiarazione di cui sopra. Una politica perseguita non solo sul piano diplomatico ma anche attraverso provvedimenti molto contestati, come la legge che ha amnistiato i serbi di Croazia per la rivolta armata nella Krajina. La goccia che ha fatto traboccare il vaso è stata l’arresto in Bosnia Erzegovina di uno dei difensori di Vukovar, Tihomir Purda, sulla base di un mandato d'arresto serbo per crimini di guerra. Purda è intanto stato rilasciato perché la Serbia ha rinunciato al procedimento giudiziario, ma la vicenda non è andata giù ai veterani che sono scesi in piazza accusando il governo di tradire gli “interessi nazionali”. [..]

Fin dal suo esordio, il governo Kosor si è sì dedicato energicamente alla politica estera, peraltro con qualche risultato di rilievo 8, ma è nella politica interna che la sua azione si è dimostrata del tutto carente. La corruzione è ancora una piaga in tutti i livelli di un'amministrazione già penalizzata da una scarsa capacità d'esecuzione.[..] E l'insofferenza della gente ha finto per rivolgersi anche all'Europa, percepita positivamente solo da una parte dell'opinione pubblica.[..]

Per leggere tutto l'articolo di Agoravox cliccate  qui .

La situazione nazionale croata, la leva sociale dell 'insoddisfazione della gente contro il governo, le situazioni di  povertà e la piaga della corruzione;  le rivolte organizzate dalla gioventù di facebook, il rinforzo dei politici di "sinistra", e il nazionalismo dei veterani, sembra la pellicola già vista in quelle che fuorono l' esordienti rivolte in North Africa. There are aspects of a Revolution Factory, or the "Factory of revolutions" fermenting yeast in the cauldrons, fresh meat, social networks, but planned upstream .
Croatia is next to Italy, not only geographically. The background of latent heavy and dissatisfaction with the government and the birth of clown characters act as gatekeepers lightning, was clearly prepared for a long time here. Rations indoctrination Italic, obviously there were made missing. will be coincidences? We doubt.
E 'for the fuse burning the colorful hearts of europe? Care must be taken that the sentence is not a poetic hymn, but a bitter observation where the question mark is still possible.

NienteEcomesembra Thanks for reporting the article.

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