Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Roll Up Mat Fro Jigsaw Puzzles

Silent and silenced revolution Icelandic

in Iceland have put the silencer in a revolution or not colored or scented remote. A revolution that does not make use of mercenaries hired to Gene Sharp. Do not even get me started revolutions of tarot cards and phony export in Maghreb. Above all, I do not want the communion of the berm pueblo unido Jamas evening be defeated when we know that there are elite professional mercenaries to foment a "change of guard" in those parts, including Libya. Meanwhile, the refugees are dying like flies between Tunisia and Libya, and we had to send humanitarian assistance to industry to avoid being overwhelmed by a flood of refugees that will still the same. As usual, however, the news coming from the North. And that revolution in Iceland is not only silent, but silenced . That silenced the media. Why? Simple because there may be a beneficial domino effect. A domino effect that is good for savers and bad banks. But this says a lot about the owners of the mainstreams media and their constant misinformation. The "good news" in Icelandic runs only on the web blog of right and left. But let us proceed with order.
At the end of 2008, gli effetti della crisi nell'economia islandese sono devastanti. In ottobre· si nazionalizza Landsbanki, principale banca del Paese. Il governo britannico congela tutti gli attivi della sua sussidiaria IceSave, con 300.000 clienti britannici e 910 milioni di euro investiti da amministrazioni locali ed enti pubblici del Regno Unito. A Landsbanki seguiranno le altri due principali banche, la Kaupthing e la Glitnir. I loro principali clienti sono in questo Paese e in Olanda, clienti a cui gli Stati devono rimborsare i loro risparmi con 3 miliardi e 700 milioni di euro di denaro pubblico. Di conseguenza il totale dei debiti bancari dell'Islanda equivale a diverse volte il suo PIL. Inoltre la moneta crolla e la Borsa sospende le sue attività dopo un crollo del 76%. The country is bankrupt.
The government officially asked to help the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approving a loan of 2 billion and $ 100 million, supplemented by another 2 billion by some Nordic countries.
citizens' protests outside the parliament in Reykjavik increase. On January 23, 2009 are called early elections three days after the demonstrations and the pans are already mass and cause the resignation of Prime Minister, Geir H. Conservative Haarden, and all his government as a whole. It is the first government
(and the only one I know) falls victim to this global crisis.
The April 25 general elections are held, from which emerges a coalition government formed Social-Democratic Alliance and the Left Green Movement, led by new Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir.
In 2009 continues the bad economic situation of the country and the year closed with a fall in GDP of 7%.
Through a law was widely discussed in the parliament is proposed on debt repayments to Britain and the Netherlands by the payment of € 3 billion and a half, a sum that will pay all the Icelandic families each month for the next 15 years at 5.5% interest . The people are returning to fill the streets and demand that the law to referendum. In January 2010 President, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, refuses to ratify it and announces that there will be a public referendum.
In March, the referendum is held and upon payment of the debt wins hands down with 93% of the vote. The Icelandic revolution gets a new victory in a peaceful manner.
The IMF's economic aid to Iceland frozen pending the payment of its debt.
At this point, the government has begun a search to find the legal responsibility for the crisis. Beginning of the arrests
several bankers and senior . (Read more here ).
Moral of the story: someone is trying to get out of debt loan shark, to exercise control over national banks and to liquidate the principal international liquidity: the IMF. that the aurora Boreal Icelandic spread throughout Europe.

The Attributes Of A Pretty Face


I know it's a period that people have other things to think, and want to have fun, dress up and gorge themselves Gozilla of pancakes, but actually I would like to tell something about the history of comics that I designed for the "We are glad to have you with us," inspired by the stories of Stefano Benni.

The story I chose to speak EUTHANASIA. And here

It is a subject of a heavy absurd
almost seamless. Two opposing views have divided
long our society.

Some people think euthanasia is a holy sacred right, who think it is a crime.
A little 'how can you have a different opinion on the color yellow, there are those who love him and hate him.
It 'difficult to remain indifferent to the yellow.
Groped to convince a person who hates the color yellow is a wonderful and impossible. But not for this
odiatoredelgiallo will be heard in the right to insult those who would wear the yellow every day. None
not impose idossare yellow to another as no one can impose a dress of yellow ad uno che non vuole.
Frase intricata ma spero vagamente chiara.

Obbligare un uomo alla “vita” è come obbligarlo alla morte.
Le decisioni dei potenti giuste o non giuste creano disperazione e infelicità.
Giusto o non giusto per moralità personale, chi decide della serenità degli altri sbaglia.
Impone di indossare il giallo.

E dopo sta botta di tristezza, visto che la mia opinione anche se spiegata male è comunque evidente, vi lascio con un motto che ha sconvolto il pianeta.

And I've got to leave you even a little woman who spogliatella alieterà the night.

This post is also crazy for you to share in the second position, which I earned in the competition. If you like to read the story you can see the 4 tables in this link. This is the fan page of Stefano Benni which published le 3 opere classificate.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What Causes A Fain Line In A Drug Test

Uprisings in Croatia and 'Fejsbukovci'. A young leader and Facebook to bring down the government. And 'the fuse for Europe?

The source of this post is primarily journalistic, handle or comfort, but a friend who has had opportunity to speak with a Croatian citizen. Then I tried to do a Web search. And you, (to date March 7), have you read in the newspapers? On the Internet? Try typing "protests or riots in Croatia." No newspaper quotes the report, the sources are the only two of the bloggers Incapervinc @ , and TMnews . The only "signs" journalism, from agencies date back to March 24, for the first demonstrations against Government Kosor.
publishing the first article that I feel more complete and detailed. We thank the blogger for their work Icapervinc @:

"And the media does not talk about it! Croatia clashes between police and anti-government protesters.
A young leader and Facebook to bring down the government
Perna been arrested and released by police on the night of Thursday, February 24, the only one in which there have been clashes between police and 'Fejsbukovci', those on Facebook, as has already been dubbed by the people of Croatian media Perna. From Not to be confused with the veterans of the 1991-95 war, which took to the streets Saturday Always ask for the resignation of the incumbent government, however, accused of too filoeuropeismo and opening to the normalization of relations with Serbia: the death toll from clashes with the police was about fifty wounded.

This second type of protest "is very dangerous for Croatia" currency Vesna PUSIC, leader of the Croatian People's Party (HNS) and the opposition leader of the National Committee for monitoring negotiations with the EU. The Fejsbukovci instead "be based in part on what happens in the rest of the world and have every right to demonstrate, they do not exceed the limit of non-violence, and although their richieste siano condivisibili soi nei termini in cui chiedono un nuovo governo", valuta la liberal democratica, Pusic.
"Il vostro tempo è passato. Vi invito a dimettervi e indire le elezioni" ha chiesto durante le proteste di ieri Pernar, al quale è stato interdetto l'accesso a Piazza San Marko, nel centro di Zagabria. Ma il popolo di Facebook non si è fatto fermare e, secondo uno schema che va consolidandosi, si è radunato, come sempre sul far della sera, in piccoli gruppi in diversi angoli della città. Riunitisi poi, nell'arco di brevissimo tempo in un'unica massa critica, rigorosamente spontanea e non autorizzata. Puntando sull'effetto sorpresa, insomma, i Fejsbukovci riescono a muoversi e spargersi rapidamente the streets of the capital, usually at the cry of "Thieves, thieves".
As their leader, are mainly young, not so much critical of the foreign policy of the center-right government, what with the economic fielded in the face of severe economic crisis that devastated the country in Zagreb has lost 5, 8% of GDP in 2009 and 1, 4% in 2010. From the nationalization of banks, the return to working the land, the twenty-five Croatian promises a vision of the extreme left, after debuittato in 2009 in Zagreb as a city councilor, elected from among the Greens list. "I love you all and I know we'll win because justice and truth are on our side," said Ivan recently Perna, presented in a virtual forum with the appearance of the avatar of Che Guevara. A perfect combination of old slogans and new publishing tools. That no one in Croatia and its seems at present able to understand if and how much will be explosive. Belgrade, March 1 (TMNews).

We will be able before long to understand why this sort of censorship. Certainly it is still in place, the Libyan representatives, and the reflectors are in full swing and illuminate the main stage, where all actors are playing their part to perfection.

It seems that the inspiration of the protests Croatia's character antieuropeistico. Croatia should join the EEC in less than a year. But there are so started with the "causes" from "people" also addressed in north africa? Therefore, it is an aspect to which we totally distrust.

The severity of the matter is once again that we are not able to really know the facts that happen. It is the observation that for this reason there is voluntary.

And so the answers come soon and the horizons are understandable. The site spends its lines to specify what follows, but in truth there were few doubts:

[...] target of the protests is primarily the government, considered the main cause of the precarious economic situation of the country. Since 1991, the country is ruled by a conservative government led by the Croatian Democratic (HDZ, the party's first president, the ultra-nationalist Tudjman), except for an interlude between 1999 and 2003 in which he ruled the SPD, the main expression of opposition. But people want to express a general distrust of the entire political class, perceived as distant, perched in their ivory tower, while the protests are growing.

"I can not stay at home and watch the daily injustice and poverty due to the inability of politicians, "" This situation is unbearable, people may not feel comfortable at home in front of social injustice that affects the Croatian people, "" I think it's evident to any national politicians do not work for the good of the people "," The dissatisfaction can be seen in every Croat who just wants to ensure a decent existence for his family. " These are just some of the items collected by the Croatian daily during the demonstrations.

angry voices now that the Croatian dream seems to be over.

Croatia is going through a difficult period. The economic crisis strongly affected the country and the measures taken by the government Kosor have not proved adequate to the real difficulty of the task. The fuse of the protests was the increasing price of diesel, which has prompted the fishermen to take to the streets earlier this year, but there is some discontent 'at all levels.
In a country of 4.4 million people, the unemployed have reached 335,000, increasing in number in recent years. But even those who work is not doing well: 70,000 of them do not receive regular salary, and for many of those who receive it is not enough to make ends meet.
retirees are more than 750,000, a figure per se disproportionate to the population, and almost 80% of them located in conditions of poverty. weighs on all public debt of 44 billion euro. 4 On the other hand, the rich (including politicians) are getting richer through corruption and privatization dummy 5. A year ago a survey conducted by Eurobarometer expressed a general dissatisfaction in the face of such conditions. 42% of respondents believed that young people would have a better future only expatriate.

[...] A fan the flames of protest is led by the opposition Social Democrats (SPD) , who have not yet asked for early elections continued to criticize the government failures of recent years. But people no longer not trust them. On the one hand, the SPD clamored for the resignation of the government, other voters will not consider it a credible alternative. Do not forget the mistakes, in part because of the current crisis, the Social Democrats when they were committed to the government in the early twenty-first century. In practice there has been a tightening of the political struggle at all similar to ours, where the ruling parties do not know how to govern and the opposition have not the faintest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to propose an alternative.

3. to amplify the scope of the protests is the simultaneous rallies youth made in Facebook and those represented by the right-wing nationalist war veterans. Entrambi accomunati dal risentimento verso il governo ma divisi su tutto il resto. Soprattutto sul tema dei rapporti con la Serbia.

Parallelamente alla manifestazione dei giovani, a Zagabria diecimila veterani sono scesi in piazza per ribadire “la dignità della guerra patriottica”, secondo loro intaccata dalla politica della Kosor troppo aperta nei confronti di Belgrado. La quale non ha fatto molto per ricucire lo strappo, se pensiamo all'infelice dichiarazione di cui sopra. Una politica perseguita non solo sul piano diplomatico ma anche attraverso provvedimenti molto contestati, come la legge che ha amnistiato i serbi di Croazia per la rivolta armata nella Krajina. La goccia che ha fatto traboccare il vaso è stata l’arresto in Bosnia Erzegovina di uno dei difensori di Vukovar, Tihomir Purda, sulla base di un mandato d'arresto serbo per crimini di guerra. Purda è intanto stato rilasciato perché la Serbia ha rinunciato al procedimento giudiziario, ma la vicenda non è andata giù ai veterani che sono scesi in piazza accusando il governo di tradire gli “interessi nazionali”. [..]

Fin dal suo esordio, il governo Kosor si è sì dedicato energicamente alla politica estera, peraltro con qualche risultato di rilievo 8, ma è nella politica interna che la sua azione si è dimostrata del tutto carente. La corruzione è ancora una piaga in tutti i livelli di un'amministrazione già penalizzata da una scarsa capacità d'esecuzione.[..] E l'insofferenza della gente ha finto per rivolgersi anche all'Europa, percepita positivamente solo da una parte dell'opinione pubblica.[..]

Per leggere tutto l'articolo di Agoravox cliccate  qui .

La situazione nazionale croata, la leva sociale dell 'insoddisfazione della gente contro il governo, le situazioni di  povertà e la piaga della corruzione;  le rivolte organizzate dalla gioventù di facebook, il rinforzo dei politici di "sinistra", e il nazionalismo dei veterani, sembra la pellicola già vista in quelle che fuorono l' esordienti rivolte in North Africa. There are aspects of a Revolution Factory, or the "Factory of revolutions" fermenting yeast in the cauldrons, fresh meat, social networks, but planned upstream .
Croatia is next to Italy, not only geographically. The background of latent heavy and dissatisfaction with the government and the birth of clown characters act as gatekeepers lightning, was clearly prepared for a long time here. Rations indoctrination Italic, obviously there were made missing. will be coincidences? We doubt.
E 'for the fuse burning the colorful hearts of europe? Care must be taken that the sentence is not a poetic hymn, but a bitter observation where the question mark is still possible.

NienteEcomesembra Thanks for reporting the article.

Related :

Libya, the rest of the story: The Libyan opposition manages
protests and Washington literally

We fooled! The revolution and the factory movement
colored part of the overall plan of the NWO. And
now up to Libya. And Then?

Egypt "rejoices freedom "... full power to the forces
armed! We take all for fools?

Jane Burgermeister and Massimo Mazzucco take
a big blunder on the so-called revolt of Egypt

disorders in Egypt and Tunisia .. . contagion or

If not now when? But let me pleasure, as you
is to demonstrate for this nonsense?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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The typical handling of a New Age Guru

In the video posted to the link http://www / watch? v = yRscVchL7uk , we can see one of the many New Age guru or guru (this Kiesha) pontificating on the advent of 2012. His speeches are unfortunately typical of almost all New Age and are indicators of how the whole movement is constructed and manipulated in order to ensnare the consciences of those people who are open to the possibility that there is something important beyond the physical plane.

Below I put screenshots of the most salient passages of his speech, clearly manipulated and heard a speech full of misleading messages to hook up the confidence of the people frightened by the rapid changes we are seeing in these years (devastation, riots , disasters (in) natural , economic crisis, poisoning of the planet) and that rather than set in motion to fully understand the true nature of the changes made prefers to be anesthetized by persuasive words and be seduced by false hopes.

But if we explore in detail Kiesha this speech, the words to read well are not so persuasive, and hide a message to say the least cruel, that seems to veil projects demonic occult elites that govern our planet, those criminals who are triggering the rapid changes (negative) that we have seen in recent years.

Kiesha This speech starts about 2012 with a real lies: We live in a magical time, the most extraordinary time to be on this earth . And to make such a statement Obviously the Kiesha video shows a false sky as his words, as false now as clear skies and beautiful - with the gentle care of once clouds - are increasingly rare due to the phenomenon of horror chemtrails that scar the sky and we steal the sun. What a beautiful "magic moment" that we are experiencing floods between , earthquakes, floods, financial crises, riots, poisoning of the biosphere ...

The changes have already begun and we have the opportunity to enlighten us all you [the land] Kiesha said then. In short, the earth is changing already showing the first signs of "awakening" by earthquakes and other disasters, and this holy woman happily announces that this process is only beginning in 2012 and will culminate in an even more extensive upheaval of the crust: Hallelujah!

But this is an opportunity for you to progress to become enlightened (mmm ... the word always, a little 'suspicious, given the alleged role of the Masonic sect liluminati in the construction of the NWO), an opportunity that we enjoy coming because a strong charge of energy that will invest all our planet and will allow us to raise our vibrations allowing us to experience a "quantum leap".

Although I am certain that the vibration, noise that is particularly electromagnetic , are the basis of many vital phenomena (our DNA transmits and receives electromagnetic signals and may also be implicated in the transmission of other signals related to our "extended mind "), this concept is very creed. On the other here it is alleged that by focusing our attention and intention on vibration of love could be part of this evolution of the planet earth and to avoid being killed by the disaster should happen at the end of 2012 (and that would trigger the transition).

is coming paradise on earth and we live in a paradise . Heaven cartoon?

And the proof that this is going to happen, gives me pleasure? Or is it just a hunch, and then there is nothing to prove? Not that it is opposed to the use of intuition, for heaven's sake, sono persino certo che l'intuizione possa permettere a volte di comprenderei certe importanti verità meglio dell'intelletto, ma il guaio è che il mio intuito mi segnala che avverrà qualcosa di molto diverso da questa lieto fine degno di una favola di altri tempi.

Kiesha afferma espressamente che a fine del 2012 il nucleo della terra resterà fermo mentre la crosta, scivolando sul mantello, si dislocherà. In questo frangente il sole si fermerà per due giorni (molte tradizioni tramandate oralmente dai popoli indigeni delle americhe narrano di un simile fenomeno avvenuto ai tempi della grande catastrofe nota biblicamente come diluvio univerale) e chi resterà centered on the vibration of love will be saved. This is what Kiesha says to his followers, and this seems even to me that I believe all ' influence of mind on the physical reality , an enormous stupidity.

One slip of the crust cause earthquakes and tsunamis unimaginable, resulting in triggering of volcanic phenomena on a global scale: a disaster in the face of apocalyptic as meditation and the vibration frequencies of love could do little.

Moreover such a monstrous tragedy is most probably occurred about 11,600 years ago, when the so-called flood, or the end of civilization antediluvian (known as Atlantis). Those who have studied extensively the issue of slippage of the crust is Professor C. Hapgood, who wrote the book of the same name, as well as spouses Rand Flem-Ath, who wrote the book The End of Atlantis , also based on comparative analysis of many myths handed down orally from indigenous peoples around the world . So this sad

bearer of lies (if it is a simple way as to take advantage of the various wizards and charlatans in the world is full) is paid as an agent presumbilmente disinformation to fool people sensitive to issues such as nature, spirit , consciousness, paranormal , make them blind to what is most horrible is happening in the world, give them a false solution which corresponds to a helpless acceptance of reality, and even disguise some possible future disgraces (maybe artificial ) by warning signs of the advent of a new heaven on earth.

And here comes the really Paradise. But bad ...

Ed i nostri corpi stanno vibrando di un'energia come mai prima .

Il mondo sta cambiando, i nostri corpi di stanno trasformando, la struttura del nostro DNA sta cambiando, E' realtà . Può anche essere, la questione genetica è di importanza fondamentale nei progetti di chi vuole costruire in Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, e non si può esclude che le scie chimiche abbiano come obiettivo anche quello di impedire un'evoluzione gentica positiva della razza umana, ma se così fosse come mai Keisha non avverte nessuno della tragica realtà del fenomeno delle scie chimiche ? What is the focus only on positive events if nothing is done to prevent the negatives that occur?

If we do not change and will continue to live with the ego mind and we will be removed. But that exquisite gentleness, brotherly love which emanates from this Mother Earth that we remove (kill) if we have not had the opportunity (perhaps because nobody had reported on time) to address spiritual growth.

Why are we killing Mother Earth . Agree more, but with chemtrails, say it plainly, we are killing with chemtrails .

All we do is being Love is all there, it's so simple !

But how is this good at making fun of Keisha, who wants us to believe (as D. Icke), which focus our intention on generic thoughts of love can change in a positive reality, but who has studied close Science intention, which may occur to change the reality by the conscious use of our mind should not only focus on the intention of many contemporary people, but focus on a specific objective, and non-generic, or intention does not have any appreciable effect. This means that in order to contribute to a better world, we need to concentrate our intention to ensure that there is, for example, a future with skies clear of chemtrails, and not to make the general intention of living in a future paradise on earth .

Not to mention the fact that the exercise co-creator of the intention should be absolutely matched the social commitment, action for complaints and to raise awareness of the people around us.

For further discussion see the related articles :

Vırjın Gırls

Paradigm for a dictator we rob banks

Remember Slobodan Milosovic ? It was one of the color revolutions, OTPOR (whose logo was a clenched fist and raised) supported by the National Endowment for Democracy U.S. to remove it. Then we com 'is gone. The Serbia was bombed by NATO forces for 80 days with the then Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema eager to show that the Allies had put into mothballs its communism "Pacifist". And down bombs on bombs! Even without UN cover, the aircraft took off from Aviano dropping torpedoes "humane" to Belgrade. It was the blessed Olive Tree World War. All convinced Olivetan pacifondai: the Clintonites to prodiani through Pope John Paul II who spoke of 'humanitarian intervention' as a necessary evil. He distinguished himself for fiercely Madeleine Albright in the Clinton administration who personally went to shake hands stained with blood the Albanian KLA Thaci, appointed prime minister of the then infant state secession of Kosovo, a state characterized by narcotraffico.L ' epilogue we know: the mock trial of Carla Del Ponte, and finally the strange case of "suicide" of Milosevic in his cell.
Dead Slobo, peaceful (so to speak) the Balkans, Serbia could eventually join the EU, according to the formula of commercial pax , panacea for all ills of the century.

Remember Saddam Hussein? It was the key man in the U.S. to fight the war in Iran. Then he mounted the head and Kissinger did not treasure the affirmation of "being enemies of America can be dangerous, but can be fatal to his friends" e  si mise in mente di occupare il Kuwait. Mal gliene colse con Bush senior. Nel frattempo ci fu la guerra al terrorismo internazionale in Afghanistan dopo l'attentato alle torri gemelle e si cominciò a parlare del dittatore dell'Iraq  come di colui che aveva nascosto le famigerate  armi di distruzione di massa . Non ne fu trovata traccia, ma il dittatore venne deposto comunque, sotto l'amministrazione di Bush jr. Prima la statua, poi lui con tanto di corda al collo.  Le foto dimostrano come. Il paradosso di questa guerra irachena è che mentre con Saddam c'era tolleranza nei confronti dei cristiani (Tareq Aziz ministro di Saddam era un cristiano caldeo) ora i cristiani vengono perseguitati, e ogni due per tre salta per aria un loro luogo di culto.

Ricordate Ben Alì ? Disintegrato nel corso della rivoluzione dei gelsomini  dei mesi scorsi ( o rivoluzione del  cus- cus a seconda dei casi). Pare che fosse un ballon d'essai per vedere se era possibile provarci anche con l'Egitto, secondo la dottrina di Gene Sharp . E funzionò. Tipici dei dittatori sono  i loro tesori. Dopo la deposizione, la distruzione delle loro icone propagandistiche si cerca sempre il tesssorro .  "Congelato". Sì, ma da chi, di grazia? E siamo sicuri che quei denari serviranno poi all'edificazione della neonata democrazia tunisina ? Se così fosse non ci sarebbe bisogno di pesanti traversate mediterranee di legioni di disperati che approdano stremati nelle nostre coste in cerca di cibo. Bastano e avanzano i tesori di Ben Alì, novello Ali Babà del Maghreb.

Ricordate Mubarak? Era l'uomo di fiducia di americani e israeliani ("un figlio di puttana, ma il nostro figlio di puttana", secondo la nota citazione di Roosevelt, ripetuta di recente anche da Shimon Peres). Deposto e cacciato via, anche lui. Ora si è ammalato gravemente in quel di Sharm el Sheik. Non so quale sarà l'exit strategy congegnata for him, but maybe able to dodge the usual farce of The Hague. Some mite gotta give it to good servants.

Now it is Gaddafi. In this case, the court in The Hague is ready for overt violation of so-called human rights . Curious that until recently sat on the bench of the Libya National Headquarters of the United Nations as a defender of those same "human rights", which is now the principal violator, and that America did not say a "Well." But the wind has changed obviously. Some
interessante retroscena di questa ennesima  rivoluzione tarocca? Gheddafi ha recentemente acquisito una quota di partecipazione azionaria rilevante in Finmeccanica . 
"Per chi non lo sapesse quest'ultima è una società leader al mondo nella produzione di sistemi di difesa aerospaziale ed al tempo stesso principale fornitore della difesa statunitense. Pertanto Gheddafi, a meno che non venga quanto prima destituito o spazzato via, ha tranquillamente accesso alla consistenza degli approvvigionamenti militari statunitensi. Questo è più che sufficiente per istigare una finta rivoluzione con sommosse sociali pilotate al fine di ottenere la solita scusante per l'intervento Military with the noble goal of exporting democracy. I doubt that what is happening in Libya, a country whose people enjoyed a standard of living considerably better than the populations of neighboring countries is not random at all but rather a classic false flag operation "- writes Eugenio Benetazzo in his site .

And this is a long sad history of dictatorships supported, encouraged and nurtured until they are comfortable, dismissed when no longer convenient. fomented riots and revolutions until are useful, restoration and normalization taxes their own advantage by local armies compliant; of international tribunals that instead of serving the people have to serve multinational companies and large corporations. Market uber alles. If you want to call it, democracy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Synthesis Of Protein Is An Anabolic Process

Codex Alimentarius from May 1, the end of the possibility of cure with herbal products freely

Non è un brutto scherzo e non si scherzava nemmeno uno o due anni fa quando si parlava allarmisticamente di Codex Alimentarius e dei suoi effetti. Dal primo maggio migliaia di prodotti connessi con la medicina erboristica diventeranno illegali in tutta l'Unione europea.

Molti prodotti a base di erbe, compresi quelli già venduti tranquillamente come integratori alimentari, se devono essere venduti, dovranno essere registrati come  THMPD ( Traditional Herbal Medicinal Product Directive) . But enrollment has a number of technical challenges and eligibility, and the prohibitive costs, which will be a major impediment to a large number of traditional medicines. This is especially true if the drugs are produced by small businesses with low volume of annual sales, a common case in the traditional medicinal product.
laws and directives that are issued in Europe are influenced by U.S. policy and not just for global imperialism in the sense of 'purely economic interests. What's more, as in everything else. Starting from the simple fact that if we get sick we are more controllable and many will say yes to solutions "proposed" (but actually imposed) by the new global order.
Otherwise, the recommendation is always to run the information. At the end of the article you will also find a link that leads to a link to the petition Alliance for Natural Health International.

The I st May 2011, European citizens will suffer the most deadly attack on their personal freedom that history Remember: the end of the possibility of cured with herbal products using thousands of years.
The pharmaceutical companies, the real masters of the world and the real economy, those who command the Finance and our politicians, who decide - for better or for worse - of our future, have decided to eliminate the competition, which they considered unfair , of natural remedies with which humanity has taken care of and care for thousands of years.

I ° The fact enter into force in May 2011 the amending Directive 2004/24/EC as regards traditional herbal medicinal products, Directive 2001/83/EC of 6 November 2001, which governs the "medicinal".
Before delving into the main content of the Directive, it is important to emphasize that the definitions in this standard are given for different types of medicines, or do you mean by "medicine", "Traditional herbal medicinal product" and "medicine plant".

is considered "medicine"
(Step 2) paragraph a) any substance or combination of substances presented for treating or preventing human, or paragraph b) any substance or combination of substances that can be used on 'a man or a man given to restoring, correcting or modifying physiological functions by exerting a pharmacological, immunological metabolic, or to making a medical diagnosis.

to "traditional herbal medicinal product" means:
29) herbal medicinal product that meets the requirements of Article 16 bis, paragraph 1.

For "medicinal plants":
30) any medicinal product exclusively containing as active ingredients one or more herbal substances or one or more herbal preparations, or one or more herbal substances in combination with one or more herbal preparations.
E 'to point out that Article 16 bis, paragrafo 1, la suddetta Direttiva prevede l’istituzione di una procedura di registrazione semplificata per i medicinali vegetali che soddisfano tutti i seguenti requisiti:
a) le indicazioni sono esclusivamente quelle appropriate per i medicinali vegetali tradizionali che, in virtù della loro composizione e del loro scopo, sono destinati ad essere utilizzati senza controllo medico per necessità di diagnosi, di una prescrizione o per il controllo del trattamento;
b) ne è prevista la somministrazione solo in una determinata concentrazione e posologia;
c) si tratta di un preparato per uso orale, esterno e/o inalatorio;
d) è trascorso il periodo di impiego tradizionale referred to in Article 16c par. 1, letter c);
e) data on the traditional use of medicine is sufficient, in particular the product proves not to be harmful under conditions of use and the pharmacological effects or efficacy are plausible in basis of longstanding use and experience.

the preceding paragraphs the most important (and insidious) is marked with the letter d), because it provides a traditional period of time established in Article 16 quater, paragraph 1 letter c).

But let's see what Article 16 provides for the quarter, paragraph 1 letter c):
"The bibliographical or expert evidence that the product, or a corresponding product has been in medicinal use for at least thirty years before the date of application, including at least 15 years in the Community. At the request of the Member State in which it was submitted the registration application for traditional use of herbal medicinal products the Committee expressed an opinion on the demonstration of the use of long-standing product, or the corresponding product. The Member State shall submit relevant documentation to substantiate the claim. "

In sintesi (e qui si nasconde l’inganno), la ditta che produce un determinato prodotto (che magari funziona!), se non riesce a comprovare il suo impiego continuativo per almeno 30 anni, prima della data di presentazione della domanda, è costretta a ritirarlo dal commercio.

Ma andando avanti nella lettura della direttiva con i punti 3 e 5, analizziamo prima di tutto il punto 3:
“Nonostante una lunga tradizione d’uso, numerosi medicinali non rispondono ai requisiti relativi all’impiego medicinale ben noto né presentano una riconosciuta efficacia e un livello accettabile di sicurezza e non possono pertanto essere oggetto di un’autorizzazione all’immissione in commercio. (omissis)”

Ora leggiamo attentamente il Punto 5:
“(omissis) Tuttavia, poiché neppure una lunga tradizione consente di escludere eventuali timori circa la sicurezza del prodotto, le autorità competenti dovrebbero avere la facoltà di richiedere tutti i dati necessari per la valutazione della sicurezza. La qualità di un dato medicinale non è determinata dal suo impiego tradizionale. Pertanto non dovrebbero essere concesse deroghe all’obbligo di effettuare le necessarie prove chimico-fisiche, biologiche e microbiologiche. I prodotti dovrebbero soddisfare le norme di qualità contenute nelle monografie della farmacopea europea pertinenti o in quelle della farmacopea di uno Stato membro”.

E’ impossibile non notare la contraddizione, a mio avviso creata ad hoc, insita nei due punti.
Da una parte, infatti, viene asserito che una lunga tradizione di un medicinale vegetale consente di non dover fare la sperimentazione preclinica, mentre dall’altra si afferma che, tuttavia, poiché “neppure una lunga tradizione consente di escludere eventuali timori circa la sicurezza del prodotto, le autorità competenti dovrebbero avere la facoltà di richiedere tutti i dati necessari per la valutazione della sicurezza”.

to the above, it is not difficult to discover the trick deployed by Big Pharma and our good (so to speak!) European politicians, who all have at heart, but the health and interests of citizens.
The trick is this: the supervisory authority should require the necessary data for assessing the safety of a traditional plant product.

The same Directive 2004/24/EC on the assessment of a product for human use, provides:
"Applications for marketing authorization of a medicine to be accompanied by a dossier containing particulars and documents relating in particular to the results of physico-chemical, biological, microbiological, pharmacological and toxicological tests and clinical trials carried out on the product and proving its quality, safety and efficacy "

In practice (and this is the absurdity of the Directive!), if a company (after the first of May 2001), will sell an herbal product (plant or plant parts) on the label describing the features of "therapeutic" and / or "healing", such products, even if it is actually used by thousands of years, will considerato alla stregua di un “farmaco di sintesi”, e, come tale, dovrà sottostare a tutti gli obblighi, sperimentazioni (prove chimico-fisiche, biologiche, microbiologiche, farmacologiche, tossicologiche e cliniche ) e autorizzazioni previste per i farmaci chimici. Le stime delle spese di registrazione vanno da 80.000 a ben oltre 150.000 euro per il singolo prodotto!

Secondo voi, una piccola o media azienda erboristica, può sobbarcarsi una spesa del genere?
Tale spesa se la potranno permettere solo le multinazionali farmaceutiche, quelle che hanno imposto la Direttiva ai politici europei (si badi bene che la responsabilità è anche dei parlamentari European Italians, of all political!).

face of this destruction of our freedom, all media have remained silent, as if the problem does not concern us, paying for months (and ad nauseum) the great titles of their front pages of the harem Berlusconi, the Ruby-Gate, the house of Monte Carlo Fini and gossip for frustrated housewives.

Consumers were kept in the dark on this European directive banning the most commonly used herbal remedies.
herbal products outside Europe will be hardest hit, since to date non è stato approvato un solo rimedio erboristico tra quelli usati dalle due più importanti tradizioni, quella ayurvedica (India) e quella della medicina tradizionale cinese (MTC). Saranno vietati anche gli integratori alimentari contenenti qualunque erba medicinale che non sia autorizzata.

La nuova legislazione dice di voler mettere in primo piano la sicurezza dei consumatori rendendo obbligatoria l’indicazione, sulle etichette dei prodotti erboristici approvati, dei possibili effetti collaterali e interazioni con altri farmaci. Ma è probabile che i consumatori attenti alla salute restino sorpresi di trovare nella lista una vasta pletora (oltre 100) di additivi ‘cattivi’, nella maggior parte dei prodotti registrati (ma non tutti). Tra questi, il detersivo laurilsolfato di sodio, i controversi edulcoranti aspartame e ciclamato di sodio, conservanti artificiali come ad esempio l’E215, l’E217 e l’E219, e vari polimeri, come il copolimero di butil metacrilato (BA), il polivinilpirrolidone e l’alcool polivinilico (PVA). Quest’ultimo è riconosciuto dalle autorità governative per causare il cancro negli animali da laboratorio.

Tra i prodotti che non potranno più essere commercializzati vi è la graviola, un prodotto naturale ricavato da una pianta amazzonica con il quale è possibile curare il cancro.
Conosco questa sostanza perché un mio conoscente, da circa 10 anni, tiene fermo un tumore alla prostata grazie a questa sostanza dal prezzo quasi irrisorio.
In uno studio pubblicato sul Journal of Natural Products, è stato dimostrato che la graviola non è solo confrontabile con l’Adriamicina (un farmaco antitumorale), ma la supera clamorosamente negli studi di laboratorio. Un composto della pianta ha distrutto selettivamente le cellule cancerose del colon con una potenza 10.000 (diecimila!) volte superiore a quella dell’Adriamicina.
Come la Graviola, tantissime altre potenti sostanze naturali come il Noni, l’Astragalo, le echinacee, etc., spariranno e diverranno introvabili.
I consumatori can only be cured with chemical remedies, the ones that have many side effects, contributing to the enrichment of multinational pharmaceutical companies.

In Europe the only ones who are organizing to oppose the destruction described above, are the members of the Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH-Intl).
Alliance for Natural Health International is an NGO that works to protect and promote approaches harmless, safe and natural health care. The ANH-Intl acts in a wide variety of fields, including that of freedom of choice, and the use of micronutrients and herbs in the treatment health.

The organization was founded in 2002 by Dr Robert Verkerk, international experts appreciated the theme of sustainability, which continues its leadership.
In 2003, the NH has appealed against the European directive on food supplements, and this case was successfully brought to the European Court of Justice in early 2004. The ruling of 2005 has significantly clarified areas of EU law that were not transparent with regard to food supplements.
Recently Dr. Verkerk has told the media that his organization intends to initiate proceedings for judicial review of the European directive, starting High Court of London, with the hope of obtaining a reference to the European Court of Justice, challenging the norm for the fact that it is disproportionate, non-transparent and discriminatory, especially against non-European traditions.

The Alliance for Natural Health International has already collected about 60,000 of the £ 90,000 provided to fund the legal costs of this initial phase.
I can only wish these people who are waging a struggle for the interests of all, the success of their initiative.

groped For those who want to prevent this limitation of personal freedom of choice therapeutic you can sign the petition found here . A few minutes could make a difference!
Piero Nuciari

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Libya, the rest of the story: Opposition protests Libyan manages literally

Please note the signatures The webmaster of is listed in the
U.S. Department of State as the "Twitter" to follow.

When the son of Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam, has accused foreign groups and opposition of fomenting unrest in Libya, it seems that these words have never been more true. Not surprisingly, the BBC and the rest of the media company owned have taken significant measures to discredit his discorso.Sono been discovered amazing revelations about the riots in Libya. The leader of the Libyan opposition group that organized the protests both inside and outside Libya, is currently in Washington DC while he and his organization conduct the riots and mayhem that destroy the nations of North Africa.

A ' interview with Ibrahim Sahadeva of the National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL) on ABC Australia, outlines each stage of the debate in the business covered by the mainstream media over the past week, all with the White House and the Washington Monument looming in the background on him.

Sahadeva repeated calls of ' International Crisis Group of
Soros / Brzezinski to the Board UN Security
to convene and discuss intervention in
Qaddafi's provocations.

Sahadeva Ibrahim and his NFSL formed the Libyan opposition National Conference (CNOL) in London in 2005 . This group came specifically from its path does not appear to be influenced or supported by the United States. Perhaps, to cement this concept, the ' Huffington Post has revealed the documents issued by CNOL in a move to pin style Wikileaks U.S. support to Gaddafi. Of course, like all unrest in the Middle East, while the facts come out we find that these do not prevent confusion, but avoid the truth. The
CNOL of Sahadeva began by organizing the "Day of Wrath" February 17 at the right time when Egypt fell so that the apparatus of the mainstream media could swing around and put the focus on Libya. For convenience, the media only needed to travel from Cairo to the western border of Egypt and wait for the men of Sahade would guarantee them a base of operations on that land, presumably in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi. Gaddafi apparently understands the role of NGOs and media foreigners, which is why not find them on the streets of the cities of Libya, and the coverage was certainly daunting . We find that both the news that the company-owned funded by corporations and the U.S. State Department, always get their reports for the whole of CNOL Sahadeva in Washington, which claims to be in contact with reports of "first hand" out of Libya.

Other members dell'NFSL including one in Dubai, they're also feeding the media with this information "first hand". These reports became the basis for charges of genocide , the summons UN Security Council for economic sanctions, for direct threats to Libyan security forces trying to suppress the demonstrators, and the reinforcement of NATO the no-fly-zone .
The National Endowment for Democracy infested with Neo-Con and his army of NGOs financed by the United States have recently issued an official statement urging the United States and the European Union to address the massacres in the Libyan Council UN Security Council and Human Rights. This is still the relationship between the BBC admitted that they " impossible to verify, based on information from by and a leader of the protesters based in Washington.
You should also point out that a blogger Libyan style Ghonim has been reported as a "Twitter users to follow" from funded by USA / companies.

He goes by the name of "EnoughGaddafi" and is the webmaster of .
EnoughGaddafi's work can also be stored on site NFSL Ibrahim Sahadeva based in Washington (, second , has been cut).
Once again we are told that the protests are spontaneous, inspired by targeting Tunisian and Egyptian. Once again we are told of the desire of young people for freedom and democracy. But when we look behind the scenes, we see yet another old Washington man who pulls the levers, blowing smoke and dazzling.
If you are religious, pray for the people in the streets of Libya, many of whom may simply be swept away in this cruel joke. The U.S. and their stooges will not be discouraged if their plot did not succeed. The rivers of blood flowing ensure that they will never in their calculations.
When your "liberation" sponsored by the U.S. Department of State will come from you, we hope that others, other parts, remain united to the truth, not to the emotions of a deception machine. I hope that others take the job of tell the truth, between the noise dell'assordante corporate media propaganda.
So spread the word, wake up the neighbors, and, above all, boycott the corporations whose greed driving this agenda and whose members are planning its implementation.
Do it for the Libyans, Egyptians, Tunisians, and do it for yourself. The fire that is now destroying the Middle East and North Africa, could soon destroy you.

set of corporate members and supporters of the Anglo-American global agenda:

Original version of article published in Tony Cartalucci Land Destroyer

Fingers Cold, Then Swollen


While in Ireland are punishing parties saviors of the banks with public money, in Italy the same are launching trials of legalized robbery in elegant yellow gloves. I read on the site Dagospia that the banks have agreed to comply with a heavy tax for the three euro for customers who want to take the own (and I stress right) cash as of April 18. The article appeared in the Corriere della Sera signed Alessandra Puato .

In other words, if I fetch the bank counter 100 € 97 and gives me everything is considered perfectly legal. BNL adhere, UBI, Montepaschi Cariparma, Popolare di Milano and Unicredit. Other banks are adeguaranno.


This penalizes especially the elderly little accustomed to use the ATM and that they prefer to run to the door or use checks. Dragon Dragon Welcomes saying it is a ploy to "discourage the cash." This is its statement: "It 's a way to decrease the use of cash, making it more expensive. Of course, for banks the cost structure is now very heavy. Chiaro that seek ways to increase revenues."

The problem, unfortunately, is another. It is not that you have already started work to remove the notes and force us to electronic money, according to the dictates of the NWO? Marist blogger writes about "The heart of the world "

The currency single bancor or otherwise take the call, will be the final blow of financial speculation. Facilitate what they want about anything: a virtual currency, on which we will not have even that little bit of control that remains, we will be in the hands of these men, enslaved worse today, their prey to delusions of grandeur. People who do not respond if not for itself, people who destroy all modern barbarians for whom we will be one debtor, we will grant "credit" and that's it, we will not have anything of our own. Dr. Sottile already wants to remove at least 30,000 euro of assets to any person for a debt that knows that is a scam, that will never repay. Above all things considered, it will not be true that they take away only for the wealthy. Their plan is clear now. It is shortly.

Science fiction? Fantaeconomy? Maybe, but the truth will always learn too late. And maybe a nice and empty pockets already.