Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wedding Sayings Koozies


The bag has it Andrea!
The plan has succeeded ...
I still can not believe it is spun smooth.
Everyone has his right hand, every movement has been corrected and the end ...
we put him in the ass.
There 's been like had to go anyway ...
little something that can always escape, but ... at the end ....
we won.
... Ah ... Ah, Ah!
And now we have 8 million €.
I'm leaving. I have not told the others but I take my hand and walk away. Before I make a trip and then I buy a house somewhere.
Maybe in Mexico ... or the Canaries.
A brilliant plan. A great idea and now we have passed all the thin line that divides our lives than before, than now. From
good people, to be honest citizens band of thieves ... the jump is shorter than you might think!
It was worth it though.
Other than Ocean's eleven or twelve or thirteen, fourteen ... My plan was enough to 8 people. Indeed 8 people and a half.
We were the unexpected, the children of good people, old friends, employees naive on which you can do always reliable, the guys with the desire to have fun and live with little money. Today we have become what the newspapers call SanSalvario Connection!
But think you ... just us. We define professional computers, with international criminal masterminds behind it. We are looking at five different countries: they knew ...
all began one day in January: they call me on the phone to the office and I propose a meeting to create a truly exceptional service. Who do I call an old friend of mine, a fifty-named Piero with a past as a dealer of used and this fact of small business, consulting and brokerage ... in short, a ammanicato affaracci. We meet in the lunch break near the my office and shows an Audi 80, a model of the 90s, and yellow leather interior. I smiled as he left the car and a small compliment on the originality of the car. We have not even greeted trying to sell me the car.
reply that I'm still finishing my Kia used to pay and then he offers me a percentage if I can find someone interested.
good start ....
We say goodbye and let's have lunch.
At that point I really presents a situation unthinkable.
I said he was recently in Egypt and casually that he had spoken with a guide of a small locket that keeps him in the house for forty years. He got it from a girlfriend of the time, that the father had an employee of a major Italian company engaged in water supply until the 70s in the construction of water systems in Egypt.
So, dig and dig to push through pipes under the ground of the Egyptians and ending here in my pocket a set of objects, stones, pendants with strange hieroglyphic drawings. He shows me a picture of a small pebble of irregular shape no bigger than two fingers. On the one hand did not draw anything on the other hand we see a stylized bird species and a bundle of wheat ears: "I did see these photos in Egypt and they told me that this is the fragment of a pendant, symbols are those of the reign of a Pharaoh who lived about two thousand years before Christ. Si chiama Semiro. Mi hanno anche detto che non sono il primo ad avere un oggetto del genere, perché gli Italiani che sono andati a lavorare lì nel dopoguerra sono stati molti e in tanti sono ritornati a casa con le tasche piene. Vorrei sapere quanto può valere”.
“Possiamo scrivere un articolo – gli rispondo io – e così abbiamo l'opportunità di incontrare ufficialmente uno studioso, magari un responsabile del museo egizio o qualche professore dell'Università. Lui ci dirà sicuramente che cos'è prima di tutto e poi se ha veramente un grande valore e se è appartenuto al faraone Semiro, potrebbe indicarti chi è disposto ad acquistarlo”.
In quel momento, anche se una situazione like I had never happened before, I just wanted to finish the meeting and return to my day of hard work to accomplish.
"And if we were to sell it to one of the magicians, the kind you see on TV - I answered him - .. you know like Solange or Othelma. Those who give celebrities television luck amulets. You have their references. Clearly there is a good percentage for you. "
I thought to myself: it seems to me absurd. I do not know if it is original and this guy wants me to get into something that could be a scam. I could already see myself being chased by
Striscia La Notizia.
"All I can do - I answered - is accompanied by someone who has the power to tell us if it is authentic or not. Can I request a meeting with the excuse that I need information to assess if the news is publishable or not. What do you think? "
" But you do not have any reference type Simona Ventura or any player. You know that these are people willing to offer a Fracci money. "
His insistence on my nerves but I already gave in that case not calmly stepped back a step.
"If you take this route you'll need to do it alone, I can help you. If you choose to know what it's worth, I can give you a hand. "
"Then so be it"
We drank coffee and he paid the bill. I had a small dislike for I had just heard and made sure I told the amused even mine.
Something inside me lit but not his wacky ideas to sell the pendant, dishonestly, but the possibility of inventing something ... maybe. I certainly find the right person and see if this whole story was nonsense or not. Meanwhile I had the opportunity to write a story rare, a bit 'mysterious throat and would do well to my fellow jackals of the major newspapers.
The next day I called Peter and asked him if he was still convinced of wanting to write the article and if I am authorized to make searching our party. I said yes. I waited for it to pass the day, che prima i miei colleghi e poi i miei titolari se ne andassero dall'ufficio.
Alle 18,30 uscì anche l'ultimo il solito grafico lento come una quaresima, o come si dice da noi, come una giornata senza pane.
Avevo 45 minuti di tempo prima che arrivassero gli addetti alle pulizie.
Avevo già il numero con me del museo Egizio e conoscevo anche l'addetto all'ufficio stampa, ma prima andai a cercare il nome del faraone Semiro su Wikipedia. Esisteva veramente ed era vissuto circa due mila anni prima di Cristo. Bene, pensai, almeno non mi facevo una figura di merda colossale.
Telefonai.... “Buongiorno... anzi buonasera, sono un giornalista della rivista Gate, vorrei parlare con l'ufficio stampa: Barbara Desiderio”.
"I try to see if it is still in office - I was told by a switchboard - ... stay in line." Part
a classical music, Vivaldi.
"Barbara wanted to be ready with whom I speak?"
"I'm Robert Peller, managing editor of the magazine Gate
" Good evening is a bit 'that we feel, has received our press? "
" Yes, but not for That's why I call it. Indeed I am sorry for the time. I would have some important news about discoveries and I need to talk with your advisor. If I'm working with Professor Tosi you? I had met him for the inauguration of the new exhibition "
“Sì è ancora qui ma in questi giorni non c'è perché è stato invitato per una importante mostra a Chicago. Lo troverà la prossima settimana, dovrebbe tornare in ufficio lunedì mattina. Vuole il suo cellulare?”
“Sì grazie, ma visto che devo aspettare mi potrebbe lasciare anche il suo indirizzo mail, così magari guadagno un po' di tempo e fisso già un appuntamento”
“Si certo, anzi visto che oggi abbiamo fatto 30, facciamo anche 31. Le mando subito una mail con i riferimenti di Tosi tanto il suo indirizzo l'ho già... è quello a cui mando sempre i comunicati. A tal proposito il prossimo mese organizziamo una serata evento in cui il museo rimarrà aperto fino alle undici in occasione della mostra i d...”
“Mi mandi tutto così le prometto che sul prossimo numero mettiamo almeno una breve nella pagina degli appuntamenti. Mi richiami, se vuole, fra quindici giorni che saremo in chiusura.”
“Va bene grazie, allora le mando i riferimenti... buona sera”.
“Buona sera”.
Mi attaccai nervosamente al mouse cliccando continuamente sul tasto invia/ricevi della mia posta. Niente, poi ancora niente, niente alla terza, quarta, quinta volta. Alla ventesima circa appare la scritta scarico 1 di 1. Finalmente!
Ci mette un casino di tempo però... che cazzo è andata ad allegare sta qua... Ecco finalmente la mail: cinque foto sull'evento, the press release, the two texts with life, death and miracles of the Director and two lines with references to Prof. Adelmo Tosi.
Fuck you, it took a lot!
sent to printer.
I have time to pick up the paper, the printer and open the office door I hear:
"I'm sorry I did not know that there was still someone ..."
"Do not worry ma'am, I turn around and walk away, if not lost at home to give me. "
I took my things and went home. The day after I wrote the mail during lunch and the signing began, the number of mobile phone. Perhaps hoping to hurry, because something inside me told me that the situation could become a long and demanding and that he would led, as usual, a Fracci loss of time.
but decided to remain vague, and spend some 'if you do not they will be looking professor from a small meeting to have a direct and professional opinion on what I was going to write.
So I told him some dancing ... that the object was owned by a gentleman who had found among the boxes in the cellar, who had spoken of a pharaoh to whom we did not know the name but you had to call type Samaron, Simirion .. etc..
Something amazing happened.
It was ten to two in Turin, not even eight o'clock in the morning in Illinois. It already received an email from Professor Tosi.
He said this: "Dear Peller, some items that belonged to the noble classes of ancient Egypt, came into Italy in the last 40 years in a rather mysterious. I do not deny the validity and authenticity in advance, for this reason then, but these objects, if they really were such, would have an immense value and could also open an international crisis situation. All the more so in recent years have adopted a policy to return items to their home country, through the mediation of organs museum. These days we are working hard to organize a major event that will take place at the museum next month in Turin, Feb. 29. I am available for a meeting on my return in Italy that do not take place until next week. I will contact the phone number he left in the mail queue. Thank you for choosing me as a reference for his service and would ask, given the delicacy of the situation, to defend the secrecy of the fact. "
Something sounds strange, but there and then took it as an act of a zealous man of science. Because usually, whenever I contact someone who has a job so demanding, I've always difficult to get a meeting on the first try. Especially when it comes to writing an article and does not bring anything significant to another. Or rather, that no other advertising. Is a different matter when it comes to artists, di primo piano, che si rendono sempre disponibili in occasione dell'uscita di un loro film, di un disco o di un libro. Le marchette che guidano l'informazione, è proprio così, ha ragione Piero Chiambretti.
Lasciai perdere il discorso e non ci pensai quasi più, per il resto della settimana. Il martedì successivo venni chiamato al cellulare.
"Signor Pelleriti, sono Tosi del Museo egizio"
"Buongiorno... e ben tornato. La ringrazio di avermi chiamato immediatamente".
"No ringrazio io lei per avermi contattato. Mi dica quindi"
"Le chiederei di fissare un incontro, io mi preoccupo di contattare il proprietario e di accompagnarlo da lei con l'oggetto in questione. A quel punto vorremo sapere un suo parere originality and a bit 'of history about it ... provided that it is an original. I so far I've only seen in pictures. If it is a fake, even now I offer an apology for the inconvenience, but must understand that bear an opinion as technical and vocational education, is part of the protocol of our profession. Especially in a situation where you have to prove actual attempt to write the truth. "
" I understand, I understand ... preferable that, at least for now, the meeting takes place in privacy and anonymity, then we will decide after seeing the object ".
" Yes, yes, even for me it is better not say anything ... so as not to burn the news. When we meet So what? "
" We ... Friday. At seven in the evening can be good? "
" For me, yes, also ask the owner. If I leave her number will call tomorrow for confirmation "
" Perfect, if you call me before 18, I am in the office ... the number of the museum, of course. "
" I will do so, good night "
" Good evening, good evening. "
still doubt that thin, that taste out of tune. There was something wrong, not so much in words as intentions. Before responding quickly to my email, then just call me back and what was wrong now is this request for confidentiality expressed even before I did myself. For me it means preserving freshness of the news and the possibility of avoiding a fine figure of shit ... but for him ... I was him I would live in this situation, almost useless as a nuisance in a life certainly the most important commitments, tons of work and tight deadlines.
will be zealous, I thought once again ...
phoned shortly after Piero, he immediately gave me his willingness to meet and so on Friday, after another week of work sick, I met with the recruiter with the Audi yellow friend, to go to the Egyptian Museum . I met him at the cafe Lumiere, while drowning the thoughts of a different life sipping an apple croissant and a Moroccan hot.
"So we're late," he said
"No, we need ten minutes to go up to there. So we walk"
"Hey Roberto - he tells me - would not have been better to contact some famous, such as I know ... Simona Ventura. If you know these people learns that it is a lucky old is capable of paying hundreds of millions. "
Aridaglie, I thought ... the seller for a job becomes mentally ill. Would be able to sell a piece of paper saying that it is truly a document that belonged to Napoleon.
"For now we need to know if it is authentic, otherwise we can not write anything. At that point, if someone calls in the newsroom, let you know. And then, should happen, I do not want anything. Take it as a favor to a friend."
"Ma stai scherzando - mi rispose quasi infastidito, come se parlasse con un alieno che veniva da un altro mondo - per te c'è il 20%. E' che mi preoccupano questi dei musei, mettono in mezzo le leggi, alla fine non ti danno nulla... e se tu non accetti di consegnare il pezzo ti denunciano".
"E tu gli dici che non trovi più il pezzo, che lo hanno rubato e intanto da sta sera lo nascondi in qualche posto sicuro".
Non so come mi venne, però era una bella furbata e in più partorita in un decimo di secondo. In verità non vedevo l'ora di finire sto incontro, tornare a casa e iniziare a godermi il week end.
"Comunque ti sei ricordato di portare la pietra, il ciondolo o quello che è ?"
"Sì è qui in tasca" mi disse.
"Allora andiamo".
Pagò anche questa volta il conto, salutammo il proprietario che ci sorrise sotto i baffi, visibilmente stonato dalla lunga giornata a cui mancava ancora qualche fatica, per volgere al termine. Arrivati al Museo fummo accompagnati al secondo piano. Il Professor Adelmo Tosi, non ci fece aspettare per troppo tempo.
"Buona sera professore, io chiaramente sono il giornalista e lui è il signor Piero Maianelli".
"Buonasera, ditemi quindi..."
Piero non dice una parola e prende una scatolina per gioielli, la apre e dal cotone tira fuori una pietra bruna e piatta dalla forma ovale, non più lunga di tre centimetri.
"Pensi è stata in uno box in the cellar of an uncle, who knows how many years or centuries ... "
How many bales could pull out and knew how to speak, in a manner indubitabile.Il professor put on his latex gloves and put an eye monocle with a strong magnifying glass. He said nothing, and then moved under the light and looked even better, then opened a drawer from which he pulled out a note pad, sat down and began to write something.
"I can write myself Professor something ..? "I said with a joke that was well understood what really mattered to me quell'avanzo tiny history. For me it meant another good excuse to build three or four pages, well written and curious that they would resulted in no more than a few phone calls and some curious mail question. Maybe I would have called by the press or from the Republic to find out more, even more likely to have directly contacted Piero.
"Yes it's original"
Piero came on and sat with your back straight.
"It 's a coin of the Pharaoh, such as those that were included in the coffin with the corpse of the king, to pay the pledge to Anubis. I can not yet confirm the exact membership but I can say that this is thousands of years before Christ ".
"What can be worth?" Piero asked without a hint of patience. The professor put his monocle in his eyes and looked at Peter, then he looked strange in the midst of my pupils.
"If you reported is worth nothing - he began the professor, freezing the blood of my friend in an instant -. The laws are clear, belongs to Egypt and there must come back. Definitely would be taken directly to the national museum in Cairo. But to make sure that does not disappear tonight, or I do not come to say, in a few days, that was stolen, we can find a broker, who purchases it to you and to do it then find somewhere. These objects are not just about economics and history. They also have political value. I do not know if I can understand "
I felt a fool, the largest smart thinking that I could conceive this matter had been humiliated in a handful seconds. But now you realize the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking some money.
"And how much would be willing to mediate the broker?" He said Piero still in transit from full treatment.
The professor first hesitated and then: "I will tell you for sure in a few days ... let's say it is a symbolic € 5 000 ...."
"too symbolic, at least ten thousand," said Piero promptly, according to his professional protocol.
"Mr. Maianelli, we're not selling a car ... the price and then decide it is not thought that if they were entering at this time the officers of the Guardia di Finanza also that I could contact, making them wait in another room , there would be issues money to talk about "
I miss your breath for a moment, then I thought I was visibly stiffened ... or a thousand or two thousand euro for me. Well better than a kick in the ass. I guess I did not waste any time .. .
"And no articles - said turning to me - at least until we agreed the passage of the object. In that case, if it is quick, will be the first "
will be the last thought, a bit 'of time, in this case I'm treated well and are a bit' a doormat.
" I call a few days Mr. Pelleriti - Tosi ended - for now me and you, Mr. Maianelli we never met and she has never been here. Instead Mr. Pelleriti you have a company mobile phone and my phone call a few days ago, would be easily traced. Will say that he came here to talk about the event on February 29, the one that will meet in Turin, the editors of the world's top five museums dedicated to ancient Egypt: Cairo, London, Chicago, Tokyo and Turin in fact ".
"All right - I said as a child of primary school, put in place by the school teacher - something its called"
us away from the Egyptian Museum and returned to San Salvario. ate from Sakura and Piero regretted for not having contacted any character
famous "... I know a player, or a valley, for example, by Simona Ventura
If he said it again impales him with chopsticks.
"However, it is an acceptable figure - ended -... and you get 10%, as we had decided" I'm
piece of m..
"I had not spoken by 20%?"
"And you thought you said that was to be a favor to a friend? With the business we know how to do a little better than Roby continues to write."
The next morning I woke up with a compelling thought. I had forgotten to send an email with a request to interview one of the character on the publisher.
I got the mail and downloaded it ...
Then everything changed.
Not all errors are indeed a silver lining ....
Tosi made a mistake, he sent an email to me instead of writing it to the right recipient: that Mr Toseland, of Boston. Then I get another identical to the first addressed to Prof. Takanashi in Tokyo. Talk Stone Piero, calls it the currency of Samir. He says he is willing to accept an offer and lets you know the man from Boston who has already offered Takanashi ... € 4 million. A Takanashi ago from Boston know too that Toseland is now willing to offer the same amount. In the face of zealous ... I'm wise guy.
it clear that the object was guarded by other persons whose residence did not know either, and that no name would not come into his possession until 29 February.
What was he thinking of doing? Perhaps to protect themselves from possible attacks, ambushes and theft? I do not know. I was amazed as ever and decided not to talk to Peter. Do not believe what I saw written, I read it again and made a half-laugh.
I went home and took dogs with Martina Valentino walked up along the way Galliari, stop at the market stalls in Piazza Madama Cristina. Then came the grass started to pull the same old ball to Amanda and Lulu.
began to tell the story without giving too much weight.
Suddenly the phone rang, interrupting the story that was almost at the most beautiful spot, then continued with a smile suspended to launch and collect the ball in perfect silence. Then
like thunder ... I thought that greenhouse lips.
hands continue to collect and run in automatic mode ...
thought goes on ... and more ... more without stopping. Martina
close call with: hello back to me later and puts the phone in his pocket and asks me "So ...?"
I look in my face ... a bit 'bleached ...
"I need a band."


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