Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Acrostics Poem For Islam

CAPITOLO TERZO: Il primo dei due giorni incredibili, che hanno cambiato per sempre la nostra vita.

author's note : I wanted to go ahead and present this week a double chapter!

The awakening was a nightmare. I had a stiff neck, the belly was hurting, my throat dry. Or was it the tension, or Area coffee drink made me ill .... Silvia I had not had coffee in the end.
Agimmo as we had not decided and we all left together, went out of the house before two of them, I waited three minutes exact watch, then walked. My brain is shaking like mad, all I could do I did: I put one foot before the other and I kept my head down.
I looked up only when I found myself at the entrance of the church. Martina astride the bench with an open magazine and mobile phone in hand, I saw the corner of my eye and then turned his gaze elsewhere. Once inside, I looked between the present and tried to glimpse the figure of Tosi. I do not seemed to see him. But I saw
Teo sat in a pew on the left, among the last to the end of the church. I then went right and I posizionai few rows in front of him, on the edge of the central corridor. He could see me and Tosi would have necessarily had to sit on my right, so I kept the main lane to my left, as an escape route. This was my baby and unnecessary move.
Tosi went to church five minutes later and was seated to my right, as I premeditated. But he had no intention to kill me, even greeted me and shook my hand with sympathy and a bit 'embarrassment.
"I guess you know why this urgent meeting. It will read the mail that I sent by mistake? ".
I just nodded.
" You know, this is a very big deal and there are few but important collection in the world, really willing to shell out the big bucks to have that money. I think and I want to show that the errors are paid, and also saw ... I need an unsuspecting person and I can not be traced, to complete the discussion ... I propose: to be silent with Piero, lend him the money and provide Semir on my exchange. I offer ... 150 000 €. "What a fool I am ...

a moment I turned and saw Teo with his head in his hands and stared down the aisle almost sobbing. It looked like a desperate man, I could not do anything, not even a gesture ... lascai him there to play a part meaningless.
What idiot I am and I become the other idiots.
"What should I do?"
"Look Peller, is to follow a few small details, but all in all this will go to the airport, meet our contact, to accompany him to lunch at the center, let them enjoy a pleasant day ... maybe going around the city, or else ... there will have to face her. Then make the exchange: to give the medal and get my bag. Then must come the opening of the exhibition along with our contact. Entering the front door means, among the guests and authorities. As for the details when I get back I will send an email a casa, che lei dovrà stampare e cancellare immediatamente. E' chiaro?
Nella mail troverà quello che dovrà fare da qui al 29 febbraio e in più, la spiegazione della mia piccola cautela nei suoi confronti. Un'assicurazione diciamo. Non si preoccupi... non è niente di doloroso. Si tratta comunque di un semplice accorgimento, che lei dovrà tenere con sé per essere rintracciabile già da una settimana prima dell'incontro. Vedo la sua perplessità, allora sarò più chiaro: dovrà portare con sé un rilevatore gps... una specie di antennino satellitare, così sapremo i suoi movimenti. Deve capire Pelleriti che lei... da questa mattina... sa troppe cose... ma se si attiene alle regole, non ha alcun motivo to worry. We are serious professionals, we act according to protocols and only take a few precautions.
Tosi, for the first time began to speak in the plural. The thing was not random. It made me realize that it was an agreement, an exchange between criminal organizations. What they were, I was not ever know with certainty, although the identity of one of the two, in the continuation of the story, it becomes obvious and deductible.
"How will acknowledge the contact? Or how he will recognize me? "
" So far no word yet on who to contact, but the buyer will be established in ten days. I will inform you in time for this, as other measures that will follow. For example, I do not know where I will have to take the contact from the moment they land the plane, until the inauguration, because that should remain unknown to me. Everyone here has a role Pelleriti. Some people in fact, apart from me, will be responsible to follow through a simple browser, step by step, but those who will accompany our contact ... and who's going to make things right, in the case does not spin smoothly .. ".
" And where we go after lunch? "
" I just said that I must not know, I do not know, is a precaution. The ports that I know ... the Quadrilateral, or get a massage, or take him ... to see the museum of cinema, or to want to have a sauna. Take her word, and do not tell me never. The precise final important thing right now, I will he decide the time of the exchange. We place and their time. It 's a traditional procedure to avoid deception or the organizational ... still find all these things, so far only hinted at, in the mail. "Tosi turned, sighed:" Poor people - said after watching for a moment behind him Teo -. So young and so devoid of hope. The greeting Pelleriti ... I forgot: if the stone disappears ... I make out. "
" Arr .. .. vd us "I was stunned.
I did not even say yes or no to his proposal, he had already chosen for me. What a shocking situation . Tosi out of the church, Martin and Teo does not come close, as we agreed to make no suspects and no risk.
But I did not understand anything. I did not know whether to be elated or if you feel like a death sentence. Cannon fodder. 150 000 € is true, but something inside me felt wrong. Indeed he thought, to be precise, for the worst. "They pay me here? - I still thought sitting on the pew - But imagine! I will do after the shot and give me a shot at me in the head ... .. and ... hello hello Bob. The money is bait, if something goes wrong they make me out right then and there if it goes straight, however, make me out when you close the account. "
I was very negative but it was Tosi's behavior that made me so, you mostrava docile, colto, raffinato e poi bastava una parola per tirare fuori gli artigli. Se poi ragionavo sui nostri dialoghi, si capiva che non c'era possibilità di paragone, lui senza spostare un dito e senza mai avermi visto prima, mi comandava come un burattino. Sentivo di essere la preda e non uno divenuto complice di qualcuno di importante. Cosa sarebbe stato disposto a fare? O chi per lui? Cosa era l'organizzazione alle sue spalle?
E poi c'era quella mia pazza idea, che in questo momento diventava anche una via di fuga, oltre che di rivalsa. Un qualcosa nelle sue parole aveva lasciato, ancora una volta, aperta una possibilità a quel mio pensiero della mattina precedente. Al mio piano, insomma. Sentii di nuovo il vento spingermi dietro back. But I had to compare exactly what he had just told me, with what I have written in the mail.
I got up, I turned and left the church, half an hour later we were all three at home, each with its own tea and an email printed in hand.
The risk was real, but the figure ... was staggering.
Even Martina played something in those words wrong, and even if he wanted immediately evacuated from the situation, I do not deny the possibility of implementing a plan ... I read it in his eyes.
But the black humor caused by fear and threats left us locked in the room of the doubt.
They were not even eleven o'clock and so we decided to go get a cappuccino al Caffé Lumiere... avevo di nuovo bisogno di aria. Proprio là incontrammo Silvia... meno male; ci raddrizzò l'umore, come sapeva fare da sempre. Una centrale di energia vitale a pieni giri anche di domenica mattina. L'effetto di una spremuta d'arancia in cui hanno immerso un peperoncino. Ma soprattutto un'amica sempre pronta a prendersi cura di noi. Dissi dei miei dolori di stomaco e lei mi pose una mano sulla pancia, improvvisando una miniseduta del suo apprezatissimo Reiki, lì fra i tavolini aristocratici del Lumiere. Poi toccò a Marti farsi reikizzare il collo... non riuscivamo più a trattenerci, si vedeva la nostra tensione in volto. La guardai e le dissi... "Alziamoci da qui e andiamo a casa, che dobbiamo raccontarti una cosa". Finita recreation of air, we came to feel the need to close. When I started the story
Silvia took him in a joking way, as always, but the last two words of Tosi, had a knife pointed at his throat. "Tell him that you just do it. That does not interest you. Give him the money and do it over. In the end we joke and laugh but this is serious people. Mica four neighborhood bullies"
"Silvia Who knows, if I can still pull me back ... got to this point? And who knows, let's face clearly, then it is the right choice to make? still gives me a Fracci money, and this is the point. He, as we speak, she is doing the raise ' auction among Japanese and American. "
"Of course la libertö di poterlo portare dove vuoi fa ridere - mi disse Silvia, dando eco ad un pensiero, che da subito aveva stuzzicato anche il mio ingegno - ...a quel punto, lo potresti anche portare a casa mia. Solo se è un bel tipo Bob, mi raccomando".
A quel punto apparvero delle lampadine sopra la mia testa e si accesero.
Guardai Marti, "Ci vorrei ragionare su", le dissi
"Tanto per dieci giorni Tosi non si farà sentire - mi rispose puntando i suoi occhi blu fuori dalla finestra, verso una vita senza più grane -... guarda che bel sole, Roby. Dopo pranzo, portiamo i cagniacci fuori?"
"Andiamo in cascina? - intervenne Teo, mettendo sul piatto lo stesso disco di ogni domenica - Ci mettiamo là, grigliamo two things ...".
In farm and then there was Andrea Pilar also reached with Paul and Bea.
exit from the highway fell into a form of catalepsy. Arriving at the farm, said goodbye to Andrea unable to unrivet a thought that had started to sew clothes and building bridges, reaching and joining all the others. Those were the days before the first generated and then left hanging, as something that after processing, must ferment. The phrase Silvia had united all. The plan was clear and lucid in my head and I was young traveling far and wide.
Teo spoke to me of the pipework and the transition without barriers, and flowing water from the farm, finally. Everywhere tap came out hours acqua pulita. Quella situazione era quello che più poteva assomigliare al mio umore. Avevo trovato la chiave decisiva. Il pensiero non incontrava più ostacoli e il piano correva giù fino alla fine, entrando in tutti le condutture, in tutte le diramazioni, senza trovare un ostacolo.
Avevo capito come fare. O meglio dovevo risolvere ancora tanti quesiti, ma avevo trovato un modo per farcela.
Li presi da parte e iniziai...
"Ragazzi, mi preme cominciare col dirvi che non sono diventato matto, ma come Teo, Marti e Silvia possono confermare è successa una cosa davvero incredibile..." Dopo aver ripetuto quello che era fin lì successo, iniziò il momento di raccontare il piano che avevo escogitato....
"Lasciatemi finire please ... "The combination of things was really feasible and working together, we could turn the situation to our advantage. We could play at home, controlling the game. Of course I had already caught their interest.
In your opinion, what there might be in there? "I asked Andrea, with a half smile.
" At least twice what he told me in the mail - I replied in a hurry to get down to my application - but as we would satellitori detectors? The email explains that one will bring it to me and the other will be inside the suitcase ... "
" It's not an insurmountable problem - Paul told me - the one you take is equal to you. So we will have one week to study and understand, through trial and error, what is the fastest way to turn it off
...." "Yes, but as we open the suitcase?" Churches Pilar
"E 'is essential here, as I explained before, save time .... "I said and in the meantime Andrea Teo and talked about another particular. Marti was already thinking how to do his part which involved a long process and discuss them with Bea ... meanwhile, was also expected to go to Sardinia, to procure a few things. complex was also the work of Paul, that the lock would have to begin a lengthy study by the Sun the next day.
But the center of the action involved a great performance, a test for Oscar, a difficult and crucial part. And that is why we entrusted to Pilar, who in addition to preparing its part, should give us some 'of acting lessons. Then he needed a mechanism to start the trick, to get the contact into the trap, and last but not least, a place to carry out the robbery.
We went back and forth again with a description of the facts. There we asked all the questions still the case. But the plan seemed to all slip away, so perfect ... Two things have tipped
choices now, and were in fact two answers that had to give Paul. How to open your bag or suitcase, or twenty-four hours in which they were traveling money and how to remove the detector on and off.
But he was the first to believe it ...
"It seems impossible, not even knowing what case it is ... yet I know that I can carry on with the job - I said, smiling but seriously speaking -, studying families of locks, you can get prepared, because they all involve the same way ... with respect to the detector, it might be even easier than it looks ... in fact I was reminded, that we could use to our advantage. I expect also that he carries with it a PDA or laptop to be activated in case of loss of the bag ... or your escape ... Dear Bob. "
were eight, plus an ace in the hole that would have held if necessary and only then that I contacted.
a pact and on that day mischiammo per sempre le carte della nostra vita. Lo battezzammo in seguito: "il primo dei due giorni che ci hanno cambiato la vita".
"Manca ancora una cosa...visto che mi riguarda - disse Silvia - dobbiamo decidere come fare, per essere sicuri di distrarlo nel momento in cui ...
"Qualcosa ci verrà in mente - le dissi - niente di compromettente... si intende".


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