If we spent a restless night or not, later that evening at the farm spent devising the plan, in truth I do not remember anymore.
Instead, what I remember with certainty is that, by next morning, we rush headlong practice in the construction of the plan ...
and it was here that came on the scene of the convenient ...
was necessary to remedy a range of accessories to set up a place, to adapt it to change his appearance. Then they served at least two coats, a bit 'of incense, some illustrations oriental-new age to hang on the walls and products to put in the windows. Martina did not seem to stop, take measurements and wrote a book, leafing through magazines, proofs, then tried to imagine the construction of the room. It summed up their views in quick sketches that showed a Bea. Then a game in one direction while the other put a jacket and scarf to go to another and remedy what was needed.
served a long preparazione, un po' di compensato, vernice, smalti e un viaggio in Sardegna per rimediare i "costumi".
Ma ancora prima bisognava procurarsi un po' di materiale didattico: video, film... Avevo sfruttato, per l'ideazione della situazione del momento del furto, una notizia di cui Paolo mi aveva parlato un po' di tempo prima e che riguardava un misterioso tempio nel nord del Giappone. A quel punto l'avevo unita alla casuale visione di "Profumo di donna" del sabato precedente, che avevo quindi considerato un segno del destino. Ne era scaturita un'idea assurda, ma talmente assurda, che poteva davvero essere credibile. Paolo fornì video, telecamera e film a Pilar, che si mise dalla sera stessa a visionarli in compagnia di Silvia e Martina.
Andrea moved to the lake to go down after the sale, which would in any way needed. Teo Paul
evaluated with the first information came from research on the lock. The Internet can really help to many things, even to plan a successful hit.
passed two or three days of preparation and planning of the project, before we sit back to reflect and think about what we could expect.
And when he happened to stop after the first intoxication and emotional return to thinking about what might happen to our future, and was again on the farm.
It had been three days and in fact, while Paul always churning out new information, while had become a dossier of some fifty pages, expecting that night the arrival of Andrew, who was returning from sale in Stresa. Gustavo
sunset open, bright and fresh young spring of this year, sitting at a table outside, in the farmyard of the farm, with our dogs around in the company, as always, our simple things but with the new an "intricate puzzle ".... to mount.
While the fumes of the grid were waved and slapped by master stoker, which as usual was Teo, the crackling roar of scooter, saw Andrea cross bow, and bend towards us.
had a purse around his neck and a bag of salt in his hand ... and before turning off the wasp mimicked an ancient legend and fact become known to history as:
"the tale of the gardener, the pack of salt and the bag of the Old West" .
A grand entrance on stage, which made us leave the romance to return to the absurd, grotesque, funny and easygoing that share our day.
"It nen 's smart ..." Teo said, laughing. "Andrea know that I have to put here, too, with good will, to see how we have to do to open the bag when it is time ..."
"Give me time to get there .... at least I knew about the lake looking for someone to outsource a bowling club with restaurant and bar. Maybe next week I go on to talk about it a bit and see
'..." "But if all goes well the shot but bowling on the lake in" Big Butt "- I answered - we open a hotel in the Caribbean where you will".
That joke pulled there by chance, brought us all back down. We wondered, what do we do with that money and how much it was? Where did we put it? Each gave an idea, but the final one was that of Andrea set in motion to activate its neighbors knowledge, which would be employed to create accounts in foreign banks for each of us.
was a trusted man for our young organization and its external role deserved a code name, that in this case we decided it would be: Lionel Richie.
So if we had the money in hand, we could really put it in a safe comfortable manner.
Everyone would have done what he thought best and that was enough to ensure that the imagination of us all, is put in motion, crossing borders, opening paths hitherto unexplored and unexpected. Were hundreds of thousands of euro each could have been really thinking about buying a home. Or to find something great that could hold us all: our own a farmhouse or a villa by the sea.
What he meant a hit like that ... was to always forget the word "lease", abolish the rate of our cars, our mortgage. But perhaps more ... Change
"Come with us to Paris," he said Pilar.
"For sure I retire and travel the world for six months ..." I said.
"I go to Thailand and Australia - -. Teo added, then come back and I try to restore a beautiful place, perhaps ... a house in the woods."
"Maybe a nice tour of the world for six months - said to him, Martinez - ... but then I go back and I take an old house campidanese in Sardinia and we build a farm with Bed and Breakfast ...".
We stopped from dreaming, when we got to the point where Andrea explained the project to buy a boat together and make a floating restaurant on Lake Mergozzo. At that point I realized that with the world front from which to choose, the freedom of imagination to have hundreds of thousands of euro and then think about going to live in navigating the waters of the smaller lakes in the district of Piedmont, just wanted to say that Andrew was a victim of the spell of the lake .. .
But this union with the water and the dream of a few days earlier, were later able to create the ultimate piece of 'intricate matter.
Meanwhile he had made time to return to our homes and start the week. We would have an appointment for the following Wednesday, by Paul, to address another fundamental question of the plan. As we opened the suitcase?
The following Wednesday, after the pizza company's award-winning BEA & Paolone, a couple of beers and some tea, we came once more to the table to discuss.
At that point, you should find out how to open the bag, remove the detector satellite and destroy it, take the money and run away as far as possible, looking for a way in which it would have been impossible, or at least difficult to follow. Thinking
the detector in the suitcase, we went back to my thinking also. In what I would have given Tosi. Just that evening
expired ten days after our meeting in church, and he had not yet been felt.
One thing we decided together, from the moment I would be entrusted with the receiver, it would have been safer to meet others.
I would have stayed away from everyone, for the last ten or seven or "how-would-have" days that have preceded the coup. I slept in my old house, and I attended a neighborhood far different from San Salvario for detecting after any inquiry or investigation.
Develop a plan to keep in touch every night and also adopted a strategy to make in order to communicate or to show Paul my transmitter to make sure that he could study. In fact, he would have been available to those few days to figure out how to cancel the signal, as soon as possible. Was essential, the day of the theft, in fact, turn it off immediately, because we could not predict the exact moment when the "contact", would choose to exchange and you would notice the theft. And especially when he tried to trace the bag, through the computer or PDA that would have brought with them.
study something really witty, for the same evening that I would have been delivered to the device. We were keen to be part of, me and Paul, for some 'time, a promise for an exit to the cinema and we decided that when the time would come, we would finally went to see the latest film by the Coen brothers .... but pretending, of course, not to know.
Regarding the theft of the bag, Be prepared to opportunities. Only that morning we knew that it would be held, and we would have no more than two hours to a Vespa with a driver and peeled, to find another identical in Turin.
I also had to rely on providence, but in the meantime during our last meeting at the farm we decided to get us to do for us then do not panic. In the three days that elapsed between the two meetings, we had employed to draw up a list of stores that sell luggage near San Salvario and these organize a table to write down the brands handled by each task. We move all carpet, entering shops and pretending to go shopping. And that evening we joined all Paul le annotazioni raccolte, creando un semplice foglio di calcolo Xcell.
Ora il problema era come ci saremmo dovuti comportare, quando sarebbe arrivato il momento dell'apertura della valigia. Le possibilità erano diverse: se fosse stata una borsa morbida si sarebbe potuta tagliare e a quel punto sarebbe intervenuto Teo, che nei paraggi avrebbe tenuto una sua cesoia. Ma se fosse stata rigida si sarebbe stati costretti a intervenire sulla serratura.
"Per aprirne una determinata serie, diciamo i gruppi di serrature per valigie più venduti - ci disse Paolo - bisogna semplicemente usare un caccia-vite, facendo leva e scardinando le due serrature. Altre invece hanno dei meccanismi meccanici a rotella, quelle classiche con le combinazioni di numeri da allineare. On this I noticed that in some cases just a magnet to move inside the barrel locks, bringing them to the point of alignment, and then opening. If it was a tight lock, ie like those of the doors of the house but on a smaller scale, with small keys, it will seem strange, but the most effective is a hammer! Yes, a hammer a nail to be inserted into the latch, so that the blow backgrounds, making the bottom of the latch so the attachment to jump suitcase ... then just pull the two latches and open the bag. "
" How did you learn all these things in ten days? "He asked Martina
" I found some manuals that I tried to translate from Japanese and then I did some tests. "
" Paul do you think we have time to open it? We meet with unpleasant surprises when the time comes? "
" I honestly do not think so. I have already evaluated at least five different methods to open a suitcase and I think that there are not many, because the models that I'm going to look ahead, are not locks that could be called ... rare. So I think when we find that damn suitcase is, we already have in mind the technique to be used to open it. But we should know as soon as possible ...".
"Do not worry about this - I answered - I have something in mind to gain the maximum possible time ... But some of us ... will be forced to take a trip, even before you start anything. "
" You mean that Marty will be in Sardinia - I answered him, carefully rearranging his dossier, all the sheets on the locks of the bags - I know you must go to take the products and gowns, but then come back here in a few days "
" No, I mean someone the day of the coup, should be somewhere else "
" Where? "
" This tells me Tosi ... but to date has not yet been felt. Missing exactly twenty days. "
looked at Paul and ordered the paper noted that" We have all become crazy, in your opinion? - I asked, abruptly changing the point of view - It 's one of those cases of collective madness? Eh Paul ... I put in a mess? "
" No Robbie, you made us see a train passing on the run and you told us that we could jump up all together. But I needed a band ... here it is. "
" Here - Martina intervened - the band is all about how you thought Bob, and each has its part and this part I tell you that everyone wants. Not turning back now. Or we will be crazy, or we will be the genes. We'll know on February 29 this year Bisesti. Meanwhile, look around: you ... The inside guy, the look, the escort, the relay, the curandero, the place, the thief, the fugitive and the ace up its sleeve ... which among other things not yet said who it is ... "
" Paul knows "
" About Bob, have already agreed to do a couple of tests tomorrow, Friday. So much is there to work. You there? "Paul told me, making me notice that he had also already taken care of this aspect would still concerned.
" Of course there are - I said, found that while no one around me felt the slightest desire to quit the project, even though we were so inexperienced. Then I turned to my first party - Marty is so ... We did go down this raft from its moorings and we must get to the valley, the more current goes, the more strong. You're right. We go down to the end, as we promised. By the way you named the place in your list ... to finally decided then? "
" Yes - and turned to Paul - the best place as we thought this is it. It 's the most suitable and has two outputs, which are essential for people not to risk ... especially Bea
"And then it will be the case - said Paul agreeing to having to give his services - but no damage."
"Do not worry Paul - said Martin - creating a stage set up on plywood ... the only thing that will ride on a pulley and then we will find something that could pass for a cot. "
the phone rang and I thought it might be ... but it was Piero Tosi
" Hello Roby ... okay? "
" Yes, hello Peter, I'm fine and you?
"Well ... well. I wanted to know if that Tosi had done more to hear? They told us he would call ..
"I said that I would call these days, but for now nie ..."
"Ah so you did you hear that?"
"No. .. but that. He sent me an email to give me some information about who will organize the next event at the Museum, and told me that I would call within ten days. But as I said. There has been still feel ... "
"Hey Roby, and if we are going to tell everything to some other newspaper? Tosi Maybe raise the price?" What
rompicogl ... I'm Peter. Do I absolutely forbidden to do anything or even just get reminded of it. But then what if I do not dà la pietra? Sarebbe un guaio, mi potrebbe anche far saltare il piano. Intanto dovevo inventarmi qualcosa per distoglierlo dai dubbi.
"Piero quello è un tipo preciso, ascoltami. Vedrai che domani mattina mi avrà chiamato e avrà già fissato l'appuntamento. Se vuoi però gli posso parlare io e vediamo se il prezzo del silenzio, ha anche un po' più valore...bravo mi hai fatto venire una bella idea. Poi ti ricordo che è meglio soprattutto per te, che hai rinvenuto l'oggetto, di non far sapere nulla alla Polizia o alla Guardia di Finanza. Non pensare a certe sciocchezze, bisogna avere solo un po' di pazienza. e sangue freddo... e alla fine, saremo premiati".
"Va' bene... ma senti, per cambiare discorso: is not that there is someone among your friends who are looking for a car? Why do I have to hand a business, it is a Grande Punto 2005, those you know a little 'hail ... has not been practically used. This is a sole proprietor who has held senior two years in a garage and ... "
" I'm sorry Peter, but can be hailed as a senior and then be kept in the garage? Sorry to let out only when he made the hailstorm? Does not sound right? "
" No, what you know ... hail was then bought it and then put it ... hear is the son of a friend of mine. He bought six months ago and has already crashed twice. He wants to make out a little 'well .... I do not know if I you know ... because he wants to take another ... if you know someone for you ... there is always the percentage ... "
" Managgia Piero .... Can not get enough - I finally felt free to tell him face - every time I try to sell a car ... I feel instead is provide the Audi yellow for a day, I have an important business meeting? Or tell me how much you want to rent "
" But you have yours? "
" Yes, but I have to take it to a mechanic and that day I have set an important appointment. From what you tell me? "
" But it's not because ... but infuse you ... do not worry, just expenses. We ... 80 € "
" But Vaffa ... .... Mmm ... okay. You, the already booked and now I'll take February 27, remember. "
I thought to myself, that some people life is always a jungle. All knowledge is valid only in the possibility that brings with it, to be a attractive deal. But that plan made me strong, brave and safe, and just talking with him could make me come the idea of \u200b\u200b'yellow Audi, which was presented at our first meeting. Another piece in my puzzle.
"Piero sure not to tell anybody's currency Semir, Tosi is the only one who can make us earn some money. I'll call you in two days and thanks again for the rebate on the car. "
" Do not worry ... and if you hear someone who is interested in the point let me know ... "
I threw down the phone and went back to finish the evening with others.
Now do was give a hand to Martina and wait for a phone call.
A phone call that would determine the the last details of an almost complete ... and when the phone rang, it was only three days later.
again on a Saturday morning ...