With the festive season there is definitely more time to read. I therefore propose due libretti non voluminosi per numero di pagine, ma come si dice, "di sostanza", per contenuto. Ci sono libri belli, libri buoni, libri utili e libri che sono addirittura necessari .
Ecco, con " La dittatura europea " di Ida Magli, antropologa di chiara fama, e " L'Europa s'è rotta " di Eugenio Benetazzo, predicatore finanziario del tutto sui generis, abbiamo due testi necessari per capire il labirinto mortale europeo che stiamo vivendo .
La dittatura europea - Ida Magli (BUR).
Start from the first book. The reason why this text was created, he has explained them the same shirt in this article . The reason Prince is the output of our country from that area € leading us to ruin. And as she calls herself, " anyone can do it, do it."
an important chapter in the book is reserved for the betrayal of the European monarchies (the English, Dutch and Scandinavian monarchies) towards their respective countries. Then it was the turn of politicians, fearful intellectuals, the media and the Church. The author tells us about the difficulty of finding steadfast allies in countering such a project, which de facto depriving of monetary sovereignty is depriving us of all autonomy and independence outright. So where is the money without the state? But above all, where do people without a state? The Universal Declaration of Human Rights with its egalitarian doctrine resulted from the French Revolution, applied on a planetary scale can be (as it becomes) a formidable instrument of 'global taxation - and the pick to shred the constitutions of sovereign states.
L 'immigrazionismo as an instrument of social decomposition and fragmentation of the cultural unity of the peoples , in the first place and forced invasion and of incitement to ethnic clashes, second. The ultimate goal is the replacement of native and alien masses. The free movement of people, goods and capital, as a dogma of fundamentalism Mercat. The market as the only rule of life, imposed by a blind faith that the blunt has become increasingly against terrorist di chiunque tenti di contrapporvisi. Altri acceleratori di questo becero egualitarismo livellante sono il matrimonio omosessuale, l'eutanasia, le fecondazioni in vitro e gli espianti d'organi, i quali danno vita ad un autentico mercato internazionale illegale di criminali al suo servizio.
L 'immigrazionismo as an instrument of social decomposition and fragmentation of the cultural unity of the peoples , in the first place and forced invasion and of incitement to ethnic clashes, second. The ultimate goal is the replacement of native and alien masses. The free movement of people, goods and capital, as a dogma of fundamentalism Mercat. The market as the only rule of life, imposed by a blind faith that the blunt has become increasingly against terrorist di chiunque tenti di contrapporvisi. Altri acceleratori di questo becero egualitarismo livellante sono il matrimonio omosessuale, l'eutanasia, le fecondazioni in vitro e gli espianti d'organi, i quali danno vita ad un autentico mercato internazionale illegale di criminali al suo servizio.
Su tutto questo sfacelo, i banchieri uber alles e le loro consorterie affiliate in sigle, in "concili" ( council ), in "board" a cui la Magli dedica numerosi capitoli nel tentativo di capire perché il "progetto Ue" col suo famigerato "trattato di Lisbona" è always covered by curtains. "secrecy" and "silence means consent by the world media and intellectual property. Parade abbreviations as MSE (synarchic movement of Empire), the British Institute of International Affairs (Ria), the American CFR this will become even ECFR (European Council of Foreign Relations), Aspen Institute, Club Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, and numerous other international Freemasonry, ancient and modern, as the British Round Table, the Fabian Society, the Pilgrim's Society and so on. What these elites wish for "nation" is easily understood. It 's a concept which is never defined by the presence of a people living in that particular area, with a life of its historical, linguistic and cultural, but that is defined by its system of government. And so, it can be melted, dissolved and brought to merge in this New World Order which is nothing if not a supreme form of dictatorship extended to the entire globe. Subservient to bankers and politicians are watching.
Europe has run route of Eugene and David Benetazzo Porec (Sperling & Kupfer).
bears a disturbing caption: save banks go bankrupt and the states, what will happen to our savings?
The book is constructed as an interview between a journalist "naive" and "incompetent" in economics (or pretends to do the devil's advocate), that David Porec, and financial trader Eugenio Benetazzo, which stigmatizes the wand and continuously in order to better disclose and bringing everyone a difficult subject. In short, a sort of good cop and a gullible against "bad", but knows a lot about the disaster from Greece being extended to all other European states. What is it worth the €? Why such a hurry to make us accept with good or bad? Why countries with weak economies, had to trudge behind a hard-currency "strong"? And the EU as it is structured now have a future? What do we bring the ongoing "rescue" to the countries insolvent? We will go to a meeting of euro Series A for the strongest, and one of Serie B, and the Mediterranean countries (so-called PIGS)?
At the end of the book, a caustic and corrosive afterword by Massimo Fini, who welcomes the pamphlet Benetazzo as an excellent tool to focus on "this model of paranoid development." This was reported verbatim.
The distinction between finance capitalism and industrial capitalism (the "real economy") is a fraud. In fact, the industrial capitalism is based on the same logic of the financial: an inexhaustible bet on a future additatoci continuously, to keep us enough, as the Promised Land, which loses constantly before our eyes with the same relentlessness of the horizon for those who has claim to achieve it. If anything financial capitalism, with its brutality, has the advantage of exposing this trick infamous che dura due secoli e mezzo e che deve finire. E che finirà. In un bagno di sangue, quando crollato questo modello di sviluppo paranoico, la gente delle città , accorgendosi che non può mangiar cemento e bere petrolio, si dirigerà verso le campagne, dove verrà respinta a colpi di forcone da chi, avendo compreso le cose al momento giusto, sarà tornato, come ai vecchi tempi, all'economia di sussistenza (autoproduzione e autoconsumo) in cui il valore di una mucca, a differenza di quello del denaro e del petrolio, resta sempre tale, perché una mucca bruca, trasforma l'erba in latte, caga come Dio comanda e concima, in un ciclo biologico perfetto, e al limite se ne può sempre far bistecche.
Happy reading and Happy 2011!